Category Archives: Calcium

CDC – The Vaccine Fraud – Summary

The Vaccine FraudFor those who have not had the time to read the 6 parts of CDC – The Vaccine Fraud, I am doing a summary so you can take in the salient points.  I know how difficult it is for parents and carers to find information about vaccines, especially when they are only told one side of the story from pharmaceuticals, doctors and other medics. Continue reading CDC – The Vaccine Fraud – Summary

Calcium Supplements for Heart Disease?

Do you want heart disease?CC scan

Calcium supplements for heart disease?  Well, if you want to increase your risk of getting heart disease, you can take Calcium (Ca) supplements!  Perhaps you would like to contract type 2 diabetes or be more at risk of having a stroke.  How about kidney stones, do you fancy them.  Take it from me, they are excruciatingly painful! Continue reading Calcium Supplements for Heart Disease?

What is a Coronary Calcium Scan

what is a coronary calcium scanI want to explain to you exactly what is a coronary calcium scan.  Many will not have heard of it but those who have, may have had one of these tests done.  The test gives a score of the likelihood of getting heart disease.  The higher the score, the more chance of having a heart event.

This image shows severe calcification of the left anterior descending coronary artery (red arrow).  The portion of the circumflex coronary artery within the imaging plane (white arrow).  The aortic root around the origin of the left main coronary artery (yellow arrow). Continue reading What is a Coronary Calcium Scan

Calcium Supplements = Heart Disease

calcium supplementsCalcium supplements are usually not necessary and can be positively dangerous.  I spoke of the dangers of too much Calcium (Ca) in this post, but I want to give you an idea of where Ca can land up in our bodies.  If it is NOT laid down in our bones as most of it should be, this is what can happen.  The following images give an idea of the effects of a Ca overload on your heart and the rest of your body.  99% of Ca should be in your bones with just 1% in your cells, soft tissue and bloodstream. This first image is a three dimensional CTA data set showing calcifications in coronary arteries. Continue reading Calcium Supplements = Heart Disease

Calcium and Bones – you have been misinformed!

bonesThe Calcium Myth

What do you know about Calcium (Ca)?  You know that it’s good for bones and teeth and keeps them healthy and strong, right?  But did you know that Ca, without it’s sister mineral Magnesium (Mg), is positively dangerous! Continue reading Calcium and Bones – you have been misinformed!