Tag Archives: Ca:Mg Balance

Foods With High Magnesium – are you Mg deficient?

Which foods have Magnesium

Magnesium rich foods are now not as rich in Mg as they used to be a century ago. With that in mind, I’ve listed below foods with high magnesium that are known to be more replete in this vital mineral.  Some of our foods that used to have plenty of Mg in are now so depleted that the amount is negligible. 

foods with high magnesium
Kelp Beds Oregon Islands

Continue reading Foods With High Magnesium – are you Mg deficient?

Alternative Treatments for Epilepsy

1 in 100 people are affected by epilepsy, quite a large chunk of the population.  Although it can effect anyone of any age, diagnosis in childhood is common.  But there are alternative treatments for epilepsy, so why aren’t they being used?  I’m not going to get into the types of epilepsy here because all epilepsies induce seizures or fits. Continue reading Alternative Treatments for Epilepsy

Calcium Supplements = Heart Disease

calcium supplementsCalcium supplements are usually not necessary and can be positively dangerous.  I spoke of the dangers of too much Calcium (Ca) in this post, but I want to give you an idea of where Ca can land up in our bodies.  If it is NOT laid down in our bones as most of it should be, this is what can happen.  The following images give an idea of the effects of a Ca overload on your heart and the rest of your body.  99% of Ca should be in your bones with just 1% in your cells, soft tissue and bloodstream. This first image is a three dimensional CTA data set showing calcifications in coronary arteries. Continue reading Calcium Supplements = Heart Disease

What is the Best Calcium Supplement for Women?

Calcium SweetsHere’s a common question – ‘What is the best calcium supplement for women?’  Well actually, the best calcium supplement for women, or anyone else for that matter, is probably not calcium at all!  The correlation between two vital minerals, calcium (Ca) and magnesium(Mg), is so important that I want to tell you about the serious significance of an imbalance between these two alkaline metals. Continue reading What is the Best Calcium Supplement for Women?

Peer Pressure Definition

I did a post a few weeks ago about depression in the elderly.  It is an important subject but just as important is depression in the young which seems to be increasing year on year with one youngster in 10 being on pharmaceutical drugs for psychological issues.  Peer pressure definition goes into why our kids are depressed and stressed.

kid-with-gunKids under pressure

There seems to be so much pressure on the younger generation these days.  Peer pressure for one, which seems to be of the utmost importance to any young person nowadays.  Why the kids can’t be their own person, I don’t know. It seems to be so important for them to be part of a gang or group, even if the members of that group do not have the best of manners or are often into fighting, smoking pot or worse.  This, of course, can lead to a life of crime which the other members often get caught up in. Continue reading Peer Pressure Definition