How many of you have gone to the doctor and been told you should have a Magnesium (Mg) deficiency test? Not many I bet.
So out of those of you that’s had a test, how many were given the Total Serum Mg Test? All of you I suspect.
And of those of you who had the serum test, how many of you were found to be Mg deficient? One, two, none?
So, you’re not Mg deficient, the test says so. What else could it be. Perhaps you are..uhm..calcium deficient. There’s a couple of clinical tests for that and if you are unfortunate enough to be one of those that reacts to these tests, your doctor could come to the conclusion that you are in fact calcium deficient.
A clinical test
So lets look at the common Mg testing procedures in the UK and the US. There are a number of tests that can be used for Mg deficiency and 2 common clinical tests that can be done in the doctor’s surgery. The problem with these clinical tests is they indicate either a Ca or Mg deficiency. Because the tests cannot distinguish between which mineral is deficient and Mg deficiency is deemed to be rare, if the test is positive, it is Ca deficiency that will be presumed and a suitable supplement or diet plan prescribed. As a result, a Mg deficiency, which is more likely to be the case, is overlooked, exacerbated and depleted even lower, causing more problems and symptoms.
For those interested, the two clinical tests are
- Chvostek’s sign which is a twitching of facial muscles as a response to tapping a facial nerve in front of the ear.
- Trousseau’s sign which causes spasm in hand muscles after applying a blood pressure cuff to the forearm below the elbow for 3 minutes, at a level above systolic pressure.
The totally useless total serum Mg test
This is the most commonly used Mg test in the UK and the US. Unfortunately, it is next to useless and invariably gives a false positive result.
It’s no wonder that most doctors think it is very rare to be Mg deficient. They get this duff information from the results of serum tests. The tests comes back normal and patients’ records are updated to reflect this result.
This is what happens when dogma and an inability to change, encumbers the medical profession, making a profound difference to a patient’s diagnosis! This mis-diagnosis could cause incalculable distress and misery for a patient that may have a simple Mg deficiency. So patients are told that Mg levels are normal and they dismiss the fact that a Mg deficiency could be the cause of their condition.
So why is this?
Less than 1% of our body’s total Mg can be measured in blood serum. Most of our Mg is found in bones – around 60% and inside muscle and other cells – around 40%. If magnesium drops in the extracellular fluids, there’s a danger of a heart event. Thus, the body makes sure that the amount of Mg in blood fluids is stable at all times, even when bodywide levels are low. This means, even if you are deficient in this mineral, your body will keep your blood serum magnesium level normal. So the antiquated blood serum test has no value in showing your real Mg levels. In fact, it is positively dangerous because it gives false information and consequently the wrong diagnosis can result, with the wrong treatment and possible improper use of prescription drugs.
The RBC (red blood cell) test
Every cell in our body contains Mg and that includes red blood cells. About 40% of Mg is found in our cells so using red blood cells is deemed to be a more accurate measuring procedure. Even so, it’s still not testing the whole of the body’s Mg levels. Despite this not being an ideal method, it is marginally better than the serum test. Why the rbc test is not done in favour of the serum test, is a mystery. By the way, you can request a test from if you want to get yourself tested, but don’t rely too much on the result!
Educate your doctor?
Your doctor could arrange a rbc test for you if you can convince him of the folly of a serum test. This could be a tricky conversation as many doctors seem to get tetchy if questioned or informed of something they don’t know already. Many patients are nervous about questioning their doctor but this is your health and you have a right to query your treatment and any aspect of your diagnosis. Some doctors though, are grateful for the facts and are genuinly pleased when patients take an interest in their own health.
The EXATest
The third test I want to talk about is the EXATest. This is a test devised by IntraCellular Diagnostics and is used to identify certain minerals within a cell. The test is very expensive so check your insurance or Medicare and see if they cover it.
How it works
This test uses cells scraped from the inside of your mouth. Not in the usual place like for DNA testing ie. the inside of the cheek, but rather from under the tongue close to the bottom teeth. It is called a ‘buccal cell smear test’. Sampling kits are sent to your doctor’s surgery and he then takes a smear using a wooden spatula. It takes no longer than a minute. The scraping is carefully placed onto a microscope slide, left to dry and sent back to the EXATest company. The problem with the EXATest is not many doctor’s even know about it, let alone offer it.
The serum versus the EXATest
Quite by accident, I came across a site about AF (atrial fibrillation). It is run by Travis who suffers from AF. He already knows about the benefits of Mg and that most AFibbers are deficient and asked his doctor for a test, done in early 2013. The test result was normal. He then returned to be tested again in early 2015. The test came back normal, again.
He had heard of the EXATest in 2014 and decided to get it done. After much searching, he found a naturopath that offered the test. The total fee, was a little over $700 but I understand that the cost has come down markedly since then. The result of his test, done just two months after the 2nd serum test, showed him to be Mg deficient, well below the normal range, despite the serum test showing twice that he was in the middle of the normal range.
Other tests?
There are a couple more tests that can be done ie. The Challenge Test and the Blood Ionized Mg Test but the challenge test is inconvenient and needs constant monitoring and the ionizing test is limited to the inventors, the Alturas’ laboratory and for research purposes, at the present time.
So what’s the answer?
Are these false positive results of the serum test the reason why the medical profession think this deficiency is rare? Could it be that physicians are so used to the same old, same old that they are missing something vital to the health of us all? Is this lack of knowledge actually compromising accurate diagnoses and treatments?
In my mind, it would be better not to test at all and just give the patient some good quality Mg. Why is the medical profession not listening to the research that has proven that a large majority of the population is Mg deficient. After all it is not a drug, it is a natural mineral that we all need; us, all other animals and all plant life. Even our farm animals are treated better than us with respect to Mg. Ever heard of ‘grass tetany’?
Why are we not informed?
If the whole population was informed about the indispensable need for Mg it could alleviate a plethora of symptoms, illnesses and cardiovascular problems! It could also save tax payers lives, tax payers money and tax payers misery!
How would you feel without it?
Here are just a few symptoms of Mg deficiency. Remember, everyone is different and each of us will suffer different symptoms in varying degrees of severity. All the conditions listed below have been endured and tolerated by countless sufferers in varying degrees over decades. Mg is vital for recovery from any illness and condition and guards against further disease. The majority of the conditions listed below are not induced by genetics.
ADHD, anxiety, arrhythmia, asthma, atherosclerosis, atrial fibrillation, brain fog, chronic fatigue syndrome, confusion, constipation, cystitis, depression, diabetes, fibrositis, fibromyalgia, headaches, heart disease, high blood pressure, hyperactivity, hypoglycemia, insomnia, irritable bowel syndrome, kidney disease, liver disease, memory loss, migraines, mitral valve prolapse, muscle spasms, muscle weakness, nerve problems, numb hands and feet, osteoporosis, polycystic ovarian disease, preeclampsia, raynaud’s syndrome, restless legs syndrome, shortness of breath, seizures, stroke, syndrome X, tooth decay, tremor, twitches and tics, vertigo.
Perhaps it’s because…
Well, there’s one big drawback with using Mg. It won’t help Big Pharma’s coffers!! Businesses are not interested in a product that doesn’t make money and Mg is a cheap mineral that can’t be patented. Profits will be in jeopardy if patients start getting well and recovering from diseases. If you think Big Pharma’s prime concern is the welfare of its paying customers, think again. Money comes first! Therefore, Mg will not be in widespread use anytime soon from those medics controlled by the pharmaceutical industry.
Take control
There’s only one answer. Take control. Do your own research. A good start would be replete your body with Mg.
Spread the word!

Hi Ches,
I am visiting a cardiologist on Wednesday for an evaluation as to whether I should get a cryo ablation procedure. I have had AF now for 10-12 years and recently it has become persistent.
I’m OK with the ablation procedure, but based on my reading and experience with other cardiologists, I’m confident he will tell me it will only have a 50% or so success rate after 1 year given my age and the persistent condition. I’m not terribly keen on these odds. My Afib is actually very “quiet” – no racy loud heart beat – much of the time I’m not even aware I have it. The main unpleasant effect is shortness of breath.
I have taken magnesium for a few years now – I mix my own Magnesium Chloride according to your instructions. I have never taken the buccal magnesium test – only the serum test which showed normal. I was shocked to read about calcium as I am a lacto-ovo vegetarian quite keen on cheese and eggs (every day). My wife and I also share red wine every evening – sometimes probably a little too much.
I also gave up flecainide about 3 months ago after about 5-6 years of it. My wife described me as green one night when I was not feeling the best. Since giving it up I have not noticed any change in my condition. I am still taking eliquis blood thinner.
My question is – if I choose not to do the ablation procedure, is there a protocol I can adopt that has worked for others – works being the operative word.
I have written to you in the past a few years ago.
I look forward to your reply.
Hi there David,
Thank you for your recent comments. I am so pleased you have stopped the flecainide. It has so many unwanted side effects. As for the ablation procedure, it is something you will have to research for yourself. If it were me and this is my personal opinion, I would not go there before I had exhausted all alternatives. It seems to be a bit hit and miss for many, although some have found it has worked for them. Usually though, the procedure works better for those who have recently been diagnosed.
It is interesting that you are a chef and I wonder if you eat lots of carbs and yummy foods, like a chef I know here in the UK! Do you ever do intermittent fasting? Are you a healthy weight? How about exercise? I am convinced those with A-Fib would benefit from a change of diet and lifestyle. This is a very difficult change to make for some and can be a real challenge. Perhaps more so for a chef! If you are motivated, as I think you are, striving for a healthier lifestyle can reap benefits for you and yours. It can also be a very rewarding challenge which can often include helping others to change their lives for the better also.
I have done this myself, by accident actually. I tried intermittent fasting because I was doing research about its effects. I am now on an intermittent fasting routine which is not as difficult as it sounds. This is just one change I have made to my life. Interestingly, the very first thing I noticed was my on and off arrhythmia stopped. My heart rate reduced to 58 bpm, my energy went up and my cravings for naughty food disappeared. I am a 76 year old woman who is not on any medications whatsoever and apart from not eating between the hours of 8pm and 2pm (eating window of just 6 hours) I eat as much organic as possible. I will not touch any seed oils. I cook with either organic avocado oil (high smoke point) or organic virgin coconut oil. I will only use olive oil cold, using it for cooking oxidises it. I only occasionally eat bread (sourdough), don’t eat much pasta, potatoes or other carbs. You could call it a semi keto diet but I’m not obsessive. I won’t miss a wedding or a dinner cooked by a great chef! But I will return to my way of eating immediately after the treat.
What I will say is there are a number of vitamins and minerals that are a must. Of course, you know about Mg, but have you considered your K (potassium) levels. A definite is zinc, especially for men. The B complex especially B1 (thiamine) and B3 (niacin), for me anyway. B12 is commonly deficient. There is so much for you to learn about your body. Nobody except you knows how you feel, so start really looking into any symptoms you have apart from the A-Fib. Living in Australia, you probably are not deficient in the sunshine vitamin D3 but you can easily get that checked. I take 6,000 IU daily of D3 by way of a spray. Sunshine is at a premium here! Another vitamin recently found to be beneficial for the heart and arteries is K2mk7 which slowly moves excess Ca deposits from soft tissue where it shouldn’t be to the bones where it should be. Mitral valve disease is caused mostly by Ca buildup which inhibits the valve from closing properly. Ca deposits can do all kinds of damage to your heart, arteries and other important major organs, even the brain.
There is a recent little video done by Dr Eric Berg which I give the link for – Dr Berg has a plethora of videos, some are worth a look. He has a youtube site. He also recommends a book called “Beat Your A-Fib” which I have not yet read. Perhaps it will give you some tips. Please look into your lifestyle and see where you can improve it. You will be surprised how it could improve your A-Fib. Good Luck and let me know how you get on.
Is vitamin K2 essential for locking calcium into bone. ?? Note:an acidic body will leach calcium from bone to neutralise because acidic is a dire place for a body to be. How does magnesium get affected by these two processes? How can we counterbalance medical deiuritics(sp) by diet/supplementation?list out the Top ten foods and then herbs/spices/fruit/veg/seafood/condiments
Have a look at this article
As for Mg, this mineral is mainly within our cells, keeping Ca out of the cells until needed. Once the Ca job is done, Mg ushers it back out of the cells. If Ca stays in the cell, because of low Mg, the cell will eventually die. Take a look at the little video at the top right of my site.
Would the 600 mg equally divided into 4 doses a day be the minimum to start with? I had always been healthy and active and bam all of a sudden I was diagnosed with RA back in 1993. And since then, my health deteriorated more and mid last year I was diagnosed with CKD Stage3b which I’m sure the meds for RA contributed to the CKD, which no Drs informed me about till Stage3b, when I changed rheumatologist. So Mg could have been the culprit to begin with, and of course more calcium has pushed on me to take all these years as well. Please state again the form of Mg to use. My eyes are being opened to so many things since I’ve started to search for solutions.
Thanks, Dolores
Hi there Dolores, I’m sorry to hear of your rheumatoid arthritis and kidney disease. The problem with meds is, they do deplete Mg as do most other pharmaceutical drugs. Drugs cause stress to the body and Mg fights this and therefore is depleted easily when the body is stressed.
When starting Mg, please start slowly to get the body used to the influx of this mineral that has been depleted over such a long period of time. Sipping your doses throughout the day is a good way, so I would start on the first day, with 300mg in a glass of water. Keep the water by your side so you remember to take a sip every now and then until it’s all gone by the end of the day. If you feel OK and there’s no laxative effect, slowly start upping your dose over the next few days.
Everyone is different and with your conditions, you will need to take account of how your body feels. No one else knows your body better than you do. If you feel better, then your body will give you positive signals. Each of us needs a different amount of Mg but I would presume that your depletion has been increasing over the years. Did you read the post ‘What is Magnesium Chloride’?
I would suggest you try and find a naturopathic doctor, who is also a medical doctor. Most MDs have no idea how vital Mg is and many will even tell you not to take it! I would avoid taking Calcium other than in food. Nutrition, vitamins and minerals are not covered at medical school. The book The Magnesium Miracle by MD, ND Carolyn Dean is a great reference book on all things Mg. Good luck and I sincerely hope your health improves quickly!
Hi Ches,I really would like to know how much magnesium to take and which one is best, I don’t sleep well, have neck and back problems and also have IBS an Fructose Malabsorbtion, my Daughter has been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis and has a lot of join pain and dose not sleep well, please help and also do we need to check how much calsium we have need off ? Angela
Hi Angela and I’m sorry you’re feeling under the weather with insomnia and neck and back pain as well as IBS. Perhaps it would be better to have a look at my What is Magnesium Chloride post. This explains everything about the different Magnesium (Mg) salts you can take, although not all are available as a supplement. Your daughter could be getting too much Calcium Oxalate which can be responsible for kidney stones, gout, rheumatoid arthritis and chronic vulvar pain (vulvodynia). It’s difficult to avoid oxalates. The alternative is to make sure your Mg levels are equal to your Calcium (Ca) intake. Both these necessary minerals need to be equally balanced to work their best. It is difficult not to take in too much Ca as it is in much of our food and is added by food manufacturers to many items. Whatever you do, do not take antacids. They are usually full of Ca Carbonate which is in fact just chalk. Tums are a prime example. They look like sweets and unfortunately many people eat them like sweet. This can add vast amounts of Ca. Too much Ca is toxic so be aware of your intake. Don’t take any Ca foods or drinks before bed. Do you get cramp a lot? If so, this is a sure sign of excess Ca and a Mg deficiency. Ca is the mineral of tension, Mg is the mineral of relaxation. Get them balanced and you may find many of your pains and other conditions start to disappear.
Great article and useful information. I have been in a magnesium deficiency test and I had a significant magnesium deficiency. It was the times I wasn’t living healthy and had serious health issues and very bad inflammation-related diseases and long hospital periods. However, I will take a further look at your website and explore some articles more!
Thanks for your comment Jesse and I’m sure you will find some useful information for the conditions you may be suffering. Even if your health is good, taking magnesium will keep it that way. It is a vital mineral that most of the population is depleted in. Athletes are particularly prone to side effects from a magnesium deficiency. This is especially if they push themselves to the limit. Take a look at this post about athletes
In time past I basically have blood tests for magnesium and it happens that they aren’t the most accurate, since our body stores over half of its magnesium in the bones and soft tissues. Afterwards it took me a long time before I understand that l’ll need to test my intracellular magnesium levels, not your serum magnesium.
It’s a pity most doctors seem to be uneducated about how to test for magnesium. The problem is the serum test often throws a false positive, so most doctors think that their patients are magnesium replete, which is generally not the case. Thanks for your input.
An interesting article and website with much information on magnesium deficiency symptoms and remedies. Being a Dr, I am very interested in learning as much as possible to help my patients. Knowing about natural vitamins and minerals gives us another tool to treat conditions that could be due to imbalances and deficiencies.
Thank you Dr Baker for your comments. It is gratifying to know that some doctors are seeking remedies from all quarters to complement or even replace pharmaceutical drugs. I always say that an MD who is also an ND is a doctor that uses the best of both remedies. Natural when possible and pharmaceuticals only when natural treatments have been exhausted.
Oddly, Mg makes me giddy.
I sleep better with Mg supplement. It also improves my stable angina symptoms… which allows me to play tennis. Oddly, the Mg makes me giddy to the point of being less focused on the game… or driving for that matter.
What’s up with that? Any concern? Does it suggest some other factor?
As a Myeloma cancer patient in remission, I receive CMP and CBC testing monthly. Everything is normal. Mg however is not tested.
Hello Carl, that is quite unusual as often a Mg deficiency can cause vertigo, but which supplement are you taking and how much? Dr Mildred Seelig wote an extensive paper on cancer and its interaction with minerals which you can find here. It’s a bit heavy going but may have some relevant information for you.
If you wanted to get a Mg test done there is a service called ‘request a test’. This is the more accurate RBC magnesium test which is far superior than the test done by most hospitals and doctors ie. the serum magnesium test, which often gives a false positive. When I last looked it cost $49.
I would have no concerns about taking a good quality Mg supplement. Did you suffer from any kind of dizziness before taking the supplement? The fact that your quality of sleep is better as well as your angina, is a good sign. You obviously also have more energy if you are playing tennis again.
We are all different and that being the case, we all need to experiment with doses and depletion triggers for ourselves. Always dose in small amounts, little and often is best. Don’t use cheap supplements like Mg Oxide. As for triggers, you will deplete your Mg very quickly if you’re under any type of stress and that includes playing a game like tennis which is quite strenuous. Your electrolytes will suffer if you don’t keep your Mg levels up during exercise. Without Mg, K (Potassium) levels will appear to lower. This is because for K to work, it needs Mg so without Mg it will appear that K is deficient. How long have you been taking a Mg supplement and were you taking it before remission? Meanwhile, I will look out for dizziness associated with a Mg supplement and see if any others are having this effect.
Wow, you start this by saying that there is barely a reliable magnesium test out there. You then state why the said tests are no good. Fair point…. You then, quite alarmingly, tell someone to take an updated version of an RBC test?????
Are you aware how dangerous your opinions are. You have stated that you are clearly knowledgeable in magnesium treatment, yet you are clueless to the dangers you are inducing people into. If you want to advise people about having a reliable test then look into an ionized magnesium test.
I understand where you are coming from, and agree with most of it. I think you are doing a great job with letting people know about this subject. BUT….. keep on going down this track and you will, without doubt, come up against some fool who will want to sue you for miss information..
Think on kind lady
Just trying to help
In reply to your two emails, I’m not quite sure where you have seen that I advise ingesting Mg Sulphate Flakes! There is actually a food quality Ca and Mg Chloride product which is used to make Tofu. The food quality Mg Chloride powder is actually of a higher grade than the research grade.
You may also like to write to Dr Carolyn Dean MD, ND who manufactures and supplies Mg Chloride solution (ReMag) and suggest to her that she may be poisoning her customers! I buy my high quality Mg Chloride from Germany and I’m sure they would have been sued by now if their product had poisoned anyone.
As for your remark about an RBC test, the result of a magnesium whole blood test is calculated using results from both a magnesium red blood cell (RBC) test and a magnesium serum test to find the total amount of magnesium in the blood. So I don’t really know what you consider the problem to be?
Lastly, topical use of Mg is a great way to go if you cannot tolerate ingesting Mg Chloride solution because of the laxative effect. I have advised many to use a Mg Chloride lotion topically which is very effective. The highest quality lotion I have tested is ReMag, it is also one of the most expensive!
I am very sorry if you think I should stop ‘going down this track’ but I have seen how a good quality Mg supplement can change peoples’ lives. Because of that, I intend to keep researching and informing as many people as possible of the benefits of this amazing mineral.
Hi Ches.
Please, don’t mind his uncouth style. But do respond to his comment about an ionised Magnesium test. Personally, only the ionised Calcium test gives me reliable Calcium levels. What about Magnesium?
Hi Sam, I don’t seem to have received the comment about the ionised Mg test you refer to? Do you know when it was sent? I will respond if I receive it.
Yes, she has endometriosis (on which she had to have a surgery for 10 years ago), and usually her menstrual cycle gives her pain. this time after taking magnesium just for several days, the effects of the menstrual cycle have also been significantly reduced (she was very surprised and happy). She has chronic constipation, and for that she has been taking some herbs which helped a little. The more I think about, it seems that she may actually have a big Mg deficiency (specially with the stress of having 3 kids).
I have been taking my MgCl2 in 3 big shots (300 mg each). I think I may just buy a water bottle, add 600mg of MgCl2 plus some sea salt (would that be ok)?
Hi MB, it does indicate your wife is Mg deficient. My daughter had similar problems which she doesn’t have any more. She takes MgCl2 daily like myself. Constipation will definitely be relieved with Mg. Remember Mg is the relaxing mineral but also remember that Ca is the opposite, it tenses, contracts and causes rigidity. These 2 minerals need to be equally consumed. Problem is our modern diet has excessive amounts of Ca but little Mg. To make matter worse, women are advised to consume loads of Ca and are encouraged to take Ca supplements without balancing with equal good quality (not Mg oxide) Mg. This could be why women seem to suffer more Mg deficiency symptoms than men.
As for your dosage, I think it’s a good idea to make up your doses for the day, putting it in a glass jug and then filling up your water bottle with it. This also keeps you well hydrated, very important for good health. Sea salt is great by the way.
While I agree and adhere to most things that have been said about a magnesium deficiency, I have to say, I am a little concerned about advising anyone to drink magnesium chloride. I use this trans dermally daily with great effects. However, when mag chloride is made, the solution( brine ) is heated up to such a high temperature, it produces and is mixed with hydrochloric acid. The remnants, of which are left within the chloride compound. This is why any reputable company selling a quality magnesium chloride(flakes) product, will ALWAYS advise against DRINKING magnesium sulphate. IF taking magnesium orally, is your thing, then I strongly suggest using a high quality magnesium oil which has been filtered.
Yes the magnesium for sure has a relaxing effect. My wife wasn’t sleeping well last week, and when she took MgCl2 her sleep substantially improved, as soon as she would stop the bad sleep pattern would come back. She is also now starting to supplement with it regularly. Another question, Would taking too much magnesium, if you are deficient, cause too much of a detox effect (i.e. differential sleep pattern)?
Hi MB and I’m please your wife is also taking Mg Chloride and improving her sleep. People are especially tolerant of MgCl2 as it gets into the cells easily because of its pico size. The Chloride part of the molecule detaches easily during digestion with no noticable laxative effect. This also aids digestion and any digestive problems previously experienced, usually subsides once you start taking Mg. You will soon know when you have enough in your body because the excess will be excreted, but any laxative effect is usually slow and gentle. It’s a case of know your own body. We are all different and we will experience different symptoms in differing degrees when deficient in Mg. It is very difficult to overdose on Mg, purely because the body will not hold onto excess amounts. Please make sure you both take your Mg in small doses throughout the day. Does your wife have any other symptoms? here is a list
Dear Ches,
Just want to update you and let you know that I’ve been taking Remag for 3 weeks now (~600-700 mg a day) and added magnesium rich foods.
Results thus far: eye lid twitching has finally stopped about a week into it as well as the very annoying (and embarrassing) lip twitching (about 2 weeks into it).
I still feel brain fogged with eye pain, but I believe this is the right route. Thinking of increasing Mg intake to perhaps 1000 mg a day.
Thanks so much for the update MB and I’m really gratified that you’ve taken steps to alleviate your own symptoms. Increase your Mg update slowly. I have a tip for you which I’ve been doing. Using an eye dropper bottle, put some neat ReMag in and then put a few drops in your tea or coffee, water or whatever you like. It gives an added boost and helps spread your intake during the day. I’ve worked out that I am taking an extra 300mg of elemental with this method. Mind you, I drink a lot of tea! The brain fog will slowly lift I’m sure and have you noticed a difference in your mood ie. more relaxed and not so stressed. Great stuff!
Hi Ches,
Thank you for all of your efforts!
So I am a guy who have been experiencing debilitating fatigue (feels flu like when it hits) along with other terrible symptoms that come and go (insomnia for one, muscle pain) for over 2 years now that all started after an intense workout session. Lifting weights causes these symptoms to really go bad and my stamina is horrible.
This is accompanied by many times strong eyelid twitching and now recently involuntary twitching around my lips. I am still not sure what is going on but when I checked RBC mag a about 1.5 years ago after I even supplemented with it it was at (4.7 mg/dL), with blood calcium levels that are always on the high-normal range (10-10.4).
I’ve went back and forth with magnesium supplementation (citrate, chloride, glycinate) for about a month or so at a time and although I didn’t feel worse I didn’t really notice significant differences, but i do notice sometimes that sleep gets better.
I wonder if magnesium is my problem, if it would take MONTHS of intense supplementation and dietary changes for me to feel normal again.
Hi there MB and I’m so sorry you have been suffering for so long with this condition. You certainly do seem to have many of the symptoms of a Mg deficiency and quite often it can start with an episode after excessive exercise.
I had many of the symptoms you describe including insomnia, twitching of the eyelids and face, fatigue, along with constipation, debilitating muscle spasms, pains in my legs, brain fog, the list is long! I now take Mg Chloride solution (much the same as Dr Dean’s ReMag) which we make up ourselves. I put a days worth of solution (10ml for me, which gives 600mg of 100% bioavailable Mg) into a litre of water and sip it throughout the day. Spreading doses throughout the day is the best way.
I think you already know the answer to your question. It will take a long time to get replete in Mg, especially as your Ca levels appear to be high. If you have excess Ca you will be Mg deficient by default. The ideal Ca to Mg ratio should be 1:1 but that’s almost impossible with our modern diet which is rife with Ca.
Mg Chloride is one of the best ways to get Mg into your body. It is 100% bioavailable and your 37.2 trillion cells need copious amounts of it. Athletes need loads of Mg because their body is under stress and they lose much water and electrolytes from their system. Sudden Cardiac Arrest syndrome is something you need to be aware of if you do strenuous exercise. The downside of Mg Chloride is its taste which some find very salty and bitter. Hubby takes Mg Chloride too but he laces it with a little bit of Lime cordial (Roses). Choose a cordial without aspartame in it, that will only deplete your Mg levels further. Remember stress is the biggest depleter of Mg and we are stressed every day.
If you are Mg deficient you will need to supplement it every day, probably for life. I know if I haven’t had enough, my symtptoms return, the first sign being heart arrhythmia. It’s a case of finding the right level for you and only you can guage it and you will know when you’re not getting enough, your symptoms will tell you.
I sincerely hope you start taking Mg Chloride. Also, keep an eye on your Ca intake. Dr Carolyn Dean’s book The Magnesium Miracle is really worth reading, she’s just bought out a new addition. Good luck
I have a lot of health problems and not once have I heard any of my doctors mention my magnesium levels. Not to mention finding out hoe important magnesium is for stress I am a bit surprised that doctors are not more concerned with keeping up with these levels in certain people. Your site has opened my eye to something I have never been exposed to before. You have a very detailed post I appreciate the time you took to put this post together. I appreciate it and I am going to mention this to my doctor.
Hi there and thanks for reading the article. Unfortunately, doctors are not taught nutrition, vitamins and minerals in medical school. They are taught about diseases and conditions and what drugs to prescribe to control them. It is a fact that the pharmaceutical industry control much of our medical fraternity and their highest priority is profit. Good luck with your doctor, I hope that he/she is willing to listen to what you have learnt and researched, they certainly don’t have the time to do so.
A good compromise with allopathic medicine is to have a medical doctor who also practices naturopathic medicine. These doctors are few and far between but MDs are increasingly recognising the benefit of getting to the root of a diseases which are nearly always to do with nutrition and lack of basic vitamins and minerals. Very few drugs will cure, most just control and burden the body with extra toxins.
Very informative site you have. I’m sure there are people everywhere wondering what magnesium levels mean, and what to do if they are to high or low. Great explanation. I am sure a lot of people will gain clarity from this. Beautiful layout as well. Looks like you invested a lot of time.
Thanks for your kind comments Amanda. Yes, I sincerely hope this does clarify what Mg levels are and how important it is, for your general health, to keep them replete. Ches
Very interesting information about magnesium levels in the body and how it often gets confused with calcium levels, leading to false results in tests for magnesium levels. Magnesium as you have said is important for the heart and it is crucial for us to get accurate results when tested. I’m just a bit skeptical about the teaching your doctor part. As you said many would probably have a negative reaction to a test that does not fall in line with their own. Do you think that their lackluster testing according to you, is because of a lack of knowledge or do you think that their hesitance to use your method is more sinister? There are theories which suggest that doctors in order to make more money, keep us on drugs which keep diseases dormant rather than curing them. Do you think that that’s part of the reason they don’t open up to your testing method? Or is it that they need a general approval of such a testing method before being able to apply it?
Hi there Dean, I think a lot of the problem is that the pharmaceutical industry is somewhat in control of our medical profession. Of course, Magnesium (Mg) is not a money spinner and producing and marketing a drug to control a disease is much more luctrative and keeps the coffers full. A cure for a disease would not be in the best interests of Big Pharma. Many medics are given ‘incentives’ to try new drugs. These incentives could very well sway the medical practioner to using a particular drug in favour of other treatments.
There have been many stories where doctors have actually been reprimanded for prescribing natural medications and treatments. Doctors who practice naturopathy sometimes have a difficult time from allopathic professionals, with words like quackery bandied about. This kind of attack, especially if it’s from a well known medical professional or organisation, can be devastating for a doctor, so I think many protect themselves by keeping with the status quo and not rocking the boat.
As for Mg testing, the problem perhaps stems from dogma and lack of education in the realms of diagnostic procedures. Also new tests cost money and who wants to spend money on a patient, that’s the wrong way round!
Regarding the theories that doctors keep us on drugs to keep diseases dormant. If only that were true, at least then we wouldn’t get any worse. These drugs, that are continually bombarding the body, can only do harm, especially after taking them year in year out. Medical error is the third biggest cause of death according to a recent article by the Guardian!
This is a great article spelling out the risks involved with low intake of magnesium and diet. The article goes into great depth of symptoms, however, I would like to learn about prevention and what foods we should be eating to prevent such a shortage.
What about natural foods to add magnesium into our diets like organic green leafy vegetables like spinach & chard. Also, add yogurt, almonds, black beans avocado, figs, bananas AND dark chocolate.
Hi Karen and thanks for your comments. Foods With High Magnesium will give you a list of foods with the highest amount of Mg. It can be quite a task to get all your Mg needs just from food, especially in this day and age and with the soil destructive agriculatural practices of today. Some food with high Mg have higher Ca in them which tips the balance in favour of Ca. Yoghurt, spinach and figs are good examples. Almonds have an equal amount of Mg and Ca which makes them a good balanced food for both these alkaline minerals. Bananas and dark chocolate (70%+) have much more Mg than Ca which will help with the balance. Balancing Ca and Mg 1:1 is the trick! Ca is much more prevalent in our food than Mg, especially with foods fortified with Ca that food manufacturers insist on producing. It makes it so complex for the public to know what to eat for the best! Ches
Very informative site and well designed with good positioning of related images including the amazon links. When people visit your they will be delighted on how much information you have put together on this subject, Magnesium Deficiency . I agree that people should be made aware and know what to do about it.
Keep up the good work.
Very informative site and well designed with good positioning of related images including the amazon links. When people visit your they will be delighted on how much information you have put together on this subject, Magnesium Deficiency . I agree that people should be made aware and know what to do about it.
Keep up the good work.
Thank you for your kind comments about the site Marcel. Did you have any thoughts about the article? Ches
This is a very enlightening article. It’s too bad the most common test doesn’t necessarily help determine magnesium deficiency. Do you think any of these tests you described will become the norm in the future? It sounds like doctors need to keep up with what is out there to help their patients.
Thanks Kevin, for your input. I think the trouble is, the medical profession find it difficult to change old habits. The serum test has been done for years. It produces a result, so why change it. The fact that it produces the wrong result seems to have eluded them. In time, when enough doctors become au fait with naturopathic medicine as well as allopathic and we all start to realize that we do better being in control of our own health, modern tests will take precedence. When Big Pharma has been put in its place and the public start taking charge, we will all be better off health wise and financially! Ches