Monthly Archives: January 2020

Can Sepsis Be Cured? – Yes, but not with a drug!

Can sepsis be cured? I was watching an advert about guide dogs for the blind and two people were in the ad. One had a guide dog already and the other was hoping to get his own guide dog soon. They both had gone blind, one from a spinal infection and the other from sepsis.Sepsis symptoms Continue reading Can Sepsis Be Cured? – Yes, but not with a drug!

CDC – The Vaccine Fraud – Summary

The Vaccine FraudFor those who have not had the time to read the 6 parts of CDC – The Vaccine Fraud, I am doing a summary so you can take in the salient points.  I know how difficult it is for parents and carers to find information about vaccines, especially when they are only told one side of the story from pharmaceuticals, doctors and other medics. Continue reading CDC – The Vaccine Fraud – Summary

CDC – The Vaccine Fraud – Part 6

In the last part of this article, CDC – the vaccine fraud, I want to concentrate more on one of the most serious frauds that the CDC has been guilty of.  The fraud concerning the MMR vaccine and its connection to autism.  See Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 and Part 5

The film VAXXED – trailer

Continue reading CDC – The Vaccine Fraud – Part 6