Monthly Archives: April 2016

Ionic Magnesium Drops

Ionic MgI came across some customer reviews about Magnesium Chloride solution, this one being “Ionic Magnesium Drops” sold by Good State.  I don’t think it really matters which Mg Chloride liquid you take, they are all comparable and Mg Chloride is the most bioavailable Mg supplement having a ‘stability constant value’ (SCV) of zero (the lower the value the better).  As prices go “Ionic Magnesium” is one of the cheapest.


Now for those of you who are wimps when taking pills and potions, this solution is not the best tasting.  But it can easily be disguised with a little cordial or juice, whichever suits you.  You must always take a dose of the solution in a glass of water, at least 250ml.  A dose is 1/2 teaspoon or 2.5ml.   Don’t take it neat, you’ll be sorry!  I must say, it’s usually the boys who complain about the taste, us girls usually just get on with it! Continue reading Ionic Magnesium Drops

How to Prevent Atrial Fibrillation – Part 2

Part 2

Carrying on from Part one of ‘how to prevent atrial fibrillation’, what causes this condition and other arrythmias in the first place?

Here we have it…

Dr David Snow
Dr David Snow

I want to relate a conversation two doctors had on the Doctor Health Radio hosted by Dr David Snow.  They were talking about the problems of AF and what can be done to alleviate the symptoms:

Dr Snow –  David Snow here with you talking today to Dr Steve Ryan about his book Beat Your A-Fib the essential guide to finding your cure.  Alright let’s talk about supplements, things like fish oil and magnesium, I know you have a part or section in your book about magnesium….. Continue reading How to Prevent Atrial Fibrillation – Part 2