How many of you actually know your doctor? You may be acquainted with him or her, but they see hundreds of patients so they are not likely to know you very well nor you them. According to a recent report from the Health Foundation, the UK has the fewest doctors per 1,000 patients in the whole of the EU. Continue reading Talking to a stranger – your doctor
Tag Archives: magnesium
Causes of Muscle Spasms – and treatment
Causes of Muscle Spasms are a mystery to many people but there is an answer to most muscle spasms or cramping problems. But what sort of spasms are we talking about? Most people think of muscle spasms in the calves or thighs, causing cramp-like symptoms. But let’s think where else muscle spasms can occur in the body. But first watch this short video about the cause of blood pressure.
Reversing Diabetes Naturally – and it costs nothing!
What have you been told?
Reversing diabetes naturally will be scoffed at by the allopathic medical fraternity. They will tell you that type 2 diabetes is a progressive and chronic disease. A disease that can be controlled adequately with pharmaceutical drugs but can never be cured. Patients are expected to live as best they can with type 2, but in the end succumb to its various symptoms which are multiple and unpleasant. Continue reading Reversing Diabetes Naturally – and it costs nothing!
Foods With High Magnesium – are you Mg deficient?
Which foods have Magnesium
Magnesium rich foods are now not as rich in Mg as they used to be a century ago. With that in mind, I’ve listed below foods with high magnesium that are known to be more replete in this vital mineral. Some of our foods that used to have plenty of Mg in are now so depleted that the amount is negligible.

Continue reading Foods With High Magnesium – are you Mg deficient?
Calcium Supplements for Heart Disease?
Do you want heart disease?
Calcium supplements for heart disease? Well, if you want to increase your risk of getting heart disease, you can take Calcium (Ca) supplements! Perhaps you would like to contract type 2 diabetes or be more at risk of having a stroke. How about kidney stones, do you fancy them. Take it from me, they are excruciatingly painful! Continue reading Calcium Supplements for Heart Disease?