Tag Archives: magnesium

Best Nutritional Supplements – just my opinion

Consult your doctor?doctor

In this article ‘best nutritional supplements’, I will tell you what I take.  I did not consult my doctor before deciding on these supplements, what would he know!  I’m not saying you shouldn’t consult your doctor. What I am saying is to take charge of your own health and work with your medical practitioner. Don’t rely on your medic to always know what’s best for your health. Continue reading Best Nutritional Supplements – just my opinion

What is a Coronary Calcium Scan

what is a coronary calcium scanI want to explain to you exactly what is a coronary calcium scan.  Many will not have heard of it but those who have, may have had one of these tests done.  The test gives a score of the likelihood of getting heart disease.  The higher the score, the more chance of having a heart event.

This image shows severe calcification of the left anterior descending coronary artery (red arrow).  The portion of the circumflex coronary artery within the imaging plane (white arrow).  The aortic root around the origin of the left main coronary artery (yellow arrow). Continue reading What is a Coronary Calcium Scan

Vitamin D Activation – a little known fact

Vitamin D activation is necessary for the stored form of vitamin D to become available to the body.  Did you know that the vitamin D within you is stored in its inactive form.  Until it is activated, it cannot be properly utilized.   This means you could have plenty of vitamin D in its inactivated form but unless you have good reserves of a certain nutrient, the vitamin will stay inactivated and unavailable.

Are you replete?vitamin D activation

You may think that you’ve had plenty of sunshine, eaten plenty of vitamin D rich foods and must be replete.  If your doctor tests you for vitamin D deficiency your levels will show good because the test picks up on the inactive form. Continue reading Vitamin D Activation – a little known fact

How To Sleep Well – Mg is the answer!

One of the side effects of losing a loved one can be lack of sleep.  How to sleep well started to evade me when my late husband died in 2006,   I seemed to be awake day and night and nothing I did or took helped.

Mg how to sleep wellHow to sleep well with Magnesium

When you are under stress, you actually use up more of your nutrients and there is one nutrient in particular, which will stop you sleeping if it is depleted.  That nutrient is the amazing mineral we all know as Magnesium (Mg). Continue reading How To Sleep Well – Mg is the answer!

Top 10 Things To Do… to survive a visit to the doctor

doctors vistAre you due to visit your doctor.  For whatever reason you decide to see a medic, there are some useful things you can do to make sure your visit is worthwhile and helpful and hopefully will aid relief or even cure your symptoms.  But you don’t want to get ‘hooked up’ in the medical merry-go-round, for the rest of your life, not if you can help it. Continue reading Top 10 Things To Do… to survive a visit to the doctor