Tag Archives: magnesium deficiency

High cholesterol and diet

cholesterolHas your doctor told you your cholesterol is too high?  Are you now trying to decide what the best diet is to reduce your cholesterol levels?  Have you been put onto a statin drug?  Is high cholesterol and diet connected?

This post will give you a healthy alternative to reducing and stabilizing your cholesterol.

When it all started

Continue reading High cholesterol and diet

Depression in the Elderly

bereavementHave you just lost a parent?  Has your Mum or Dad recently passed away?  This is a harrowing time for all the family but particularly for the spouse left behind.  Depression in the elderly is a real problem, especially when they have lost the love of their life, someone who they have shared a life with for decades.

So much to arrange

For our family, when Dad died, Mum seemed to be very brave and strong.  She had many family members around her and we made all the arrangements for the funeral and did the paperwork for pensions, rates, cancellations of credit cards and all the paraphanalia that goes with a bereavement.  Those who have had to arrange all these details will know exactly what I mean. Continue reading Depression in the Elderly

Today – Free Samples! for UK readers

Mg cubeToday – Monday 18th free samples of Mg Chloride or Mg Citrate.  I will be giving out free samples of one of two of the best magnesium (Mg) supplement available IMHO.  I’m sorry I can only do this for UK residents because of the postage costs.

  1. Mg Chloride solution.  This supplement has the highest bio availability of all the Mgs you can buy.  If your digestive system is regular ie. no constipation then I think this is  the best supplement on the market.
  2. Mg Citrate powder.  This supplement is excellent if you have issues with constipation which is a common side effect of Mg deficiency, especially in young children and the older generation.

Continue reading Today – Free Samples! for UK readers

Why Am I Always Tired?

Now I’m not talking about just having a tiring day and needing some sleep. This post ‘why am I always tired’ is reaching out to those that have such fatigue, that it interferes with their daily life.

ME/CFSChronic Fatigue Syndrome

Is there a chance that you may have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome known as CFS?  In the UK it is often known as Myalgic Encephalomyelitis or ME.  This description of the condition recognises that the muscles and the brain are major problem sites.  Sometimes ME is thought to mean Mental Exhaustion.  Although this appears to be a good description, it can be misconstrued to be a psychological condition which it isn’t, but it can cause psychological problems such as depression, anxiety and panic attacks. Continue reading Why Am I Always Tired?

Narcolepsy cure?

rescue dogI was watching a program last night on UK television called “Rescue Dog to Super Dog”.  It was a show where abandoned dogs were being paired up with people who need help with their disabilities or health conditions.  One of the recipients of a trained rescue dog had a condition called ‘narcolepsy’.  I do not know anyone who has this problem but remember suffering with one of the symptoms in the past, known as ‘sleep paralysis’. Continue reading Narcolepsy cure?