Tag Archives: magnesium deficiency

What is Calcification?

Part 2

This is Part 2 of What is calcification?  If you missed Part 1, you can read it here.

To calcify or not to calcify, that is the question

The Calcium (Ca) that is in your bones and teeth is mineralised ie. calcified but the Ca in your soft tissues, muscles, organs etc., should be in a dissolved ionic form.  With enough Magnesium (Mg), Ca will be controlled and shepherded into its appropriate places within the body.  Mineralised for the bones and teeth and ionised for its vital functions in the soft tissues in particular in cell physiology and cellular processes.

What happens when Ca is calcified instead of ionised?

Coronary Calcium Scan
Cr: National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute

Take a look at this heart scan.  This is known as a coronary calcium scan.  It is an Xray which creates a detailed picture of the heart and is used to predict your future risk of heart disease.
This image proves that we already have the capacity to find out if someone has any calcification within their heart or arteries.  Calcifications are an early sign of coronary heart disease (CHD) and if this was your heart, what would you be doing about it?  This is also proof that this patient has a Mg deficiency because if he/she hadn’t, the heart would not be exhibiting calcifications.  I wonder where else in this persons body calcification has set in.  Perhaps the kidneys, the gall bladder, the carotid arteries, the bladder, the breasts, the brain? Continue reading What is Calcification?

What is Calcification?

Part 1

What is Calcification? This is somewhat a follow up post from my last blog ‘Calcium Supplements for Heart Disease?‘   I received a heart rending comment from a young man whose father had been rushed to hospital last week with heart disease which was so serious, his dad almost died.

Calcium, calcium and more calcium

Calcium CapletsHe went on to say that the family had always consumed lots of dairy products and regularly used supplements to make sure their vitamins and minerals were topped up and especially that they had plenty of Calcium (Ca).  Here is an outwardly healthy man in his early 60s who has never had a sign of heart disease.  50% of those who die of heart disease have no symptoms.(1)  Their heart attack is the first and last symptom they have.  This is a shocking figure and goes to prove there’s something really amiss here. Continue reading What is Calcification?

Blood Pressure and Magnesium Deficiency – Part 2

The health risks of high blood pressure

Heart attack and stroke

Heart Attack
Heart Attack by Blausen Medical Communications

If your blood pressure is between 90 and 120 systolic, that is considered to be healthy as your risk of cardio vascular disease and stroke is minimal.  At 140 systolic blood pressure you will have twice the risk of dying from a heart attack or stroke than if your level was normal.   This is the level at which your doctor will likely prescribe medication to bring your blood pressure down.  You will also probably be advised to change your diet to healthier options, take more exercise and lose some weight if you are, in fact, overweight.  At a level of 160 systolic pressure, your risk is doubled yet again ie. you are 4 times more likely to die from a heart attack or stroke than if your blood pressure was normal.  So for every 20mmHg rise, your risk of death from a heart attack or stroke doubles, so at a level of 180 systolic you are 8 times more likely to die of a heart attack or stroke and the  risk goes on up the scale. Continue reading Blood Pressure and Magnesium Deficiency – Part 2

Blood Pressure and Magnesium Deficiency – Part 1

Explanation of Blood Pressure

Before I go any further, I want to give an explanation of blood pressure and why it’s so important.   Blood pressure is a measurement of the amount of pressure exerted on the inside of arteries.  This pressure is generated during the contraction and relaxation of the ventricles (the left and right main chambers of the heart).

 An Elegant Pump

Anatomy of the heart
Anatomy of the Heart by Tvanbr

Continue reading Blood Pressure and Magnesium Deficiency – Part 1

Type 2 Diabetes and Treatments

Who Can Get Diabetes

This is such a huge subject, I want to concentrate on the more common type of Diabetes which is Type II – adult onset diabetes. This description of ‘adult onset’ may soon have to be changed as more children and teenagers are succumbing to this disease, mainly because of their unhealthy diet and sugar overload due to soft drinks, high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) and other damaging choices.

Is Sugar The Culprit?

Refined and raw sugar crystals, scanning electron micrograph (SEM). (c)Power&Syred
Refined and raw sugar crystals, scanning electron micrograph (SEM). (c)Power&Syred

We all need a certain amount of sugar in our diet as it is necessary for energy but an overload of sugar in the diet can cause Magnesium (Mg) deficiency.  The problem is, our refined sugar does not come from eating the sugar cane or the sugar beet.  Sugar is processed and ‘purified’ so that when we consume it, it is a concentration of its original form. Hence far too much is then taken into the body.  Nutrients that were in that plant have been removed. Metallic nutrients such as Mg, Cobalt (Co), Chromium (Cr), Manganese (Mn), Copper (Cu) and Zinc (Zn) are all lost; these minerals are essential to life.  The body then has to use its reserves of vitamins and minerals to process the concentration of sugar so that it is digested. Continue reading Type 2 Diabetes and Treatments