Tag Archives: magnesium deficiency

Pregnancy Health Info – Part 2

Part 2

What exactly is preeclampsia?

Carrying on from part 1 of pregnancy health info, I want to explain what preeclampsia ismum and baby and how to avoid it.  Preeclampsia is also known as toxaemia and only affects pregnant women.  Those who have suffered it before are more prone to the condition with subsequent pregnancies.

Preeclampsia occurs in 7% of all pregnancies around the world and is one of the major causes of maternal deaths.  10 million women worldwide contract preeclampsia (often referred to as pregnancy-induced hypertension) each year.  The yearly maternal death rate from this illness is 76,000.  Also there are approximately 500,000 infant deaths per year because of this condition. Continue reading Pregnancy Health Info – Part 2

Pregnancy Health Info – Part 1of 2

Part 1 of 2pregnancy test

Are you pregnant?  If so I want you to read this article on pregnancy health info., because it could actually save your life.  That does sound a little dramatic in this day and age but there is a condition that is induced by pregnancy that can be a danger to both mother and child.

Going through a pregnancy should be a stirring, emotional and moving experience.  For your body to cope with the extra burden and stress which it has to deal with, you need to be in the best of health.  An expectant mum should be glowing, happy and excited about her forthcoming event.  She is bringing new life into the world and that is a momentous occassion.  If you do all the right things ie.  eat healthily (no junk food), don’t smoke, don’t drink sodas, don’t drink alcohol, don’t take drugs, exercise gently but regularly, you should go through your pregnancy with no problems and produce a healthy child. Continue reading Pregnancy Health Info – Part 1of 2

Calcium Side Effects

Einstein questionsQuestions and Answers.

In my last post, I posed some questions about why we are being misled and deceived about many issues of health but particularly the vital importance of keeping Magnesium (Mg) levels replete and at the same time, not overdosing on Calcium (Ca).

I will answer those questions below. Perhaps you will not agree with my answers but then you do have the opportunity of putting your thoughts in writing by commenting on this post!  Or perhaps you have your own questions?  We’d love to hear from you! Continue reading Calcium Side Effects

Too Much Calcium = Side Effects

electron microscopeOur Scanning Electron Microscope

My husband Andrew, has spent much of his life working with scanning electron microscopes (SEMs).  He first learnt how to use an SEM when he was with The Wellcome Foundation doing analytical biochemistry.  A few years later he went to The Wellcome Foot & Mouth Disease Virus Laboratories working on the virus as a senior technician for nearly 10 years .  He also worked on feline leukaemia and equine flu amongst other things and was one of the first to produce peptides for foot and mouth disease.  He has become very knowledgeable in the field of chemistry, laboratory techniques, scanning and transmission electron microscopy, biology and botany.  You can see some of his work at here. Continue reading Too Much Calcium = Side Effects

Ionic Magnesium Drops

Ionic MgI came across some customer reviews about Magnesium Chloride solution, this one being “Ionic Magnesium Drops” sold by Good State.  I don’t think it really matters which Mg Chloride liquid you take, they are all comparable and Mg Chloride is the most bioavailable Mg supplement having a ‘stability constant value’ (SCV) of zero (the lower the value the better).  As prices go “Ionic Magnesium” is one of the cheapest.


Now for those of you who are wimps when taking pills and potions, this solution is not the best tasting.  But it can easily be disguised with a little cordial or juice, whichever suits you.  You must always take a dose of the solution in a glass of water, at least 250ml.  A dose is 1/2 teaspoon or 2.5ml.   Don’t take it neat, you’ll be sorry!  I must say, it’s usually the boys who complain about the taste, us girls usually just get on with it! Continue reading Ionic Magnesium Drops