Aspartame Dangers – this will shock you!

aspartame sodasAspartame Dangers will shock you!

Do you drink a diet coke or other diet sodas?  How many  sugar free yoghurts do you eat?   Read Aspartame Dangers and be shocked. What about aspartame flavoured cereal, chewing gum, puddings, cakes, juices or one of the other 6,000 products that contain aspartame?  Aspartame Dangers will go into how this chemical affects your body.  If you have time, take a look at this video:  (See Part 2 and Part 3 of this trilogy). Continue reading Aspartame Dangers – this will shock you!

H. Pylori Infection – are you at risk?

Robin Warren
Dr Robin Warren

I know what you’re saying – what on earth is H. pylori infection and have I got it?  I want to tell you a story of two amazing researchers who discovered why we get stomach ulcers and even proved it.

Trouble was, nobody would take any notice of them.  Why?  Because the powers that be and those that vetted all new research and cures, ignored their work. It went against everything previously taught. It was pure dogma and closed-mindedness.  H. pylori stands for Helicobacter pylori a then unknown bacteria. Continue reading H. Pylori Infection – are you at risk?

What Is Type 3 Diabetes? – Are you at risk?

What is type 3 diabetes?  We all know there are two main types of diabetes, Type 1 and Type 2.  There is also the transient gestational diabetes which only affects women during pregnancy.  But now diabetes is being linked with Alzheimer’s and it’s being called type 3. Are you at risk? Continue reading What Is Type 3 Diabetes? – Are you at risk?

Talking to a stranger – your doctor

How many of you actually know your doctor?  You may be acquainted with him or her, but they see hundreds of patients so they are not likely to know you very well nor you them. According to a recent report from the Health Foundation, the UK has the fewest doctors per 1,000 patients in the whole of the EU. Continue reading Talking to a stranger – your doctor

Side Effects Flu Vaccine – Part 2

Before I start…
GSK flulaval
multi vial box of flu vaccine (Flulaval)

Before I start on part 2 of Side Effects Flu Vaccine, (See Part 1 here),  I want to list those vaccines that DO HAVE Thimerosal in them:

Please note: this is specifically aimed at the US market.  UK flu vaccines do not contain thimerosal (thiomersal). Continue reading Side Effects Flu Vaccine – Part 2