Many people ask me which is the best magnesium (Mg) supplement to take and I always answer Mg Chloride (MgCl2). Then there’s the inevitable second question. What is Mg Chloride? Before I can answer there is often a 3rd question. Why do you recommend Mg Chloride rather than any other Mg supplement?
So this article is to fully explain what MgCl2 is and why I think it is the best Mg supplement to take. Have a look at this article about the benefits of this supplement.
Mg Chloride is the name for the chemical compound with the formula MgCl2 and its various hydrates MgCl2(H2O)x. These salts are highly soluble in water. The hydrated Mg Chloride can be extracted from brine or sea water.
So many variables
The problem with Mg is, there are so many variations with some Mg salts being more bio available than others. But who do you trust to tell you the truth? The pharmaceutical companies? The food manufacturers? Your doctor? It’s no wonder the public is confused as to which is the most efficient and bio available. This is apart from the fact that few in the medical industry seem to even know about Mg and that includes allopathic doctors!
Not sure?
If you’re not sure what to do, research for yourself and your family. If you haven’t got time to do your own research, look for a source that has no axe to grind and gives out information freely. A source that has no ties with big pharma, big agra or food manufacturers.
A list of different Mg salts
Listed below in alphabetical order, is a rundown of the different magnesium salts available. You have probably realised that you can’t take magnesium in its elemental form ie. as a metal so it has to be processed to make it available to the body as a supplement.
- Magnesium Aspartate – SCV 2.43 – Avoid – breaks down to aspartic acid which is neurotoxic
- Magnesium Bicarbonate – used as antacids
- Magnesium Carbonate – used as antacids
- Magnesium Chloride (6H2O) – SCV zero – 120mg of elemental Mg per 1 gram of salt
- Magnesium Citrate – SCV 2.8 – 150mg of elemental Mg per 1 gram of salt
- Magnesium Gluconate – SCV 0.70 – 50mg of elemental Mg per 1 gram of salt – used in drips
- Magnesium Glutamate – Avoid – breaks down to glutamic acid which is neurotoxic
- Magnesium Glycinate – SCV 3.45 – 100mg of elemental Mg per 1 gram of salt
- Magnesium Lysinate – used as a food additive
- Magnesium Malate – SCV 1.55 – 150mg of elemental Mg per l gram of salt
- Magnesium Orotate – 60mg of elemental Mg per 1 gram of salt
- Magnesium Oxide – Only 4% bio available – 600mg of elemental Mg per 1 gram of salt
- Magnesium Phosphate – laxatives and antacids
- Magnesium Sulfate – Epsom Salts – Laxative – 100mg of elemental Mg per 1 gram of salt – used in drips
- Magnesium Taurate – 100mg of elemental Mg per 1 gram of salt
It’s all about the bond
You may have noticed there is an SCV number next to some of them. This is the Stability Constant Value of the Mg salts. This tells you if the strength of the bond between the two components is strong or weak. The higher the number, the stronger the bond and the less bio availability.
Mg oxide’s laxative effect
Mg Oxide, for instance, has a very strong bond between the Mg and the oxygen which means it will not dissociate easily so the Mg cannot be used to any great extent biologically. Instead, most of the compound will go straight through you giving a laxative effect. OK if you want a clear out! I cannot find the official SCV of Mg oxide or some of the other salts, but I know the SCV of Mg oxide is high and is therefore strongly bonded to oxygen. Unfortunately, Mg oxide is commonly added as the dietary source of magnesium to foods and supplements, because it’s cheap. This likely produces dietary deficiencies resulting in poor health and a reduced life span. Mg oxide is at most only 4% bio available.
MgCl2 stability constant of zero
As you can see, Mg Chloride (MgCl2) has an SCV of zero. This means the bond between the Mg and the chlorine to produce Mg Chloride is very weak. This is good, because the two quickly disassociate from each other leaving the Mg in its ionic state to do its work immediately within the body.
What about Mg Citrate?
Mg Citrate also has quite a low SCV of just 2.8 and has good bio availability. This molecule will give you a gentle laxative effect if you suffer from constipation which is a symptom for some people who have a Mg deficiency. It is also very good for children, who often suffer with constipation, mainly because of all the junk food that’s available to them. This is a very distressing condition for a child as well as the parents and also means that child has a Mg deficiency which can cause all kinds of serious conditions such as ADHD, ADD and asthma to name but a few and if not addressed, heralds health problems for the child’s future. See this article which covers child constipation.
Food manufacturers at fault
You can blame the food manufacturers for putting temptation in a youngsters way with all the relentless advertising of all the sweets and processed foods such as cereals, biscuits and fizzy drinks. Parents will generally relent when being nagged constantly by their child to buy certain items of sweets, junk food or carbonated drinks.
Mg Citrate can be bought in a tasteless powder form which you can put into soups, porridges etc.. The kids won’t even know it’s there. With Mg Chloride such as ReMag, the taste can be salty and bitter, especially if not taken with enough water. Kids will often baulk at taking it unless it is well disguised (please, not with aspartame laced fizzy drinks).
Mg Gluconate in hospital drips
The other low SCV supplement is Mg Gluconate at SCV 0.70. Have you ever visited a hospital, particularly to see an older friend or relative. The patient is often attached to a clear fluid drip for re-hydration. If you look at the contents of the drip bag (without touching it of course) you will likely see Mg Gluconate as one of the salts.
Mg Sulphate & Pregnancy
Mg Sulphate is a treatment for preeclampsia, a condition of pregnancy. This dangerous problem can be avoided if the mother is well supplemented with Mg before and during her pregnancy. The lack of this vital mineral can kill. That does sound a little dramatic but this is a condition that can be a danger to both mother and child and has also been linked to SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome).
Naming salts
The name of a salt has two parts. The first part is the name of the metal and second is the salt that is formed. The second part of the name comes from the acid used to make it. The names of salts made from hydrochloric acid end in -chloride, while the names of salts made from sulfuric acid end in -sulfate.
Formation of salts
Metal | Acid | Salt | ||
aluminium | reacts with | hydrochloricacid | to make | aluminium chloride |
copper | reacts with | hydrochloricacid | to make | copper chloride |
calcium | reacts with | sulfuric acid | to make | calcium sulfate |
zinc | reacts with | sulfuric acid | to make | zinc sulfate |
Mg forms Mg salts when it reacts with acids. Therefore, Mg reacts with hydrochloric acid to make Mg chloride
So why is Mg Chloride so bio available
- Mg is dissociated from the weak chloride bond, leaving a Mg ion that is so small it will readily permeate through cell walls. Because of this permeability, the Mg does not cause the laxative effect because much of it does not get into the gut before it has been absorbed into the body.
- The compound MgCl2 is a very small molecule, consequently it can even be absorbed through the skin, that’s why many people use it topically. (Another topical application is Mg sulphate (epsom salts), which people often put in their bathwater for a relaxing soak.) Great for getting more Mg into your body whilst pregnant
MgCl2 supplements on the market
There are a few MgCl2 supplements on the market, perhaps the most famous is Dr Carolyn Dean’s ReMag, a very popular and high quality supplement. Dr Dean advertises her product concentrating on the tiny size of the molecule, calling it ‘picometer’ size. This well explains how very small this compound is. It could be misconstrued that the picometer size is only applicable to this particular brand of MgCl2 but this is not the case. Whichever brand you use, all the supplements will be this very small ‘picometer’ size and this is the beauty of MgCl2
Dr Carolyn Dean’s ReMag
ReMag is easily available in the US where it is competitively priced, not so in the UK, where it is very expensive. This makes it difficult for those with limited funding to afford. That being the case, if you really want to use MgCl2 you can make it up yourself.
You must, however obtain the best quality MgCl2 salt to make into your solution. Always use food quality, don’t be tempted to go for the cheaper lower quality stuff. Once you have obtained your MgCl2 from a reputable supplier, you can make up a 250ml bottle of the solution as follows:
How to make up MgCl2 solution
Put 125 grams into a small marked pyrex jug. Add just a little mineral water, enough to dissolve the salts and stir. Add more water to make your solution up to the 250ml mark, stir again and then pour it into a suitable glass bottle. It will be very cloudy at first but that is not sediment, it is air bubbles, which will start to clear in a few minutes.
100 doses from 250ml
This will give you 100 doses of 2.5ml (½ teaspoon). Put one dose into a glass of water and drink over the course of the day. If you don’t like the taste, lace it with a little cordial (NOT low sugar, we don’t want aspartame in it). The taste doesn’t bother me but some find it a little bitter (hubby uses Rose’s lime cordial). Up your doses gradually until you feel the difference. Always spread your doses throughout the day. Everyone needs a different dose and it’s a case of finding your own level. I take around 2 teaspoons in a litre of water and drink it slowly throughout the day. This gives me the equivalent of 600mg of elemental Mg. I used to suffer from insomnia, so to stop it recurring, I drink at least a quarter of my daily dose in the evening. If I’m stressed or have a heavy day ahead, I will up my dose from 2 teaspoons to 2½.
Making up your own MgCl2 solution is much cheaper than buying it ready made. It is a little inconvenient but well worth the trouble. I have never bought MgCl2 in solution, I am quite happy making it up myself. Mind you, it is quite useful having hubby around as he has qualifications in peptide chemistry and has worked in a laboratory environment as a senior technical officer.
If someone who is au fait with chemistry takes this supplement every day, it may give you a clue as to how important it is for your overall health.
Spread the word!

I wonder what your view is on ‘Magnesium Complex’ by Hey Nutrition. I did take a while back but then never got a new bottle. I used to take the powder out of the capsule and mix in a drink as I cannot tolerate swallowing tablets. The company advised this was ok to do.
Also, I had read in the article you posted that Mega Mag is sourced from the Great Utah lake but that is high in mercury according to the source. I am in the UK. I was considering Mega Mag until I read that!
Hi Gina, I have not used Magnesium Complex by Hey Nutrition but would be interested as to which Mg salts they use in their complex. As Mg Chloride has the optimum SCV (stability constant value) of Zero, I will probably not use any other supplement unless I can be convinced it is superior in bio availability to Mg Chloride.
It is good you did your own research into Mega Mag. You have decided not to use it and no doubt have found a better source. Well done you! It’s a pity that many will accept medications and interventions before looking into the efficacy and safety for themselves before putting unknown products into their bodies!
Hi I’m 61 & started having BPH. PSA=0.8, DRE-normal. I read the story of using Mag Chlo for BPH… I purchased Doublewood Mag Chlo pills but I’m confused as to dosage for effective treatment. Bottle says 1000mg MAG Chlo yet label says 120mg magnesium. What is the difference and what is an effective dosage and of which one; Mag Chlo or magnesium. I’m very confused. In addition how long on average are results? Thank you
Hi Eric, please have a look at this article and try and make your own. It is easy and cheap and just as good as other MgCl2 supplements including Dr Dean’s ReMag. Just make sure you purchase high quality Mg powder that can be ingested, not those that are for putting on the skin. Although these can be added to your regime to get more Mg into your body through your skin. That 120mg on your bottle is the elemental Mg you will be taking in, not 1000mg which includes all the other stuff! You may feel a difference quite quickly, especially when you get to your ‘sweet spot’ and find your ideal dose. It is a case of regulating it according to how you feel. Your health is in your hands; only you know how you feel! Good luck and check out other articles which could be helpful to you.
Hi Ches,
i saw MgCl 520mg tablets made by Piping Rock(US) priced at $17 per bottle of 100 tablets.
Is it any good.? thank you…
Hi Jet, I use Piping Rock for my melatonin and they appear to be very efficient. I have not tried their MgCl 520mg tablets, but it sounds good value. I suggest you try them and see! Let me know how you get on.
Hi, do you have a recommendation for a good company that makes pure magnesium chloride powder for making your own solution? Thank you
I get my Mg Chloride from –
It is difficult to obtain a good quality product in the UK, but this company in Germany (with a uk depot) has always been reasonably priced with a good delivery and best quality available. I don’t know if they deliver worldwide though.
Heiltropfen MgCl product is available worldwide on amazon.
Thanks for the information David. I get mine from Germany as I buy in bulk; the discount is very reasonable. For one tub buyers Amazon is ideal and still reasonably priced. It is good that Amazon UK is now supplying it.
Hi Ches,
I took proton pump inhibitors for about 20 -25 years till 2016 when I had neurological problems and discovered I had a B-12 deficiency. The PPI’s destroyed my gut health and I have still not be able to restore it. I continue to struggle with weakness, fatigue and brain fog and tight muscles. I have been taking magnesium glycinate for years with no problems and also occasionally using a magnesium chloride spray. I have had severe muscle tightness and constipation issues for several years. An RBC magnesium test result was 5.1 about three months ago and I have been trying to raise my magnesium levels. After finding your site and reading Dr. Dean’s book I started using magnesium citrate powder and started a low dose start up of Remag. I have since discovered that I am having pain and burning sensation in my kidney and flank area on both sides. The pain is so bad that it is also causing anxiety. I have seen my primary care doc and all tests show good kidney function and a recent CT scan in the hospital emergency room also shows no problem with my kidneys or adrenals other other issues that would cause this pain. I do realize that I have had weak adrenals for many years. It now appears that any form of magnesium and even the spray is causing this pain. I have tried to research this and find basically nothing that would explain what is causing this pain. I found Dr. Dean’s article about 14 things that can cause symptoms to get worse with magnesium. But this is a new problem for me. I obviously need more magnesium but now I’m afraid I may not be able to take it any longer. HELP! What is causing this? Any help is appreciated.
Hi Dwayne, I’m sorry to hear of your difficulty with taking Mg. I have not heard of this before which means I may not be of much help. Taking PPIs for so many years may be a factor, did your primary care doctor indicate this at all? I have some suggestions but they are shots in the dark!
1. Have you tried Mg Sulphate (epsom salts). Many find that soaking their feet using epsom salts increases their Mg levels. You could try a bath but this may bring on the pain more readily than just your feet. Also you can slowly up the concentration which may get your body used to the Mg gradually. I’m not really convinced it is the Mg causing you problems, I think there must be something else going on, what, I don’t know.
2. Another suggestion, which is ultra expensive, is to try a liposomal Mg which Altrient do. You have to be careful with liposomal supplements as there are many on the market that are fake. Liposomal supplements are expensive, consequently unscrupulous sellers abound! So, this type of supplement is out of most peoples’ budget.
3. Still on the liposomes, your problem could indicate some kind of inflammation in your body. A liposomal vitamin C could really help your general health in this area. Alternatively, if you could take a good quantity of vitamin C by way of ascorbic acid powder, without upsetting your stomach, this could help. The thing with lipsomals is that they do NOT go through the digestive system, but go straight into the cells. With ascorbic acid though, this can cause laxative problems, but could actually suit your constipation issues. It’s a case of trying it out. You are the only one who knows how you feel, so why not try ascorbic acid powder first. It is cheap and you can’t go wrong with increasing your vitamin C input. Increase it slowly to bowel tolerance, then take it back a touch. It is an anti-viral, as well as all the other benefits of vitamin C. Check out Dr Thomas Levy. He is a cardiologist and also an expert on vitamin C. He will also suggest Altrient if you go for the liposomal vitamin C, which is the cheapest to buy of the liposomals (with Mg being one of the most expensive). For instance a months supply of liposomal vitamin C is around £40+! I do take it regularly but it takes a big chunk out of my supplement budget! (by the way I get no payment for any suggested supplements).
4. Of course, there is a possibility that you are deficient in other important nutrients. Selenium for instance or Zinc. Perhaps it would be a good idea to have a second opinion on your problem. Finding a GP who is also into nutrition, vitamins and minerals would be ideal (Naturopathic Doctor).
5. Have you had the C.19 jabs? They do sometimes induce side effects which may have caused you a problem. If you think that it could be a possibility go to the FLCCC site for advice on mitigating side effects from injections. Don’t dismiss this possibility out of hand. The injections can cause spurious side effects. As it happens vitamin C, Zinc and Selenium are 3 of the supplements these world experts advocate, amongst others. Well worth taking a look!
6. If you are taking other pharmaceutical medications such as statins (my pet hate) and blood pressure meds, they could be causing side effects and they can certainly annihilate your Mg levels in double quick time!
I sincerely hope one or more of these suggestions help your situation. Good luck and try to keep your anxiety levels low. Yoga is good (I’m told!)
Hi Ches
R.E Heiltropfen Mag Chloride: I have just taken delivery of a tub, and would be very grateful for any suggestions with regard to the amount to take, based on the directions given on the container.
I have read and noted your advice of, (for example) 600ml a day via taking two teaspoons of solution. The directions on the tub are-quote ‘ As a food suplement, mix 33g with 1 ltr of boiled, cooled water. Drink 50-100ml of solution per day’. Based on one teaspoon is around 5ml, that seems a high amount? hence some confusion!. My wish is to take around 450ml a day as a maintainance dose.
Sincere thanks for any advice/guidance.
Kind regards
Hi Christopher, You don’t need to make up a solution if you don’t want to. I don’t, hubbie does! I take a teaspoon (5ml) of the powder which gives around 600mg of elemental Mg. Put it into a glass of water. If it’s too bitter tasting for you, lace it with something like elderflower cordial, or water it down more. If you’ve not had it before, start slowly, I would suggest half a teaspoon at first (300mg elemental), sipped throughout the day. If you have no laxative problems with that, you can slowly up it, but don’t drink it all at once! Once you know what your body needs, you can finesse the amount and take it as and when. Do make allowances for the amount of Ca you ingest, how much stress you’re under, that includes exercise, if you’re unwell etc., you get the idea I’m sure. Pharma drugs will diminish your Mg.
With just the powder, it is more convenient but you need to adjust the amount to half the solution. Remember, Mg = magnesium, mg = milligrams, ml = millilitres, Ca = calcium. It can all be quite confusing! PS. keep your powder dry, or it will go solid, no wet spoons!
I’ve been using this for a while but will it change composition if I use it in a solution with ascorbic acid, bicarbonate of soda and Cream of Tartar (potassium) for electrolytes when fasting?
Hi Molly and thanks for the question. I have put many different additives into my mg solution including ascorbic acid powder. I can see no reason why anything natural would change your Mg Chloride composition. You can overdo your K intake, as I’m sure you know and have researched well. (A teaspoon of potassium bitartrate (3g) is around 10% of your daily value.) Interestingly, a Mg deficiency will exacerbate a K deficiency. As for bicarb, the salt Magnesium Bicarbonate used as an antacid confirms bicarb is not a problem.
Hello. I was hoping you can clarify the following:
1a. I’m confused. Is ‘ionic magnesium’ only available in liquid form for oral ingestion?
1b. Is ‘ionic magnesium’ available in spray form (ie. magnesium oil sprays, eg. from Now Foods and Trace Minerals Research, do these sprays use 100 % ‘ionic magnesium’)?
1c. What is Magnesium Chloride Hexahydrate and Magnesium Chloride Brine in magnesium sprays? Are these the same as ‘ionic magnesium’?
2. I read that taking Omega-3 EPA DHA fish oil supplements could induce atrial (and ventricular?) fibrillations, especially when taking EPA without the DHA, and in free fatty acid form (as opposed to reformed-triglycerides form?). Can taking magnesium in tablet, spray and ‘ionic’ forms prevent/treat these kinds of cardiac fibrillations?
Thank you. This is a great site and I still have more questions.
I think the ‘ionic’ is probably causing the confusion. For Mg to be bioavailable to the body, it has to be in its ionic form, no matter which Mg salt it is associated with. So forget the ionic bit, just think of the best salt for bioavailability.
Mg Oxide for instance is not at all bioavailable because the bond is too strong for it to disassociate so most goes through the body in its Mg Oxide form. Mg Chloride though, has a very weak bond, so the Mg ions are freed from the compound easily when going through the digestion process, making it easy for Mg ions to enter the cells. The SCV tells you which Mg salt is most bioavailable by its Stability Constant Value (SCV), the lower the better so for Mg Chloride, you can’t get any better than zero! I suggest to go through the article again, it is a bit heavy going first time around.
Whether it is a spray, a lotion or a liquid, check the composition, then check the SCV. Hexahydrate just means the compound has 6 H2O molecules in it. The product should tell you how much elemental Mg you will get from each dose, which is all you need to know.
Let me know where you read about Omega-3 EPA DHA oil supplements so I can read the same article, then give you my opinion on it. Articles vary to such a degree and depending on the source, you need to be careful if it is pharma induced or not. Brine just means it is processed from salt water.
Hello again. Thank you for the clarification. Basically, Mg Chloride (whether from brine or seawater) is ionic in nature (‘pico-meter’ sized), plus due to its weak bond with chloride, could easily and fully penetrate the skin and all human cells/organs etc. As you infered, Mg. Chloride Hexahydrate is also ionic – but with 6 water molecules (?). I am using both magnesium sprays and tablets/powders (but sprays seem to be more direct/fast-acting with no intestinal issues) for migraines, pvcs, stress, immunity (and I just found out magnesium could also protect against Diabetes T2).
As for that confusing Omega 3 inducing atrial fibrillation info, I can’t seem to locate it again. It was from a long blog/article about EPA-DHA. I remember the part about how taking only EPA without the DHA could induce AF, when other articles say that EPA (and DHA-DPA) ensures cardiac health (but not as much as magnesium can, it seems).
Also, unless I missed it, but would you do an article about magnesium and the immune system? In late 2021, Austrian researchers discovered that magnesium is key to T-cell functioning and precision in targeting bacterial (even superbugs?) & viral invaders and tumor-cancell cells and hence destroying them. The research is too technical to understand, but does this mean magnesium supplementation (magnesium sprays, oral tablets) could help bolster our immunity against common and more serious infections (mrsa, gangrene, viral outbreaks, etc.) and cancer or cancerous changes (similar to Vit D and Vit. B3)? It seems magnesium should now also be appreciated for its crucial immune system enchancing role.
Answer to your last 2 sentences is: Definately! Here is an article I wrote about all cause mortality. Check out the 2 minute clip with Dr Levy, a cardiologist (and JP). He is the vitamin C expert, but he always expounds about the importance of Mg for ALL causes of illness and death, as well as the toxicity of too much Ca.
As for writing an article about the necessity of Mg for immune health, there are more important people than me writing about this subject. Here is just one example I picked out of a google search:
Thanks again. Separately, I just came across a study from Japan (“Reduction in the colonization of Staphylococcus aureus on
the skin surface under calcium-/magnesium-depleted
conditions”) that seems to suggest Staphylococcus aureus favors more magnesium/calcium on the skin. How does this relate to magnesium chloride sprays in your opinion? Will magnesium sprays promote more S. aureus (including the MRSA types) colonization on the skin? (I had previously assumed magnesium and its ions were antifungal.)
Quick answer is no and you’re right to suggest that magnesium is an anti-fungicide. According to Dr Thomas Levy, an infusion of IV Mg has a positive effect on ALL cause mortality and he admits to being a vitamin C advocate. Dr Levy is a board certified cardiologist. Check out this article.
Edit: I just posted a reply (to be approved). Typo: tumor-cancer cells (not tumor-cancell). Thank you.
THANK YOU for all of this you are sharing. We appreciate it SO much.
Please forgive my ignorance… but I’m not sure what you are saying, so I am asking.
Put 125 grams into a small marked pyrex jug. Add just a little MINERAL WATER, enough to dissolve the salts and stir. Add more water to make your solution up to the 250ml mark, stir again and then pour it into a suitable glass bottle. It will be very cloudy at first but that is not sediment, it is air bubbles, which will start to clear in a few minutes.
What is “Mineral Water” in your directions? Just water? Or something else?
We are on a fixed income and we can’t just buy another supplement, especially if we can MAKE OUR OWN!!!
Please help me make it for so much less. I already have the Magnesium Chloride in my Amazon cart ready to purchase. (FOOD GRADE! yes, ma’am!)
Thank you again.
Hi there Chari and thanks for getting in touch. I use mineral water such as bottled water. This is to avoid any chlorine or other additives in tap water. Any mineral water will do, you don’t have to buy the dearer stuff. At the moment I am using Tesco’s mineral water. Great that you’ve found the food grade Mg Chloride. Make sure you keep your Mg in an airtight container and remember, any ‘wet spoon’ or slightest dampness will make it go solid, which won’t affect it but makes it harder to weigh out. If you don’t get much sunshine, don’t forget your Vit D3! which is stored in your body and needs Mg to activate it. By the way, if you dislike the taste, most do, try a little Elderflower cordial. It seems to take the taste away completely! Make sure it has no ‘aspartame’ in it though. Good luck and good health.
Okay, for some reason in my head, Perrier Carbonated Mineral Water seems strange to add to the Mg Chloride. Is this what you are talking about? Or are you talking about Spring Water? Can Mineral Water not be Carbonated? Sorry if this sounds silly. I just want to make this RIGHT the 1st time. So, I ask questions.
I didn’t know about the dampness. THANK YOU. I get SUNSHINE daily with my 2 mile run/walk here in NC mountains. 🙂 I’m pretty tough on taste. I am to DRINK it in my water throughout the day, correct? We DO NOT do any artificial sweeteners. NONE! We are eating a strong Whole Food Plant Based diet and really feeling better! HUGE salad for one meal daily! AGAIN, THANKS!!!
Just use bottled water. Tesco is our local supermarket, supermarket bottled water is fine, just don’t use tap water as it can contain fluoride, chlorine etc. If you HAVE to use tap water because of funds, that’s ok but bottled water, which is called mineral water here in the UK, is best.
Glad to hear you don’t touch artificial sweeteners and yes put your made up magnesium chloride into water and drink throughout the day, again, use bottled water if you can as it doesn’t contain additives. Once you’re used to it, you can up your dose and/or drink it when you like. It is something you have to work out for yourself because everyone is different. I, for example, take 600mg per day in a glass of water. Because I know my own body, I can drink quite a lot at once. I usually take 3 goes at drinking the whole glass with a good amount in the evening to help me sleep. Other people are more sensitive and need to sip it. I have to ensure people don’t drink it all at once because some will have a laxative effect. Some don’t. Just make sure your body is used to it, then you can work out what’s best for you.
We only drink filtered water. I think I could just use what we drink since it is pure water. Thanks again. I will purchase the Magnesium on Amazon today & start doing this as soon as it arrives. Appreciate your help. 🙂
Another question since I’m asking & your answering. 🙂
What do you know about taking “IP6 Gold, IP-6 & Myo-Inositol” with the Magnesium Chloride? Someone else said they took this too & a doctor I listened to recommended it also. Any ideas?
I’ve not used it myself, good quality stuff is quite pricey which also prohibits many people from affording it. No reason to think it isn’t good, but I would have to do some research before giving an opinion. There does seem to be some questions that need to be clarified before I would take it.
“Mineral Water”… Filtered Spring Water??
I am here in the US. I couldn’t find anything about “Tesco’s mineral water”.
Forgive my ignorance.
Thanks again.
Been taking Mg Threonate for some time. This seemed to help with BPH, but when I saw your articles on MgCl2 I decided to try that too. It quickly caused rather severe constipation, to my surprise as it’s supposed to cause the opposite. When I went back to only using the threonate, constipation went away. But the BPH is back, although not severe.
It could be you’re not taking enough MgCl2. Is the formula you’re using MgCl2.6H2O, ie Magnesium Chloride Hexahidrate? Did you follow exactly my recipe in the article ‘What is Magnesium Chloride’? I have never had anyone say MgCl2 causes constipation, so perhaps you need to up your dose. Increase it gradually until you get a slight laxative effect, then pull back a little. Perhaps that will sort it out. Other than that, I don’t know what else to suggest. How much elemental Threonate were you taking before? Perhaps you could check the difference between the Threonate elemental (usually 8.2%) and the MgCl2 elemental (usually 11.96%) and see if there’s much difference.
Hi – I just started reading about MG supplements – your info here is very helpful in terms of clarifying the benefits of MG chloride, as opposed to other forms. One question though – I see a reference above to putting the magnesium in solution. Why go through the trouble of putting it in solution, as opposed to just taking the MG chloride pills and washing it down with a glass of water?
Hi Joe, good question. In the part of the UK I live it is difficult to get Mg Chloride tablets. Health shops in our area don’t sell it and if Mg is stocked at all, it will be the low bioavailable Mg Oxide. Also the tablets are often rather large which many cannot swallow easily. Some good outlets will sell Mg Citrate, which is a very useful Mg salt, but not as bioavailable as Mg Chloride. I always give my friends and relatives a choice. ie. Do you want a solution (similar to ReMag) or do you want the powder form. Most want the solution. Those who are au fait with the supplement generally prefer the powder. It is just a matter of preference. Also, again in the UK, food quality Mg Chloride powder is difficult to find. I get mine from Germany.
You also need to check the details of tablets from pharma or other suppliers. They are often incorrect with the elemental amount of Mg cited, lower than stated. We have checked quite a few and they are never accurate. If you’re happy with food quality powder or granules, then there’s absolutely no reason not to use it (in water). Hubbie always uses the solution, I generally use the food quality granules we get from Germany. (Don’t forget to halve your dry quantity to the solution ie. ½ tsp of solution = 150mg elemental Mg but ½ tsp of powder = 300mg elemental Mg).
Here’s an example of the sold tablet form. A product from Piping Rock states Magnesium Chloride 520mg per tablet. Most people think this is the elemental amount but in fact the elemental is just 62.17mg per tablet. For me to get my daily dose I would need 9 tablets a day!
I hope this answers your question and I sincerely hope you start taking Mg, it is an essential mineral for us all.
I live in Australia and have had AFIB for a few years. I have a few questions:
1. I have up until recently been using Dr Dean’s Remag and Remyte. Being retired, I have found them to be too expensive, especially if I’m aiming for 600 mg of Magnesium per day. Recently I ordered Magnesium Chloride powder from a local supplier who claims it is sourced from a “pristine lake”. They also state that it is 99.9% MgCl2 in the form of Magnesium Chloride hexahydrate powder. I mix it in the ratio of 1 to 3 MgCl2 to water. I take 5mls in a 600 ml mineral water bottle (2 per day). It does not have the earthy taste of Remag. Is this normal or should I be looking at another form of MgCl2?
2. Is there a substitute for Dr Dean’s Remyte ? I had read that Sole – a saturated solution of Himalayan salt provides a wide range of minerals – but was shocked to find that it is in fact 97-98% Sodium Chloride. My Blood Pressure was quite elevated after a few days use and I have ceased using it.
3. Finally – I have also read that Arjuna powder – extracted from the bark of a tree that grows in India has been used in ayurvedic medicine for heart ailments. have you heard of it and do you have any opinion on this?
Thanks for your comment David, as for Mg Chloride, it must be food quality. I get mine from Germany (Heiltropfen). It should taste similar to ReMag. We actually disguise the taste with a little elderflower cordial which makes a refreshing drink. I know nothing about Remyte and have never tried it. Mg Chloride should regulate your blood pressure to where it should be, which is usually lowering it somewhat, so I think you were wise to cease using the one you were using. I would add zinc to your regime, along with vitamin D3 and vitamin C. As for Arjuna powder, I have not used it, but I will now research it!
Another excellent supplement for the heart is vitamin K2mk7 which can really help to stop calcification which many with AFIB can suffer from. It should be taken with D3 and Mg. Here’s a link to K2 post Take 90-100 micrograms of K2. As it happens, you cannot overdose on this vitamin which is good to know.
Thanks for your reply Ches.
I have since done a bit of research – Hexahydrate simply means the Magnesium Chloride molecule has 6 water molecules attached. This doubles the weight of the molecule so that the elemental magnesium content is 12% instead of 25%. I note that all powdered Magnesium Chloride for sale on Amazon for instance is the hexhydrated variety. When I doubled the amount of powder in my solutions, the taste did resemble remag.
With your indulgence, I have another question: I have been prescribed Flecainide now for a few years – dose 2 X 100 mgs daily. Just recently I tried to reduce this to 2 X 50 mgs daily. The result was an AF session which has lasted 3 days and I have now resumed the original dosage. Does this mean that the magnesium is not working – or that I should wait longer until my Magnesium levels are optimal? In any case how would I know this? I have only been taking oral Magnesium and Magnesium oil for about 1 month.
Hi again David, My husband was on flecainide for the duration of his AFIB. He was on the maximum dose, which eludes me for the moment. The problem is, flecainide will deplete Mg, most pharmaceuticals do. Taking any drug causes stress to the body and stress uses your Mg levels up quickly. Could you take more Mg or do you get the laxative effect? Remember, Mg is not a dangerous mineral. If you overdose, you will just be in the loo for a while. Do you take a lot of Calcium? Do you use antacids at all? Do you use fluoridated toothpaste? Do you have fluoride in the water supply?
When fluoride compounds in fluoridated water, dental products or drugs release toxic fluorine ions, tissue and cell damage will start. Apart from directly damaging cells and tissue, fluorine ions bind with Mg. This makes Mg unavailable to the body. Considering that the majority of the population is deficient in Mg, this is not good to say the least.
Make sure you’re not using glyphosate in your home, that includes ’roundup’. This stuff is lethal and should be banned but unfortunately isn’t here in the UK. I don’t know about Australia and its states, but I see using a quick search that Aussie farmers use it all the time. This means vegetables and other crops will be laced with this toxin. Try and grow your own stuff organically or buy organic. I know it’s expensive, but the more organic you eat the healthier you will be. Do a remit on your home and the chemicals that you regularly use. Try and find natural solutions to cleaning products etc..
If I were you, I would be upping my dose. I would also use Mg Sulphate (epsom salts) regularly to either soak my feet and/or put in the bath. I know it’s a pain but I would want to find out how much Mg to take to reduce my AFIB symptoms.
You are probably only treading water with 600mg which is fighting against your drug. Are you on any other pharmaceutical medications?
Take your total health into your own hands. You know already that toxins are not good, so get rid of as many as you can. Try and do your own cooking from scratch and be fussy with all your ingredients. Also, do some research on where these toxic chemicals are and which foods they are in. It’s quite scary when you dig deep! Good luck and here’s to a healthier you and yours!
Hi Ches,
I’m taking your advice and ordering K2MK7 – thanks for this.
I keep reading that the magnesium in remag is somehow specially ionised to be super absorb-able. I always thought that a magnesium ion is a magnesium ion and can’t be tinkered with. Is there any truth in these claims made for remag?
Of course you’re right David. I think Dr Dean uses the ‘picometer’ size to accentuate the quality of her ReMag. But for those making their own Mg Chloride solution, as long as you use food quality, your Mg ions will be as good as ReMag.
Robbie Robb from the Facebook group “Vitamin D & Co-factors UK” recommended buying and making up this form of Magnesium with the advice to look at your page for instruction and I’m glad I did. I bought my Mag Chloride from Amazon and it was easy to make up, I already make my own Boron so it was no bother. I usually take Seeking Health Magnesium Malate but that was a bit pricy as I take between 500mg to 1000mg a day but I’m starting off slowly with the MgCl2 solution. I don’t know if I’m imagining it, but I feel more energised. I often feel not tired enough to sleep but physically exhausted and weak but that seems to have disappeared. I hope this feeling carries on. Thank you.
Hi there Lesley and thanks for the input on your MgCl2 solution. Magnesium is renowned for energising and usually sleep patterns improve too, so your experiences are true to form. As Robbie probably told you, you need Mg to activate your D3 which is stored in its inactive form and will not be activated efficiently without Mg. If you want to expand on your supplements, K2 is a great addition to stop calcifications. In fact research has shown that calcification can actually be reduced with this combination (Mg, D3, K2). If you want a prophylaxis for Covid, Quercetin is the natural equivalent of HCQ, both of which are ionophores. Don’t forget zinc and vitamin C to make a threesome. Good luck and keep healthy!
Hi again, Yes, I have always taken the co-factors along with the magnesium. My one worry though, isn’t too much chloride bad for the heart as I read it raises blood pressure?
Hi again Lesley, I have never heard of anyone having problems with hyperchloremia with the use of MgCl2. The element Chlorine (17) is reactive and dangerous. However, chloride is a chlorine atom that has an additional negative electron. Chloride is essential to many species including us humans. Chloride is the ‘fifth’ important electrolyte, the other four being magnesium, calcium, sodium and potassium. Without the chloride ion, none of the other 4 electrolytes could be utilised. So they are bound with chloride to become Magnesium Chloride, Calcium Chloride, Sodium Chloride and Potassium Chloride. Hopefully, this will reassure you that MgCl2 is a safe supplement.
If you do want to try an alternative, go back to my post and choose another salt that has a low SCV (stability constant value) but remember MgCl2 has an SCV of ZERO which means it will get into the cells more efficiently than those with a higher SCV.
Sorry for the delay but thank you for your informative reply. I have and will carry on with this form of Magnesium.
You’re welcome Lesley.
Hello! The wonderful woman Robbie Robb from the Facebook group; Vitamin D & Co-factors Uk has posted your recipe for the magnesium solution many times. I was buying ionic mag and giving this to my kids too. I can’t continue this expense for us all but want to do right. Through your advice I’ve just taken the plunge to make my own and bought it from Amazon. A really big thank you for your kindness in making this information available. 2 of my kids have complex tics and this stuff makes all the difference to their symptoms.
Hi there Jennifer and thank you for taking the trouble to write your comment. It makes a real difference when people see a comment such as yours which gives them the impetus to try to make a magnesium solution for themselves.
It gratifies me to know that your kids are benefitting from this vital mineral. It is estimated that around 80% of the population are deficient in it. It is no wonder so many are having symptoms which can be cured with this simple supplement. Unfortunately, many medics know little about nutrients, vitamins and minerals and consequently offer a pharmaceutical treatment which often exacerbates the problem.
I am sure your children will be given every opportunity to have the healthiest life possible in this unsettling time. By the way, have a look at this article which gives you a natural way to keep COVID-19 at bay
Hello again! Prior to making the solution as per your instructions, I’d been taking 3 tsps/day of MAG365 with no issues. However, since swapping to 1.5 tsps of the solution throughout the day, I’ve had gastrointestinal issues! Do people tolerate types of magnesium differently? Any suggestions?! I’m currently taking 5000iu daily of vitamin D3 so need the magnesium as part of a protocol to keep this in check. Many thanks.
Hi there Jennifer, I think MAG365 is actually a Mg citrate which is less absorbable than Mg Chloride. It could be that you’re close to your optimum levels and 450mg, which is what you are taking going by your comment, is now a little too much. It depends on what you mean by gastointestinal issues? This is a tricky one because every person is different. I take 600mg per day and have no problems, but I am seriously deficient. Try cutting back a little. Take 1 tsp (5ml) in a glass of water for a few days making sure you sip it throughout the day. Taking it all at once or even twice a day can upset some.
Take into account your weight. If you are a small person, you may not need as much. As for the D3, some would say 5000iu is a little high but I assume you’ve checked this out for yourself. Take into account foods you are eating. For instance, if I eat lentils and other foods high in Mg, I have to cut back a little. We’re all different and this is a case of you finding the correct level for you. Only you know how you feel. It may help to keep a food diary for a week or two, this could give a clue to what’s happening.
I sincerely hope your kids are getting the benefit of Mg. Actually, the citrate is better for most kids because it’s tasteless. Hopefully, you managed to get a food quality Mg Chloride. It really does help if you just sip a little many times a day. Put some in a bottle of mineral water if you need to take some when out and about. Come back to me with more info if the gastro problems don’t abate.
Hello again! Is it usual that people respond to different types of magnesium? I took MAG365 previously with no issue but since making my own and drinking it as instructed I have suffered gastrointestinal issues. Any advice gladly received.
See my answer to your previous comment sent at 8:25 am
Apologies for the double post yesterday! Damn wi-fi! Thanks again for the advice. My kids are still on board the Mag train!
I would like to make my own MgCl2 solution. Do you have any recommendations for a brand of good quality MgCl2 salt?
Hi there Vicki, I get my Mg Chloride from Germany. The email address is:
If you’re in the UK I can supply you with some. Otherwise, the most important consideration when buying this supplement is to make sure you always get food grade. Regards, Ches
Thank you so much for your information. I found this product on Amazon here in the US called Greenway Biotech Pure Magnesium Chloride. I bought a bag and have mixed it up according to the instructions that you give. It was very simple and easy to do. My husband and I have been taking it through the day in the way you describe…it could not be easier. We have both already noticed benefits. Thank you so much for this web-site. The information you give is so easy to understand and it is information that I didn’t know. Bless you so much.
Hi there Vicky and thank you very much for your input. I am so pleased you and your husband have taken Mg on board and started supplementing yourselves. You will now reap the benefits of this amazing mineral and already started on the road to a healthy body. Now you have one of the mainstays of nutrients sorted, start finessing your supplemental intake by finding out which you may be deficient in. This takes a lot of research, but your health is your responsibility and only you know how you feel. Don’t leave it to a stranger who is, in effect, working for the pharmaceutical industry. Pharmaceutical drugs should be a last resort. Good luck and good health to you and yours. PS, If you do need a doctor, choose one who is a naturopath as well as a medical doctor. These are the doctors of the future. Ches
Thank you for this wonderful and informative article. Buying Remag for $38.00 a 8oz bottle (including shipping) was painful to my monthly budget.
I purchased a 2 pound bag of magnesium chloride USP on Amazon for $24.00 and have made the first batch of solution. It turned out exactly as you described in the article. I now can have 8oz (250ml) for $5.23 per bottle.
Hi there Russell and I’m so pleased you’re making your own Mg Chloride. It is exactly the same as the solution you can buy but of course so much cheaper. I don’t think the public realise how easy it is to make yourself. Perhaps you could spread the word to family and friends, knowing that at least 80% of the population are deficient in this essential mineral. Good health to you and yours!
I wore a EKG monitor for heart palpitations for 2 weeks, ordered by my cardiologist; he wanted me to take pharmaceuticals to correct the problem. The more research I did into it, the more I learned exactly what you said: that most westerners are seriously deficient in magnesium. Adding this element to my low carb ancestral diet stopped the palpitations and I never filled the prescription.
Well done Russell! It’s a pity more people don’t take their health into their own hands. As long as the condition isn’t immediately life threatening, it’s always a good idea to look for a natural treatment rather than a chemical one. Your doctor cannot really advocate a natural supplement. Pharmaceutical treatments are the protocol but those doctors who do not follow protocol are likely to be reprimanded. Consequently they ‘toe the line’ rather than risk upsetting the hierarchy. This is often to the detriment of their patients who may just have a simple deficiency, just like you.
Once on a heart arrhythmia drug such as flecainide (Tambocor) or Dofetilide, you’ll likely be on it for life. Some of these drugs have really serious side effects. My late husband’s doctor told him once on Tambocor, he would have to be on it for life. He said the side effects are such that patients ‘do not represent with a heart attack’ in other words the first heart attack is the last. This was the case with my husband.
Patients really have to look out for themselves and not throw the drug information leaflet in the bin. Keep it and read it carefully. If you don’t like the possible side effects, look for another medication. But more importantly, look first for a natural treatment. Changing your doctor to a naturopathic doctor who is also an allopathic doctor is your best bet. These doctors of the future will look for a natural solution to your condition and only use a pharmaceutical drug as a last resort.
Hi Chess. I posted a couple of weeks ago, after being on the Dr. Dean site, extensively, and noticing that she very definitely makes it sound as if her product (which goes through 18 steps) is only the size it is because they get it there. I hate deception of any kind, but especially to sell a product. I don’t usually like talking down someone else, either, but think this is important. I don’t doubt that she knows her business, and I’m sure not everyone would want to make their own Mg. So, okay. But I must tell you, it is not inexpensive here, just compared with you all there. She says that we need a minimum of 6 g per Kg body weight. For me, at 175, I would have to pay $1.96 per single serving. Magnesium citrate in a very popular powdered formula which I took for a long time costs about $0.32 per serving of about 325 mg. So, you can see the draw for making my own. Your info is great and I like your straight forward approach. I do see why this one mineral is so important, by the way, and Dr. Dean is the main reason. Her work seems important to me. Thanks.
Hi again Roger, yes you’re right her product is a Mg Chloride solution. MgCl2 is MgCl2 and you can’t change that. It’s small ‘pico’ size makes it easier to get into your cells and the bond between the Mg and the Chloride is very weak so it disassociates in the digestion system very readily. The pico size is applicable to Dr Dean’s ReMag as well as the home made. It is very expensive here compared to the US and Canada, I don’t know about other countries. The ‘Brexit’ problems we have here in the UK doesn’t help either.
Mg Citrate is a good supplement but not everyone can take the quantity they need to keep their deficiency at bay. Too much and the laxative effect can be a problem for some. It is ideal to keep your Mg levels up and for kids, because it’s tasteless. The powder form makes it easy to control for parents.
If you’re doing your own MgCl2, make sure your MgCl2 granules are of excellent food quality. Thanks for your input!
OK, I’m chastened. I posted a few minutes ago before finishing this article under “about” because you seemed to like Dr. Dean so much, etc. I see that you have an alternate way to get your magnesium, and have rather a lot of good information for folks. Sorry if I was too direct, but as I said, the web… So, thanks for the info. Answering each post takes a lot of time, but makes your site stand out. I will keep reading.
Hello again Roger, don’t worry, I have become quite thick skinned. But I think it is a good thing to check everything out, especially when it comes to people expounding the virtues of something that many know little about. You do need to do your own research and that’s what you’re doing. Research nowadays, especially by the pharmaceuticals needs to be looked at carefully. They have been caught out massaging their figures at best and being downright fraudulent at worst. This often to the detriment of the public health, Vioxx comes mind, 65,000 dead because of this horrendous drug.
We weren’t born needing drugs, what makes us think we should change mother nature and reject the nutrients we were born with in favour of a toxic chemical. I hope you find value in the articles you read which I have carefully researched and written. This site is meant to help all those that come across it so they can make an informed decision as to whether to ingest a drug or try a natural nutrient first. We must remember to ‘follow the money’. The pharmaceuticals do not put their customers first, they put profits ahead of all other considerations. Have a look at this, it’s quite unsettling!
I received magnesium gluconate infusions while I was in the hospital last year. I asked for it for pain from my GBS/CIDP. After my 4th bag I stayed pain free and I mean pain free. Pain levels went from 24/7 of between 7-8 to 0 for 8months. Didn’t find the pill form till I was already starting to hurt. Have you ever heard of using magnesium gluconate for pain relief in people with autoimmune diseases. I was diagnosed 10 yrs with GBS.
Hi there Mike, I feel for you having Guillain-Barré syndrome/Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy. I know my Mum was given Mg gluconate as part of a rehydration infusion (Mg gluconate was just one of the ingredients).
Unlike many patients, you have found one of the most important minerals which you need to use regularly, especially with your conditions. There are many different salts of Mg which you have probably read in my blog. IMHO, Mg chloride is one of the most effective supplements to take for anyone and I mean anyone. Most of us are deficient in Mg, due mainly to ignorance from most of the medical community. Other factors are the pharmaceutical industry’s obsession with high monetary value drugs (they mostly ignore vitamins, minerals and other nutrients because they cannot patent them). Lastly but by no means least is our rubbish processed foods, artificial sweetener like aspartame and our modern farming practices which deplete our soils of their nutrients, Mg being one of those most depleted.
Mg gluconate has a stability constant of 0.70 which is low but Mg chloride has a stability constant of zero which is the best possible. This SCV tells you if the strength of the bond between the two components ie. Mg and gluconate or Mg and chloride is strong or weak. The higher the number, the stronger the bond and the less bio availability. The bond between Mg and Chloride is extremely weak. This means, when it hits the stomach it breaks apart so that the Mg is fully ionised, ready to be used in your cells. Mg gluconate is also good but more difficult to obtain.
I would advise you to use Dr Carolyn Dean’s Mg Chloride solution called ReMag. It is easily available in the US, not so much in the UK. Dr Dean does a completement formula, which although is expensive, is worth looking into for someone with your problems. (I do not gain anything for recommending her supplements by the way).
Another amazing supplement (which is also expensive I’m afraid) is LivOn’s Altrient Liposomal vitamin C. I take this regularly as well as Mg chloride which I make up myself (see the blog). This type of vit C supplement is very bioavailable and also gets straight into the cells, missing the digestive system. Vitamin C is renowned for reducing inflammation dramically but it needs to be taken in larger quantities than you get from food. IV infusion vitamin C is much used in the US and has actually saved many on the brink of death. Check out these videos – Sepsis cure and – swine flu victim with no hope of survival. Linus Pauling knew about this way back in the last century. Check out Dr Thomas Levy a cardiologist who is an expert on vitamin C.
Hope this information is helpful. Keep taking your Magnesium! (Not oxide, very poor bioavailability).
What interesting information! I had no idea there were so many different kinds of Mg! I’m so glad I do now.
I’ve gotten a bunch of blood test done over the past several years because of a wacky health situation with Lyme and Celiac disease. But, as I’m sure many people are, I was very deficient in magnesium.
I’m not sure what kind it was, but I was made to spray it on my feet every night before bed. It worked wonders!
Thanks for the good info and making people aware of all the benefits of Magnesium!
Thanks for reading the post Helen. If your blood test showed you were very deficient then you need to keep your supplementation of Mg up. Topical use like the spray is really good but to really get to grips with your deficiency a good quality supplement would do you well. Also make sure you eat those foods that do have the most Mg in, see Foods With High Magnesium. Also make sure your calcium levels are not too high. Have a look at this post What is the Best Calcium Supplement for Women?