Why should you be worried about getting enough Magnesium? What does Magnesium do for your body? What would happen if you didn’t have Magnesium (Mg) in your body?
You will be ill!
If you don’t have enough of Mg in your body, in time, you will become ill! Not you may be or you could be, you will be! You will probably then pack yourself off to the doctor and he will prescribe a drug and you will be on the treadmill of prescription drug taking maybe for the rest of your life. If you can remedy your condition with natural nutrients rather than drugs, it is by far the best way to go. Putting chemicals into the body which then has to contend with coping with strange substances, just gives it an added burden.
The eminent Dr Mildred S. Seelig M.D., MPH
Dr Mildred Seelig, a world renowned researcher, studied the effects of magnesium deficiency and its devastating consequences for more than 35 years. She authored numerous peer reviewed articles and lectured before scientific audiences worldwide; a master of the American College of Nutrition and chair of the Magnesium Advisory Board, which oversees New York Weill Cornell Medical Centre’s Magnesium Information Centre.
Unfortunately, Dr Seelig died in 2005 and this was a great loss to those championing Mg and desperately trying to educate the population about its crucial and vital role in nearly every facet of human health. It may be because of her death and the admiration and respect she commanded, from all members of the medical community, that education in Mg has not progressed as it should. Even so, there are a few medical professionals who are exceptionally knowledgeable about this subject.
Two other well known champions of Mg are Dr Carolyn Dean and Dr Dennis Goodman both of whom have written various books and articles on the subject. Below are the two publications which IMHO are their best and well worth putting into your library. The books are:
The Magnesium Miracle by Dr Carolyn Dean
Dr Dean is an MD but her forte is definately as a naturopathic doctor. She is dedicated to helping the unwell with measures of nature rather than of prescription drugs.
Dr Dean is the author of over 30 books of which I personally think “The Magnesium Miracle” is the star. Her knowledge of Magnesium (Mg) and its benefits for so many conditions, is unsurpassed. If you value your health, this book is a must read. It is comprehensive and covers every area you could imagine to do with this underrated mineral, which you ignore at your peril.
Dr Carolyn Dean presents this volume in clear terms for all to understand. It is based on all the latest research on Mg and possibly everyone can benefit from knowing all about this forgotten mineral.
Magnificent Magnesium by Dr Dennis Goodman
Dr Dennis Goodman, an eminent cardiologist and proponent of Mg said recently “People are unaware of how important magnesium is and it’s all too common how deficient people are. When I tell patients that they have the classic symptoms of magnesium deficiency, which can be very non-specific, ranging from fatigue, insomnia, palpitations, and things people just attribute to everyday life, they don’t understand it. Then I prescribe them something as simple as magnesium and they come back and can’t believe how well they’re feeling.”
Dr Goodman has written a book called ‘Magnificent Magnesium’. This book is well worth adding to your library. It is clearly laid out and easy to read and explains why the heart needs Mg and how it is your essential key to heart health. He also covers many of the other serious diseases that Mg deficiency can cause or exacerbate.
Mg declines, heart disease increases
The incidence of heart disease and diabetes has been advancing at alarming rates. Coincidently, there has been a decline of intake of Mg per capita, year on year which matches the upward trend of these diseases. Or is it a coincidence? Dr Seelig thought not and spent most of her life proving the fact. She said “Most modern heart disease is caused by magnesium deficiency.” – Dr Mildred S Seelig
Magnesium deficiency can lead to many metabolic disruptions that adversely affect virtually every bodily system. This is vastly overlooked often leading to the development of life threatening conditions such as cardiovascular diseases including:
- Acute Myocardial Infarction (heart attack)
- Angina Pectoris
- Arrhythmias including Atrial Fibrillation
- Atherosclerosis
- Cardiomegaly (enlarged heart)
- Cardiomyopathy (heart muscle disease)
- Congestive Heart Failure
- Coronary Heart Disease
- Heart Murmur
- Hypertension (high blood pressure)
- Mitral Valve Prolapse
- Pericarditis/Pericardial Effusion
- Premature Ventricular Contraction (PVC)
- Stroke
- Sudden Cardiac Arrest
Some other serious conditions that can develop because of a Mg deficiency are:
- Diabetes
- Kidney Stones
- Osteoporosis
Metabolic Syndrome or Syndrome X
- Obesity
- Depression
- Fibromyalgia (used to be known as fibrositis)
- Asthma
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- Gastrointestinal Problems
Research and Parkinson’s
Much research has and is being conducted suggesting that degenerative neurological diseases such as Parkinson’s and Mutiple Sclerosis could be linked to a magnesium deficiency. One study concludes “…our data are in agreement with the findings of epidemiological and case-control studies and suggest that the chronic loss of Mg2+ from brain tissue and thus, latent intracellular hypomagnesemia, contributes to neurodegeneration…”¹
An ignored Element
Doctors and therapists have mostly totally ignored the merits of Mg, to the detriment of many sufferers of various diseases. Unfortunately, Big Pharma is in control of medicating the population and educating our medics. Dealing in vitamins and minerals is not profitable to them, hence, to a greater degree, natural remedies are ignored.
You can often get hints as to the incredible importance of Mg. How many of you know that without Mg, cows, sheep and other grazers, can often succumb to the effects of its depletion, with a farmer commonly finding his animal dead from ‘grass staggers’ as this picture depicts. Knowing this problem, our farm animals are treated regularly to prevent the condition and keep them safe from Mg deficiency.
Hypomagnesemic tetany, grass tetany or grass staggers and winter tetany is a metabolic disease involving magnesium deficiency, which can occur in such ruminant livestock as beef cattle, dairy cattle and sheep.
So why are farmers giving Mg?
So how is it that our farm animals are given Mg to stop serious or fatal disease? Well, I think it’s down to money. If animals are stricken with a disease that compromises profitability, they will be treated accordingly with a cheap and natural remedy which insures maximum profits.
When the human population is coming down with all kinds of ailments some of which are fatal and a direct response to Mg and other nutritional imbalances, where are our keepers, the doctors? You may say I’m being cynical but there’s much more money to be made by Big Pharma, by plying us with drugs rather than using a cheap natural remedy.
Some doctors do put patients first
Thank goodness for those few doctors, who are aware and knowledgeable. They are persistent about the benefits of vitamins and minerals, they are not intimidated by prescribing them to their patients instead of drugs. This is despite being encouraged by Big Pharma to give out drugs for all conditions, sometimes inappropriately and often making the patient worse because of the side effects. Some doctors have actually been chastised for recommending a natural remedy rather than a drug!
What about excess calcium?
Nothing is mentioned by Big Pharma or the medical community, about the devastating affects of over consumption of Calcium (Ca), leading to a Mg deficiency by default. Ca and Mg should be in balance for both elements to work symbiotically. Without balance, neither element will do its job and without Mg, Ca will be off around the body causing havoc by calcifying in soft tissue and organs. It is usually Ca which is in abundance because of the lack of knowledge and ignorance of Mg. Ca is touted willy-nilly by food manufacturers and medical practioners, often to the detriment of the patient. Our children are force fed Ca, osteoporosis patients are told to consume Ca, the elderly are advised to supplement on Ca. For our children, Ca without Mg will weaken bones and teeth, not strengthen. For our osteoporosis patients, their condition will worsen, not improve and for our elderly, why do you think so many of them break their bones? Answer: too much Ca and lack of Mg = weakened bones and calcification in soft tissue.
Take control
It is really quite amazing to me, how such a simple solution to such a massive world health problem, can be ignored. I blame Big Pharma, after all, they are just like all companies, that want to make as much profit as possible. Trouble is, they are in the business of health and their profits can be at the expense of the trusting public who look to them and medics to keep them healthy. ‘First do no harm” should be the number one principle of a medical practioner but if they won’t recognise or accept the benefits of vitamins and minerals over side-effect ridden drugs, it is at the expense of the population who are suffering because of remedies like a simple element known as Magnesium.
Take your health into your own hands now! Do your own research. You’re just as intelligent and able to digest information as a doctor or scientist. Use a supplement of Mg to boost your health and your quality of life and keep you safe from the serious diseases that can occur without it, not least the biggest killer in the world, heart disease. Take control of your health and your life. Don’t leave it in the hands of those that are taking no notice of their Hippocratic Oath “first do no harm”.
IMHO, the best supplement is Mg Chloride which can be taken orally or administered topically. Mg Citrate powder is my choice if you have digestive problems specifically constipation, a common side effect of Mg deficiency.
I would be interested to hear your comments and how you have or are suffering from conditions that could be helped with Mg. Here’s to your improved health, wellbeing and quality of life! Ches
- Substitution p.A350V in Na /Mg Exchanger SLC41A1, Potentially Associated with Parkinson’s Disease, Is a Gain-of-Function Mutation. Martin Kolisek et al., PLoS One. 2013; 8(8): e71096. Published online 2013 Aug 15. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0071096 –
Spread the word!

Hi Ches, My ER visit for PVC/palpitations included a blood test panel. My magnesium was normal at 2.09 mg/dl and calcium was normal at 9.5 mg/dl but I noticed my chloride was 106 MMOL/L . Thus, would taking/adding magnesium chloride raise my chloride levels even higher? I don’t want it to be much higher. I read this: https://labs.selfdecode.com/blog/high-chloride-levels-hyperchloremia/
I already take magnesium malate and theorate daily. I do not take calcium supplements. My diet is very healthy since learning of coronary artery disease five years ago. I’ve never been overweight.
Hi Steve and thanks for getting in touch. Please read this article about the Total Serum Mg Test Despite the result of your test, I would be very surprised if is actually accurate. As it is, 2.09 mg/dl is low anyway, so I don’t know why your doctor said it was normal. Probably looking at an old scale.
As for your Ca levels, just look at the difference between the Mg and Ca. These should be in balance or at least close to balance.
If you are worried about Mg Chloride, carry on with your normal supplement or try Mg Citrate. For myself, I take up to 900mg of elemental Mg by way of Cl salt per day, depending on my food intake and stress levels. I’m sure I would not feel this well if I had a problem with Cl. As for the article, I will look further into the origines of it to make sure it was not funded by a pharmaceutical company or ghost written.
When all’s said and done, only you know your own body. Listen to it. It will tell you if something isn’t right. Keep doing your research! Good luck and good health to you always.
Hi Ches, thanks for your reply. I take 500mg of chelated mag lysinate glycinate chelate per day and sometimes the malate of therorate. I never take a calcium supplement. I don’t know how I would get the magnesium up to those levels like the calcium. Maybe I read the measurement wrong. I think it is supposed to be: 1.7 to 2.3 milligrams per deciliter for magnesium. I dont know how that compares to calcium at 9.5 mg/dl.
Hi Steve (or is it Mike). Don’t stress too much over your Ca levels, just don’t take any extra Ca and be aware of the Ca you are consuming. For instance, antacids are usually full of calcium carbonate, not good. Tums can give you a 3000mg of Ca per day if you go by their daily allowance. Keep checking the labels of what you eat. Don’t consume those that are fortified with Ca. If you’re happy with your magnesium supplement, stick with it. Many veggies have Ca in as well as Mg but unfortunately, Mg levels are low in our soils, so low in our foods. It’s not your fault, it is the fault of the pharmaceuticals industry and the food industry who either don’t know about the balances needed between Ca or Mg or perhaps do know, but don’t care. After all, if you are checked for Ca levels in your heart (Coronary Calcium Scan) and they are high, it’s more profits for big pharma!
I suffer from restless legs to the point that they often interfere with a good night’s sleep. For some time now, one thing I rely on to help is a liquid supplement of Calcium chloride and Magnesium chloride combined. 1500 mg/L Calcium to 3000 mg/L Magnesium from a company called Angstrom Minerals. I take more than the 1 ounce prescribed on the bottle – at least 2 ounces, some nights even more. That combined with a magnesium cream is often the only way I get relief. Should I be concerned about taking that much? Should I try to find a supplement without the calcium?
Hi there Charlynn and thanks for your comment. As for your question about taking too much of your supplement, I have the following comments to make:
1. I don’t know how old you are but it is a fact that as we age our Ca levels increase and our Mg levels decrease. This is probably a lot to do with our poor diet, as Ca is in many foods and is often even fortified, especially in milk and dairy products. If you are allergic to dairy or have some other problem with taking Ca foods, then I would say perhaps you need to up your Ca intake. Generally though, we all ingest plenty of Ca, even to the detriment of our health. Have you heard of the Coronary Calcium Scan? Why would you need one of these scans anyway? Is it possibly because you have too much Ca in your soft tissue? Search ‘coronary calcium scan’ and you will surprised at how much info there is. But, does your doctor or medical professional warn you about ingesting too much Ca. I doubt it!
2. It is very difficult to overdose on Mg. Your stomach will soon tell you that you’ve overdone it. It’s not harmful, you’ll just be in the loo for a bit! How to avoid this? Increase your dose slowly and spread them widely throughout the day. Also, take into account the foods you are eating. Lots of lentils? decrease your dose a touch. Going to be a stressful day? increase your dose to match. You get the idea. Remember, Ca is the mineral of tension, Mg is the mineral of relaxation.
3. Mg cream is a great way to go, especially if you are susceptible to a delicate tummy. If money’s no object, liposomal Mg is the best way to ingest this vital minerals. But…. you have to be in the money to afford it! Have a look at my post on What is Mg Chloride It shows you how to make your own Mg Chloride supplement and also gives a list of other Mg salts for comparison.
4. If you’re Ca – Mg levels are not balanced, you should get a few clues. Restless legs is one, palpitations, twitches around the eyes, back aches and joint aches, heart arrhythmia including atrial fibrillation, anxiety, ticks or even tourettes, panic attacks, headaches or migraines, kidney stones, depression, insomnia, the list is endless. Any stress in your life will deplete your Mg at a rate of knots. This includes pharmaceutical drugs, excessive exercise (athletes can die suddenly if they are Mg deficient). Looking after a loved one who is ill will deplete your Mg levels on a daily basis. But… if you know your stresses in life, you can counteract them by being replete in Mg.
I’ve covered a few points but I would suggest you do your own research, after all, only you know how you feel. A good book to buy is Dr Carolyn Dean’s The Magnesium Miracle. If it was me and I know my own body, I would not be supplementing with Ca at all. But you must decide that for yourself, we’re all different and this is a case of knowing yourself and the state of your health.
PS. Most doctors have no clue about vitamins and minerals. Not their fault, they aren’t taught it in medical school and it would be frowned upon if a doctor regularly prescribed a natural solution to a problem. Just keep that in mind. It’s your body, you have to look after it by becoming knowledgable about your own symptoms. It is quite liberating when you realise you know more about your body than your medic!
Hi there Kevin and thanks for getting in touch. There has been some research on calcification and this article will tell you all about it. Although the article concentrates on atherosclerosis and calcification of arteries, it is obvious that calcification can affect any part of your body. There is no telling where it will settle. So if you have calcium in your joints, it is likely to be elsewhere too and your heart could be a prime candidate!
Magnesium and Calcium should be consumed in equal measures but our modern diet makes it very difficult to keep Mg levels up compared to the excess Ca that most of us are consuming. Mg will definitely inhibit your condition, if you take enough to equal your Ca intake but you also need to activate your osteocalcin and matrix Gla-protein (MGP). MGP (matrix gla protein, the Gla is short for glutamic acid), extracts calcium out of the arteries and directs it to the bone where it belongs.
So my advice is to take a good quality Mg Chloride such as ReMag from Dr Dean. Along with this, vitamin K2 (MK7) at least 90 micro grams and the 3rd important nutrient is vitamin D3. Now if you live in sunny climes, your vitamin D3 levels may be fine. But if you are in cooler areas of the planet and don’t get much sun, then you may need to take a supplement. I take one puff of an oral spray which is very easy (I live in the UK.) Each spray gives 3000IU. Don’t overdo the D3 because that could adversely affect your Ca absorption. Many advocate taking vast amounts of D3. You can get tested for vitamin D3 which I actually did and was found to be very deficient. Also, don’t forget Mg is necessary to activate the stored form of D3 so if you’re Mg deficient, upping your levels could activate stored D3 in your body. Best is to get tested. In the US ‘request a test’ is a place I believe you can send a blood sample for testing. For Europe there is Cerascreen where I had mine done.
One more thing, if you’re taking Statins, this drug actually inhibits K2 (along with other important functions). Have a look at my article to learn about this drug which is proving to be harmful from recent research.
Do you own research when it comes to your health. This is the only way to keep from taking unnecessary drugs. Work towards a healthy lifestyle with organic food if you can afford it. Take regular exercise and kick junk and processed food to the kerb, that includes ALL artificial sweeteners, especially Aspartame. Good Luck!
Hi Ches. I was looking for some health articles on blood pressure, fatigue when I stumbled upon your website. Bless you. Excellent information. I didn’t know anything about the benefits of magnesium until now. I take a tablet for blood pressure everyday after an episode of high blood pressure as recommended by the doctor. I had to even leave the job as I was unable to cope with fatigue. Although I was 54 then. I am 59 now and feel I should work. I will try your recommendation of Mg 400mg daily. Let’s see.
Hi there Syed and thanks for your valuable comment. Please do make sure you take the right type of magnesium ie. Mg Chloride such as Dr Dean’s ReMag or Mg Citrate powder (good for constipation). Have a look at this article about blood pressure medication. Please know that BP drugs are not good for the kidneys. If you take Mg regularly, you probably will be able to stop your BP medication. Get your doctor on side and let him know you want to get off your BP drug. Remember, he will likely know nothing about Mg and how it works in the body. Get yourself genned up on this mineral before you talk to your doctor, you may be able to tell him a thing or two! If he won’t listen to you, get yourself another doctor, preferably one who is a naturopath (ND) as well as a medical doctor (MD). These doctors of the future will only prescribe a drug if there are no natural alternatives.
Dear Chessie
Bing had any bad experiences with doctors in the past and having suffered quite few side effects caused by medications.
I was very interested to come across your article and recommendations regarding magnesium. I will certainly be including it in my arsenal of supplements.
Thank you for opening my eyes.
Kind regards
Hi Anastasia and thanks for your input and comment. I am sure you will notice a big difference in your health when you start taking a magnesium supplement. Make sure you use a good quality one such as ReMag or Ionic Magnesium. Avoid Mg Oxide, it is poorly absorbed. If you wish to use a topical form, Ancient Minerals is ideal. Good luck and the best of health to you. Ches
Great article!
Thanks for giving me the information I need to make an intelligent decision about my next move.
I have a son that has a low magnesium count. What its happen with him is he has skin issues with breakouts.
Hopefully with some of the things you share will put us in a position to seek the best help.
Thanks again,
Hi Garrick and thanks for reading my post. Your son could use a diluted version of Mg Chloride solution to help with his breakouts. My neighbour who has psoriasis, has all but eliminated his sores. He has stopped his prescription drugs and just takes Mg Chloride oral solution daily, he is a changed man. There are two Mg Chloride solutions that I recommend, Dr Dean’s ReMag (quite expensive) or the slightly cheaper Ionic Magnesium which you can find on the sidebar of this site. Give it a try. Mg Chloride is 100% bioavailable, I take 600mg during the day which I put in a litre of water. It’s a good way of keeping hydrated too! If you’re in the UK I will send you a free sample to try. Ches
Thank you for your article Chessie.Very important to know about the benefits of being in balance with the special supplements in our lives to get the best and the most from vitamins minerals and in this case the importance of ingesting magnesium on the daily basis to prevent serious diseases. I will pay more attention about this ,thanks a lot for your great article.
Hi there Angel and thanks for taking the trouble to read my post. I’m gratified to know that you have taken the information on board and hopefully it will help you structure your future health. Please check out Best Magnesium Supplements To Take which will give you the low down on all types of Mg supplements. Also Foods With High Magnesium will help you decide which foods would suit your diet best in gaining your quota of Mg. Good health to you and yours. Ches
I has no idea that A: Magnesium is important and B:Most people have a magnesium deficiency and that that is bad.
Is that dog dead from magnesium deficiency? If so, can that happen to humans too? I hope not!
And where can I get magnesium? Besides supplements. Is there a natural way to get it? Any natural foods? I beleive natural nutrients are superior to supplements, though others may disagree. Im no specialist or whatever, I just prefer natural.
Hi Ben and thanks for reading the post. By the way, it’s a young cow in the picture, that’s died from grass tetany. It can happen to humans, particularly athletes, who can succumb to ‘sudden cardiac death syndrome’ from excessive exercise and subsequent magnesium depletion. There are many foods rich in magesium but unfortunately, not as rich as they used to be 100 years ago. Our agricultural practices have depleted the soil of many nutrients, magnesium being, IMHO the most important. You need Mg every day, you can’t make it yourself and it gets depleted daily by the work it has to do in the body and being naturally excreted. One problem is, we consume too much Calcium (Ca) compared to Mg. Ca/Mg balance should be 1:1 but it’s estimated to be more like 10:1 which is asking for trouble! I’m just about to put up a new page which will give you a list of all the foods that will have Mg in them and their values per stated portion. Should be up tomorrow. Good health to you, Ches
Thanks for the reply Ches,
I follow Dr. Joel Fuhrman’s “Eat To Live” program which is that I mainly eat; Greens, Beans, Onions, Mushrooms, Berries and Seeds and as little as possible of everything else. So, your best foods list is covered.
I was afraid that food alone wouldn’t cover my magnesium needs. I do take a vitamin/mineral supplement as well as drink water that has minerals added. I think I’m very close to that 400 mg a day mark.
I’ve learned a lot here and I hope that a lot people get your message.
All the best.
It’s so good to know Phil, that you’ve made sure your levels are up. It will surely help all areas of your health and diminish the possibility of stroke and heart problems, which after all, are the biggest killers in the UK and the US. I see you haven’t mentioned fish, perhaps you don’t like seafood but it is really beneficial to eat if you can. If you do go for a supplement, let me know how you get on. I’m always interested to learn of new experiences with using Mg. Using it has had a profound and positive affect on my life and I really want to spread the word, especially to the older generation who expect and are expected to slowly grind to a halt in their older years. This is not necessary and Mg can really change lives so we can keep supple and healthy throughout our autumn years. Best wishes, Ches
Ches, I’m very interested in what you have to teach here.
I’ve seen you mention the supplements Mg Chloride and Mg Citrate, and I’m certainly for taking supplements when necessary. I prefer, if possible to eat the foods that would provide the nutrient in sufficient dosage.
My question would be what foods to you recommend to supply the needed amounts of Magnesium daily?
Hi there Phill and thanks for reading the post. The best foods to eat with the maximum amount of Mg within them are all seafood, nuts, seeds, whole grains, dark leafy veggie, although most all veggies have some, avocados, bananas, dried fruit, dark choc 70% or more. The problem is with most of our food, it’s not so magnesium rich any more because of agricultural practices and depletion of nutrients in the soil. Mg deficiency is a modern problem and consequently supplementation is necessary, particularly as we have much more Calcium (Ca) in the foods we eat than Mg. The Ca – Mg balance is the main problem. Try and keep you Ca – Mg at a 1:1 ratio and you can’t go far wrong, but it’s difficult as many food manufacturers are fortifying with Ca without Mg. The minimum amount of Mg needed to keep your body healthy is around 400mg per day, depending on your weight. If you’re stressed or have an illness, this should be increased as stress of the mind and/or body will deplete your Mg levels more than usual. Mg Citrate is laxative, so if you need to increase your intake, use Mg Chloride. Good health to you Phill, Ches
I had no idea that the non use of magnesium is so detrimental to our health. I’ve never been a taker of vitamins but your article has changed my mind. I plan to read these books and get a better understanding of what I can do for my health naturally.
Hi there Merceadez and thanks for reading the post. I don’t take any vitamins either, just Magnesium (Mg). I try to eat healthily with plenty of Mg rich foods like nuts, seeds, seafood and dark green leafy veggie, whole grains and eggs. You will be astonished how much we need Mg and how it controls ensymatic processes and most importantly how it manages Calcium (Ca) which is often too abundant in our bodies in relation to Mg. Ca and Mg should be in equal amounts for both of the elements to work properly. Without Mg, Ca is a rogue and will migrate to parts of your body where it shouldn’t be. The best book IMHO is Dr Dean’s ‘The Magnesium Miracle’. Good health to you, Ches
I would like to know more about mg itself. Please tell me more about it like the health benefits and what conditions it helps fight against.Is mg used in hospitals and off the counter drugs?
Isn’t this is the compound or chemical that shines bright if you try to light it up?
Hi there and thanks for reading the post. Mg is necessary for a healthy body and if you are deficient in it, you will come down with various ailments and could even risk contracting heart disease, diabetes, kidney stones, alzheimer’s, the list is endless. Why is that? because Mg is a cofactor for hundreds of enzymatic processes, in other words, without Mg your body can’t function properly. The most important function, of course is the heart which is a muscle. Mg relaxes muscles, Calcium (Ca) contracts muscles. Without Mg, Ca takes over and you have contraction without relaxation, hence muscle pain and/or muscle spasms and, of course, as the heart is a muscle this can happen to the heart as well. We nearly always have too much Ca in our bodies in relation to Mg, estimated as being often 10:1! Ca without Mg is asking for trouble. Ca will start to migrate to areas of the body where it should not be, kidney stones is a good example. Mg keeps Ca in check and doing it’s job properly. The Mg/Ca balance is critical. Mg salts are used in hospitals. When my late husband contracted AF from being Mg deficient, he was often given large IV doses of Mg to bring him out of fibrillation. Mg is a metallic element and it does burn bright in oxygen. Ches
I’m a plasma donator (blood plasma). On average I donate plasma once a week. I used to feel so feable after the donation (sometimes even the day after the donation!) so i asked for advice from my GP. He told me to start taking some kind of special Mg effervescent tablet. This stuff just makes me cope much easier with the weariness caused by donating!!!
Nobody should ever underestimate the importance of minerals, especially Mg’s…
Hi Adam and thanks for reading the post. I’m so gratified that there are doctors out there that know the benefits of magnesium, he is in the minority I’m afraid. I hope you’re coping better with your Mg supplement. Can you tell me the name of the Mg effervescent tablet your were prescribed? Good health to you. Ches
Hi Ches, I liked your review on the magnesium miracle. It is I think good place to learn more about health benefits of magnesium. As the owner of how spinach benefits, I know how magnesium is important to the human body and especially to the heart.
By your article, I came to know many more benefits of Mg. Thanks for sharing info here.
Hi there and thanks for reading my post. I’m pleased to hear that you have gained something from it and are au fait with the benefits of magnesium. Good health to you. Ches