Tag Archives: CDC

CDC – The Vaccine Fraud – Part 2

autism coverupIn Part 2 of CDC – the vaccine fraud, I would like to remind you just how fraudulent the pharmaceutical industry is. This is why you should be so careful and do your homework, before you ingest any of the drugs or have any procedures that the pharmaceutical industry produce and that includes vaccinations.  For Part 1 click here  and Part 3, Part 4, Part 5 and Part 6.  But first some information about childhood diseases. Continue reading CDC – The Vaccine Fraud – Part 2

CDC – The Vaccine Fraud

Robert De NiroHow many of you have been told by your government, your doctor, the FDA, the CDC, that vaccines are safe and effective?  Of course, the pharmaceutical industry are always touting the safety and efficacy of their products, but that’s to be expected, they’re all about making profits, which is at the top of their priority list. Click here for Part 2, Part 3Part 4, Part 5, Part 6. Continue reading CDC – The Vaccine Fraud