In this post, ‘early signs – heart disease’ I really want to drive it home to everyone, why most heart disease occurs. If you already have heart disease, or any kind of cardiovascular condition, then you can help to alleviate it. If you don’t have heart disease, don’t get complacent because there’s a high possibility you already have the early signs. In fact, there’s a high possibility that most of our children have the beginnings of cardiovascular disease. Continue reading Early Signs – Heart Disease
Tag Archives: cardiovascular disease
How To Keep Your Heart Healthy – Part 2
Part 2
Carrying on from Part 1 on ‘how to keep your heart healthy’ we will go through the whole process of how cardiovascular disease can happen to a seemingly healthy person.
Stress is the start
We know that stress is the biggest depleter of magnesium. All kinds of stress, be it physical, mental, heat, cold, bereavement, divorce, disease, toothache, workouts, marathons, kids, work, money. You name it, we get stressed from it. It cannot be avoided and we have to live with it. We go from day to day, not realising the kind of stress we are under. We don’t even know we’re stressed because it’s part of everyday life. Continue reading How To Keep Your Heart Healthy – Part 2
How To Keep Your Heart Healthy
Part 1
There is a plethera of much overlooked and ignored evidence about how and why we get cardiovascular diseases. How to keep your heart healthy is a post giving details of this evidence and how you can apply it and keep your heart in good fettle throughout the whole of your life. But first some facts:
The Biggest Killer
According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), cardiovascular diseases killed 17.5 million people in 2012, that’s 3 of every 10 deaths. Of these, 7.4 million people died of ischaemic heart disease and 6.7 million from stroke.
Ischaemic heart disease, stroke, lower respiratory infections and chronic obstructive lung disease have remained the top major killers during the past decade. What’s worse is that since the year 2000, deaths have risen, not fallen. Cardiovascular diseases alone killed 2.6 million more people in 2012 than in the year 2000. So much for the super drugs that are supposed to keep the epidemic of cardiovascular disease under control. Continue reading How To Keep Your Heart Healthy
Type A and B Personality Traits
Are you type A or B?
This is an article about type A and B personality traits and how being one or the other can affect your health! There are other personality types but I want to concentrate mainly on type A.
Let’s see if you’re type A
Do you have what you might call a strong personality? Are you driven by ambition with plenty of get-up-and-go? Do you get impatient and irritable if things don’t go your way? Are you competitive with a Continue reading Type A and B Personality Traits