The health risks of high blood pressure
Heart attack and stroke

If your blood pressure is between 90 and 120 systolic, that is considered to be healthy as your risk of cardio vascular disease and stroke is minimal. At 140 systolic blood pressure you will have twice the risk of dying from a heart attack or stroke than if your level was normal. This is the level at which your doctor will likely prescribe medication to bring your blood pressure down. You will also probably be advised to change your diet to healthier options, take more exercise and lose some weight if you are, in fact, overweight. At a level of 160 systolic pressure, your risk is doubled yet again ie. you are 4 times more likely to die from a heart attack or stroke than if your blood pressure was normal. So for every 20mmHg rise, your risk of death from a heart attack or stroke doubles, so at a level of 180 systolic you are 8 times more likely to die of a heart attack or stroke and the risk goes on up the scale. Continue reading Blood Pressure and Magnesium Deficiency – Part 2