Murder by Methanol – Update, Diane has been released!

Diane Fleming Murder Case

Murder by methanol looks at the Diane Fleming murder case.  She was convicted of murder and got 30 years for poisoning her husband with methanol and 20 years for adulteration of a substance with methanol.

Despite overwhelming additional expert evidence of her innocence, Diane Fleming is still locked up, with no hope of a retrial.  Misdemeanours by the prosecution add to the farce and the possible wrong diagnosis by the hospital and hence the likely wrong treatment which led to Chuck’s death.   An inefficient and incomplete autopsy added to this saga, with the medical examiner not checking and reporting on levels of formic acid, nor for optic nerve damage, despite these conditions being the known symptoms of methanol poisoning.

UPDATE…Diane has been released, see the end of the article

Continue reading Murder by Methanol – Update, Diane has been released!

Carotid Artery Symptoms

carotid plaque
plaque taken from carotid artery

Carotid artery symptoms explains why carotid artery disease occurs. A family member has carotid artery disease.  Recently he had to have  two operations, one on each side of his neck.  The operations had to be done a few months apart, with the worst affected artery being done first. Continue reading Carotid Artery Symptoms

Do You Trust Your Doctor? – Part Two

This is part 2 of “Do you trust your doctor”.  You can see Part 1 here.

I'm a doctorThe arrogance of some doctors

Those of the older generation generally regard their doctor as being someone of extreme importance, someone to look up to and be admired.  This gives some doctors a sense of of superiority that they carry with them as they practice their ever diminishing skills.  I sincerely think that doctors of the past used their skills as physicians much more and were more deserving of their high status.  Whereas modern doctors seem to be hampered by dogma and directives from all quarters. Continue reading Do You Trust Your Doctor? – Part Two

Do You Trust Your Doctor?

trust me!“Do you trust your doctor” talks about what’s happening to our medical profession.  There is this niggling feeling that something is going on which restricts our doctors from being the doctor they were when first they took the oath.  It’s as though they’re shackled in some way, unable to use their skills as physicians but only able to dish out prescription drugs.  Are they being controlled? Continue reading Do You Trust Your Doctor?