Vitamin K2 benefits – avoiding calcification

You may have heard of vitamin K.  Perhaps you’ve even heard of vitamin K2.  But how many of you have heard of vitamin K2 MK-7?  Let me tell you about vitamin K2 benefits.  Be enlightened as to how this mostly unknown vitamin appears to be vital, especially in helping to regress arterial calcification.

Calcification heralds heart disease

vitamin K2 benefits

In artery and heart cells, if calcium levels are too high within a cell, the cell actually changes physically and will die.  Excess calcium makes for stiffness and hardening and if soft tissue hardens it is a real problem, the problem of calcification.  This calcification impedes proper functioning and heralds the advancement of heart disease.  The correct balance of calcium to magnesium will counteract this calcification. Continue reading Vitamin K2 benefits – avoiding calcification

Best Nutritional Supplements – just my opinion

Consult your doctor?doctor

In this article ‘best nutritional supplements’, I will tell you what I take.  I did not consult my doctor before deciding on these supplements, what would he know!  I’m not saying you shouldn’t consult your doctor. What I am saying is to take charge of your own health and work with your medical practitioner. Don’t rely on your medic to always know what’s best for your health. Continue reading Best Nutritional Supplements – just my opinion

What Is Pernicious Anaemia?

clytie clarkWhat is pernicious anaemia? My Grandma died of it when she was just 39 years old.  She could not be cured because nobody knew what caused it and how to treat it.

Nowadays pernicious anaemia (PA) can be avoided.   Many of us are showing signs of this debilitating condition, even at an early age.

The word ‘pernicious’ actually means – damaging, destructive, dangerous, noxious to name but a few meanings. Continue reading What Is Pernicious Anaemia?

Why do my joints crack? It’s not what you think!

I’ve often asked myself, why do my joints crack and so I decided to find the why do my bones crack?answer.  If you also have cracking or popping joints you may be interested in this short post on the subject.  For me, it’s my knees.  The sound is really loud and if I have to bend my knees, the whole room knows about it! Continue reading Why do my joints crack? It’s not what you think!

What is a Coronary Calcium Scan

what is a coronary calcium scanI want to explain to you exactly what is a coronary calcium scan.  Many will not have heard of it but those who have, may have had one of these tests done.  The test gives a score of the likelihood of getting heart disease.  The higher the score, the more chance of having a heart event.

This image shows severe calcification of the left anterior descending coronary artery (red arrow).  The portion of the circumflex coronary artery within the imaging plane (white arrow).  The aortic root around the origin of the left main coronary artery (yellow arrow). Continue reading What is a Coronary Calcium Scan