For those who have not had the time to read the 6 parts of CDC – The Vaccine Fraud, I am doing a summary so you can take in the salient points. I know how difficult it is for parents and carers to find information about vaccines, especially when they are only told one side of the story from pharmaceuticals, doctors and other medics.
Too much pressure on parents.
Unfortunately, the guidance parents are given are often weighted on the side of the childhood vaccine schedule and many are pressurized to having their children religiously keep up with that schedule. If they baulk and try to opt out, their doctors are likely to strike them off their register.
Parents don’t know what to do
Parents are really bamboozled into vaccinating their children as well as themselves ie. the flu vaccine. States such as California can be quite bullish if a parent doesn’t want their child vaccinated and in some cases it can get nasty. Mandatory vaccines are so stressful for parents, especially if they are nervous about side effects and we all know there are side effects, that’s why there is the Vaccine Court which has so far dished out nearly $4 billion to the vaccine damaged.
Doctors have to stick to protocol
Doctors are somewhat under the thumb and have no option but to go with the flow of the pharmaceutical industry protocol, otherwise they will be repremanded or worse, they could have their license pulled.
Vaccine safety is not proven!
We are so trusting, we need to stop, think and be logical. Why is big pharma so adamant about the safety of vaccines when safety has not been proven? Could it possibly be because parents are getting suspicious and worried and are thinking twice before going ahead with the schedule? If parents decide not to have their children vaccinated, how will that affect the profits of the pharmaceuticals? Why do you think it was made mandatory?
Click the first link for the whole part. Other links will take you to salient points:
Part 1 of CDC – The Vaccine Fraud – SUMMARY
Know your pharmaceutical industry’s standards of behaviour. The Vioxx tradegy is a prime example. “we may need to seek them out and destroy them where they live…” An estimated 50,000 people were killed by Vioxx.
Dr Wakefield voiced his opinion about the MMR vaccine and they did just that, hunted him down and destroyed him where he lived, in the UK. He now lives in the US and fights for safety procedures to be put in place regarding all vaccines. His name is now known and respected worldwide. Destroying his career has actually backfired on the pharmaceutical industry.
The results of this study regarding the DTP (Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis) vaccine were unexpected and shocking!
Do you ever see the vaccine information sheet when your child is vaccinated?
Part 2 – SUMMARY
Includes some figures on the history of measles, showing that the deathrate from this childhood disease hasn’t changed from the 1950s despite the vaccine.
Another Merck scandal regarding the mumps vaccine this time.
Death rates recorded in 1947 were just 3.5 per 1 million people. Tetanus is everywhere which gives most of us a natural immunity!
One of the most common forms of fraud by big pharma are kickbacks
They have all broken the law, many times…do you trust them?
Part 3 – SUMMARY
You are suing the government, how well do you think you’ll do?
You have no access to any documentation the defendant (the government) has about the vaccine; no research, no papers, no memos, no emails or letters, nothing. You are going into court blind!
Document everything that happens to your child after a vaccine; videos, pictures, visits to the doctors, what you said to the doctor, everything!
You have to prove you’re at least a 60% disabled to get this payment. But to add insult to injury, a vaccine damage payment can “effect other benefits and entitlements”.
Part 4 – SUMMARY
72 doses of vaccines are given according to the 2017 childhood schedule, with some of these given as multiple vaccines.
The safety review period for a drug is usually years ie. Lipitor was 4.8 years. What is the safety review period for a vaccine?
What’s the point of giving this horrid vaccine to a newborn? Try to avoid your baby having this vaccine but you’ll have a job on your hands, especially in the US!
Why are the majority of infant death put down to SIDS? If your child dies suddently, could it be a reaction to a recent vaccine?
How many of you have children with ADHD for instance, or tics, or asthma? Does your infant have seizures, or is he/she always crying inconsolably? Did your child have a reaction after a vaccine and did your doctor or nurse say it was normal? It is not normal!
Part 5 – SUMMARY
- “The overwhelming majority of members, both voting members and consultants, have substantial ties to the pharmaceutical industry”
- The rotavirus vaccine has a serious side effect which is not often aired or spoken
- If a vaccine is passed to be put onto the childhood schedule, that vaccine will yield a $1 billion product in just one year.
- “The CDC grants blanket waivers to the ACIP members each year that allow them to deliberate on any subject, regardless of their conflicts, for the entire year”.
- Your government is not looking out for you. You need to take control of everything. Check independent research on every vaccine and drug that goes into your body. Every procedure that your doctor recommends.
Part 6 – SUMMARY
This is the trailer of this remarkable documentary about The Vaccine Fraud. If you haven’t seen it, then it’s worth a look. It was actually banned from a famous documentary festival despite Robert DeNiro (who has an autistic son) wanting it included. Unfortunately, he was voted down.
Despite REP Bill Posey having all the evidence in his possession about The Vaccine Fraud and asking for Congress to subpoena whistleblower Dr William Thompson, the CDC resists and refuses. Who’s in charge here, the CDC or the Government?
The NIH (National Institute of Health) was asked why no safety studies were done on vaccines and they replied it would be unethical…
The CDC thought of a computerized system run by a private company. The company set it all up and was paid $1 million to do it. They did a sterling job, so what happened?
The IOM (now the NAM) investigated 8 vaccines from 1991 – 2011 and found a serious lack of safety research…
The CDC lies about the 2011 IOM study citing it as saying ” Vaccines Do Not Cause Autism” which was never said in this 700 page document.
“The National Health Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) released its latest prevalence rate for autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) in American children this Wednesday. Their “data brief”, which is based on information gathered in the National Health Information Survey (NHIS), reported an ASD rate for 2016 of 2.76%, or 1 in 36 American children”
The 2032 prediction of 1 in 2 US children having autism doesn’t look so impossible now. When will it end?
I sincerely hope you have found some useful information in this extensive article CDC – The Vaccine Fraud. perhaps you don’t agree with it? Even so, you have to agree something is really amiss here with fraud abounding in government agencies and in the pharmaceutical industry.
I only hope the Government comes to its senses before it’s too late. The public at large is the only force that can change the Government’s direction! Problem is, money and power seem to be in charge, at the expense of our future!
Spread the word!

Thank you for sharing this helpful summary of this compassionate but true crime against humanity. I’m glad my parents vaccinated me. Although I’m probably on the spectrum a bit, I managed to avoid a lot of transitions while in school.
I agree that there are risks with vaccinations, but sometimes there are benefits beyond risks.
Just my educated thoughts I have been aware of this travesty for more than fourteen years and have warned all who will listen. The so-called “protection-studies” for childhood vaccines are fairly shameful; Comparisons between vaccinated and non-vaccinated individuals are never made, but of course, the side effects and mortality rates are statistically insignificant. Even I was shocked to see the latest 2016 figures: 1 in 36 with autism. What is more important than protecting our children? What do you think?
Hi Md Millat. How old were you when you were vaccinated. It does appear that the vast increase in childhood vaccines could mean an increase in side effects. Perhaps there were not so many vaccines given when you were a child. Have a look at my response to Alejandra. Her thoughts are similar to yours.
I think the most problematic vaccines may be those that have not been safety tested. This has come about because since 1986, the pharmaceutical companies that produce them are immune from prosecution if the vaccine kills or maims. Consequently, little safety trials are done because if someone is vaccine damaged, there is no comeback on these massive companies.
If we accept that some children are vaccine damaged, then we must do all we can to compensate for the life of that child. This compensation must be given quickly without a court case. The patient’s medical notes from a doctor should be all that’s required to confirm the damage. This collateral damage perpetrated on the hapless victim is a sacrifice by them for the so called common good and it must be treated as such. Even so, I still think there is a better way but unfortunately it would not involve filling the pharmaceutical industries’ coffers!
A friend of mine is very much against vaccines and was telling me about this our first child had a reaction to a vaccine and had to go into hospital for a few days and they just told us it was something viral. My partner is unsure about vaccinating our second child but we are worried even though some children have a reaction will it be worse if the child picks up something later on and if she has not got any vaccination could it kill her.
Hi there DJ Mc. You know, reactions to vaccines and other drugs are much more common than people realize. Problem is, if we get sick, we do not often relate it to something like a vaccine or other medicine we may have ingested. We need to be more aware of what goes into our bodies, be it a vaccine or other kind of drug. Do you own research. It doesn’t matter that you’re not a doctor, in fact it could be beneficial because you will not have any preconceived ideas and you can concentrate on just your illness instead of learning about all that a doctor has to learn. Remember a doctor or GP is just a General Practitioner, he can’t know everything about everything.
There is a lot of scare mongering around some of the most normal childhood diseases such as Measles, Mumps and Rubella. I have had Measles, Chicken Pox, Rubella, Glandular Fever and here I am as fit as a fiddle, never going to the doctor, never getting the flu, don’t even get a cold. The only vaccinations I had was polio and tuberculosis (TB). I keep healthy by making sure I cook good quality food myself, take any vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that I know I am lacking in (Vit C, Magnesium, Vitamin K2, Vitamin D3 are my basics).
During this winter season, my husband and I along with a few friends and family who have the same MO, have not succumbed to any flu viruses or other problems. Others around us, including those that have had the flu jab are suffering with all kinds of winter illnesses. We may be just lucky but it’s strange we all treat our health similarly and all seem to be fit and well. All of us are over 60 and some nearer 80. One person has reversed her diabetes at age 78 and come off all her meds. Taking control of your own health is really liberating.
One thing I do know. I will never come down with Measles, Chicken Pox, Rubella or Glandular Fever because I know my body has the necessary antibodies to fight off these diseases. Natural immunity is by far the most superior. As for other infections, eating healthily and replenishing any lost nutrients will keep the immune system in good fettle. Unless you’re really unlucky, this way of living will stave off most diseases.
Thank you so much for your summary on the Vaccine Fraud. I am originally from Thailand and back then when I was in school, it was mandatory that we all have to get vaccinations (chicken pox, etc) Also, when our family moved from Thailand to the States, guess what? It is also a mandatory to get vaccinations yet again just to get our green cards. We did not really have a choice so we all have to get it or we would be denied for our applications.
I really have to check out Vaxxed, thank you for sharing about this show. I think if we want to know the truth about something, all we have to do is just follow the money. Slowly the truth will start to come out. We can just look at all these big corps funding to all the politicians and journalists or even education institutes.
Hopefully that all the evidence of the harms that we have done to our population each year will wake people and the government up. As for now, we just have to educate and share the information to those who are unaware of the situation.
What an informative post! I will be sure to share it to all my friends and family.
That’s the problem Nuttanee, you didn’t have a choice. The US is supposed to be the ‘land of the free’ and mandatory vaccination is NOT freedom of choice. Our bodies and what is put into them should be our decision alone.
You are right! the only way we can look after ourselves and our families is to share what we research and find out. It will come to a point when the public will realise that their health has been manipulated for the sake of profits for those companies that produce our food, chemicals and drugs. If these companies were properly regulated, our world would be a much safer place. Governments and their Agencies are now infiltrated by these massive industries, industries that now have a great deal of control over the US and other countries.
Thank you so much for sharing with us such a beautiful article .You certainly deserve this great article .I am so happy that my parents vaccinated me when I was a kid and they were very aware of it .Even then I had to avoid a lot of problems while in college .However, because of the timely vaccine, my parents did not have to deal with the problem so difficult to overcome.So I want to say that there is a benefit to the vaccine as well .But I think the benefits are high, so I’ll tell everyone the time to give The Flu vaccine and stay healthy.
Hi there Shanta, have a look at my reply to Alejandra; it is also applicable to your comments for which I thank you.
What do they put in vaccines that make them not what they say they are? I agree with you in this article and debate and I think we should take a look at what is really going on. How has the medical industry not been completely honest with you in your lifetime?
Yes, it is very worrying Jon. Perhaps you would like to look at this article which actually explains how we got to this situation with our health. It is rather shocking reading. It is true and documented and the majority of medical doctors don’t know how they have arrived to where they are in their career. We have all been manipulated!
Thanks for sharing a good article to know more about the vaccine fraud.
It’s so sad this can happen anywhere today, I must say I have 3 kids, (young adults today) the three of them got all the vaccines they needed when young and everything went well.
I must say, I used to live in Mexico, today I live in Canada, and I see the difference between these two countries when you talk about health.
In Mexico I always took my kids to a private doctor, and he told me always, it’s better to know where the vaccines come from and the right way to handle them. He also told me to be sure to go to a doctor office, him or someone else, to whom I trust and to whom do the right thing.
I understand, sometimes things can go wrong, and sometimes vaccines are not made the way they should be made, and sometimes the vaccines handle is not done the way it should be done, and any difference in the temp can damage the vaccines.
Hi Alejandra and thanks for your input. As the vaccine schedule increases, so does the risk of a reaction from a vaccine/s. In year 2000 for instance, the vaccines recommended for children were much lower in the US. Now the vaccine schedule for the US is the highest in the world and what’s more, the US has one of the highest mortality rates for children under 5 years of 33rd out of 36 countries. Iceland has the lowest rate with 0.7 deaths per 1,000 live births. The US rate is 5.9 deaths per 1,000 live births, with the average over the 36 countries being 3.9 deaths per 1,000 live births. Here are the overall statistics. I find it interesting that Iceland administers least vaccines to their children compared to all the other 36 countries!
As the schedule grows, with many vaccines now not being safety tested, it could be that those vaccinated many years ago, did not have such a burden of chemicals to deal with and therefore the side effects were minimized. Also, the older vaccines were tested for safety more than vaccines today. Perhaps this is because those companies that make vaccines are immune from prosecution if the vaccine causes damage. This allows these companies to do minimal or no testing before letting their vaccines loose on an unsuspecting public.
Mexico has a good name for looking at all methods of medicine, not just pharmaceutical drugs. Many will go the natural route if it is deemed to be more efficacious, as it often is. Chemicals that are not naturally found in the body can sometimes cause other problems besides the original illness it is supposed to treat.
I really appreciate this article and this summary of the vaccine fraud summary.
Between my husband and I, we have 6 children. All of our children have been vaccinated. That being said the youngest is 17 and the oldest 25. At that time it was not a major point of talk or controversy. Thankfully all 6 healthy and no issues or side effects.
I never gave much thought to whether to vaccinate or not. It was something that you did. Just as our parents before had done.
The more that I read, the more concerns and flags it raises. However, I do like to research and look at both sides of the argument. I will not make a stand until I have a clear understanding of all the facts.
This summary helps to make understanding your stance easier.
Looking at just one part of this summary, in concern for Autism. Is there any research that you are aware of that has looked at unvaccinated children an autism statistics?
Pharmaceutical companies are a huge concern for me but I also have great concern for our food industry as well. Is it possible that these statistics for vaccines may also be related to the number of artificial chemicals and treatments that have changed in the average consumer’s diet? Perhaps there is a correlation between the results as well and the rise in these horrible side effects. Just a food for thought and something I ponder.
Hi Christina and thanks for your valid comments on this huge subject. Answering your question on autism research, with their record of massaging figures and fraudulent activities, it is very difficult to take the pharmaceutical industries’ research seriously nowadays. This is great shame but now a recognised problem. Consequently finding unbiased studies is quite problematic. This particular study though, used vaccinated versus unvaccinated children of ages 6 thro’ 12 years and addresses many problems with autism (ASD) included and you may be interested in reading it.
I quite agree with you about the food industry and of course the chemical industry. All three major industries seem to be devoid of morals and have no problem selling their often poisonous wares to an unsuspecting public. Misinformation abounds throughout the medical industry regarding nutritional benefits of vital vitamins and minerals. Did you know, medical schools do not teach nutrition. I know more about nutrition and what my body needs than my doctor does! Doctors only know about drugs and the sick body and information they gain about those drugs comes directly from the pharmaceuticals, who are out to make as much profit as possible.
Hi. Im glad my parents had me vaccinated. Although I am probably on the spectrum slightly, I did manage to avoid a large number of contagions when at school.
I do agree that there are risks with vaccinations, but sometimes the benefits outway the risks.
Just my educated thoughts. What do you think?
I think Snow, if you did some research regarding the necessity of some vaccines, you may be surprised. For instance in the 1900s the deathrate for mumps was just 30 per 10 million. Hardly a reason to break out a vaccine. This money could be better spent. The same goes for tetanus which was just 3.5 deaths per 1 million in 1947. There are many vaccines on the market of dubious efficacy, not to mention the lack of safety research. Hence the ominous rise in vaccine damage to some unfortunates. Some vaccines are undoubtedly of benefit but some should be put in the bin and would appear to be on the market for one purpose only, to make a profit. Take the flu vaccine for instance.. I naturally contracted measles and rubella at age 5 and 13 respectively, which has given me a lifetime immunity. Natural immunity is by far the most efficient and safest way to strengthen the immune system. Thanks for your comment!
Thank you for sharing this helpful summary of these shocking but very real crimes against humanity. I have been aware of this travesty for over fifteen years, and warn everyone who will listen. The so-called “safety-studies” for childhood vaccines are a total sham; no comparison is ever made between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated, so of course the side effects and death rates are touted as statistically insignificant. Even I am shocked at the latest 2016 statistic: 1 in 36 with autism. What is more important than protecting our children??
Thanks for your comments Abbee. There is only one thing more important than our children to these huge industries and that’s profits. The sooner we all realize that this is their prime objective, the better. Here we are, all queuing up to have our children vaccinated with heaven knows what, with no safety studies done. We are just a lot of sheeples and I find it so frustrating that nobody in the Government has the courage and nerve to face up to the pharmaceutical industry or even their own agencies! We need to step back, stop mandatory vaccines, start safety trials as was done in Africa and as the fraudulent CDC did. The CDC has put vaccine research back by years with their shenanigans. Let the parents decide if they wish them and/or their child to be vaccinated.
We all know that there is a possible link between the MMR multiple vaccine and autism. Despite the CDC destroying that evidence. Whistleblower Dr Thompson, kept all the relevant files and digital information regarding that telling research.
But still Congress is dragging its heels and has not yet subpoenaed Dr Thompson after nearly 4 years! The CDC will not allow it!! Oh excuse me, I thought the Government was in charge of the agencies, not the other way round. What’s going on? Why don’t they want to know the truth?
There have been studies done by independent researchers, who have no affiliations to big pharma. Here are a couple:… and http://www.academicjournals.or… The CDC will pay no heed to this research though, only that done by a fraudulent pharmaceutical industry. Take a look at this!
I couldn’t agree more. Vaccines should be optional but we are generally under pressure to vaccinate. We have a history of damage from vaccines in my family, so I wasn’t vaccinated as a child and I didn’t vaccinate my daughter when she was a baby either. I think one of the problems is the lack of real information available to people: it’s either manipulated or just pure marketing.
Thanks for the great article.
Hi there Soraya and thanks for your comments. It is surprising how many families have a child damaged by vaccines and many are suspicious that their child has been damaged but can’t prove it. Most doctors will say it’s a coincidence. In my own family, we have 3 suspected vaccine damaged children, but they will never be compensated. Education of the masses is the key. We must not leave our health up to our doctors anymore, they are not their own person, they are not allowed to think for themselves, they must follow protocol, or else! We must take responsibility for our own health and the health of our children. We must do our own research and speak with a united voice!
OMG! what a great article! I have believed all along that we are being forced to vaccinate. That poor baby in the picture:( This is something that needs attention. I feel the same with flu shots, I never get them. Do you feel the drug companies are the reason behind all this? I do, it’s a multi billion dollar business.
Hi Jim, yes I do believe the pharaceuticals are behind this, as are the junk food industry and the chemical industry. These large consortiums are so powerful, they control just about everything, including the government. I know this sound conspiratorial but once you start researching this subject and looking into the depths, you cannot believe what’s going on and how ruthless and stony-hearted many of these companies are. For example, take a look at this list of largest fines. Would you trust these companies?