First of All – Turn Off Mainstream Media
Turn off Mainstream Media, sit down and ask yourself. What is going on? We’re losing everything. Here is my list of losses, perhaps you can add to them from your perspective: By the way, I’m not forgetting the loss of loved ones who have passed during this period.
We have lost:
1. The freedom to see our friends and family
2. Children’s education
3. Children’s love of life
4. Children’s excitement for their future
5. Children’s mental well being
6. Jobs
7. Livelihoods
8. The NHS
9. Health
10. Celebrations of birthdays and other events, family gatherings
11. Weddings
12. Funerals and closure
13. Sports
14. Outside hobbies
15. Parties
16 Going to Bars
17. Going to Restaurants
18. Going to the cinema
19. Going shopping with friends/family
20. Our facial expressions
21. Our Smiles
22. Hugs and kisses
23. Holidays
24. The Gym
25. All kinds of meetings ie. churches, hobbies, clubs, indoor sports
26. Audience TV programmes, Zooming just doesn’t cut it!
Turning to suicide

Some of us have lost our minds and the will to live, turning to suicide. Some of us are dying from lack of NHS care. Some of us are dying alone in our homes. Some of us are trapped and held in a care home, to die without the comfort of their family and friends. Children are especially at risk.
Not all of us are losing!
Have all of us lost everything? What about the government, what about SAGE! What about MSM celebrities such as Gary Lineker who gets £2 million per year. Will he give up his pay to help those who are losing?
Celebrities on TV who are sitting in a warm studio with large amounts of money going into their bank account regularly. Celebrities who are continually pushing the one sided narrative. Those employed by BBC, ITV and other MSM, all warm and enjoying good salaries. Journalism is dead!
Do those in the warm think of those in the cold?

Do they think about those in the cold, I mean really think, to such a degree they want to change things? The majority of us are in the cold. A small elitist minority are in the warm! Things will deteriorate for us, unless we stand up for our rights and freedoms. Those in the warm will stay warm and those in the cold will stay cold.
Is this the new normal?
If this is the new normal, I want nothing to do with it. How about you? Will you stand up for those in the cold? Are you cosy and warm and not affected by these Draconian measures, because you’re part of them?
A one side narrative
A one sided narrative is not scientific, dogma and rituals set in. A reluctance to look at the other side and debate the situation, is too risky for the heirarchy. It may show them to be unsympathetic at best and downright criminal at worst! Or are they just stupid, dealing in nonsense and peddling non scientific based policies. The epitomy of stupidity? How about doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. The first lockdown didn’t work. What makes governments think more lockdowns will produce a different result?
My dog barks at people in masks!
I’ve come to the conclusion that my dog is more intelligent than the policy makers! He barks at people in masks! Why is that? Because he cannot see their expression and that makes him nervous. How do you think children feel about masks. Their parents’ faces are covered hiding their expressions and the child gets frightened, nervous and isolated. This is damaging the mental health of our children!! Suicides are on the rise. The latest I heard was of a 12 year old girl whose last words were…”what’s the point”
By the way, I have here in front of me, over 20 studies concluding that masks do not protect from viral infection. Some I had to find on the ‘wayback machine’ because they had been removed. I cannot find any studies that prove masks protect you from being infected by a virus. I also have my own post which explains how small a virus is in respect to surgical and cloth masks. There are many problems with wearing a mask, not least one of hygiene. No matter how careful you are, your mask will amass hoards of bacteria and pathagens throughout the day. The video above is magnified X16,000 at the end shot. The size of the end shot represents 0.025mm (1/40th of a mm) across. Think how much contamination is on the whole of the mask!
About the virus and your mask.

Just a quick reminder about sizes. A micron (μm) is 1 thousandth of a mm but a nanometre (nm) is 1 millionth of a mm. Just looking at a ruler and seeing the size of a mm puts the virus into perspective. The SARS-CoV-2 virus is 125nm. So do you really think your surgical or cloth mask will stop this minuscule virus? The mask may stop large droplets of saliva which may have virus in, but all that does is make it worse by aerosolising the droplet as it gets forced through the mask pores as you breath in and out! What is the main form of transmission of the virus? Aerosol transmission! If you don’t wear a mask, large droplets will either fall to the ground, or be caught by your hand holding handerchief or tissue. Much safer than aerosolising with your mask!
Are masks causing a rise in bacterial Pneumonia
Apart from accumulation from the outside environment, your stale air is expelled to rid the lungs of unwanted microorganisms, many of which will be gathered on the inside of your mask. These unwanted microorganisms will be taken back into the lungs. Again, they will be expelled into your mask and again you will breath them back in! This can produce numerous infections, particularly bacterial pneumonia, very dangerous, particularly for the elderly and infirm.
Dr. James Meehan, MD warned that mask wearing has..
“well-known risks that have been well-studied and they’re not being discussed in the risk analysis. I’m seeing patients that have facial rashes, fungal infections, bacterial infections. Reports coming from my colleagues, all over the world, are suggesting that the bacterial pneumonias are on the rise.
Get educated about what’s going on!
If you want to learn more about being in the cold, do your own research and keep away from the brainwashing of main stream media. Don’t get taken in by their lies. Lies like – masks, lockdowns and 2 metre distancing decreases transmission of the virus. Check out the real science from real scientists, such as The Great Barrington Declaration where over 53,000 worldwide renowned scientists, medics and professionals disagree with the policies that are causing such terrible collateral damage. Ivor Cummins has some great videos about C.19, here’s his latest with a nice Irish lilt!
The UK and SAGE
Policies are encouraged by SAGE in UK, where most of the 323 members are psychologists and mathematicians producing ‘models’ that obviously are inaccurate and not close to real events. Prof Neil Ferguson has a history of over exaggerating future predictions. In fact he quit as a government adviser after flouting the rules by receiving visits from his lover at his home. Interesting to note that he is still on the SAGE committee in 2 seats.
Real Scientists are thin on the ground in SAGE
Clinical immunologists, virologists, professors and research scientists, vaccinology experts and independents are thin on the ground. Thus it is unlikely that there is debate to make sure both side of the medical equations are covered, including collateral damage which seems to be ignored completely. Keeping dogma and protocol that deosn’t work is the height of stupidity and lacking perception. SAGE seems to be devoid of common sense!
What is The Great Reset?
Look up ‘the great reset’, ‘the 4th industrial revolution’ and ‘build back better’. They are all on the same page, ready to change your lives to more cold. The hub of this ‘new normal’ is the WEF (World Economic Forum). Check out their vision for the future and more importantly, check out who the members of this massive consortium are.