This happened in the US, what about UK and other countries?
Watch ALL of this US video, it is frightening!
Is anything like this happening in the UK or other countries? In the US, insurance death rates are up an unprecedented 40%! In the US, schools are given billions of dollars to uphold all mandates, despite the protests of parents and children. In the US, hospitals are given thousands of dollars for each admitted patient. West Virginia for instance is given $471,000 for every patient!
The incentives are obscene!
The monetary incentives for US hospitals to follow the deadly protocols are massive. Is this why no patient advocates are allowed, under the guise of health and safety?
Are they hiding something?
Perhaps they don’t want you to know what’s going on in there! Is this why we aren’t allowed to visit or accompany our relatives in UK hospitals? Are they trying to hide what’s happening to our loved ones? If you live in the US, it’s obvious; you need to keep away from hospitals. Treat yourself and your family at home if you get Covid. Click the image for information on how to treat safely.
What about effective treatments
Why are effective and safe treatments being banned in the UK and Europe? Could it be that ‘Emergency Use Authorisation’ cannot be given for an untested, unapproved injection, if safe and effective treatments are available?
Safe and effective drugs have always been available!
Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and Ivermectin (IVM) are just two of the many treatments that have always been available. If they had been allowed for treatment, this debacle would have been over with in 2020! and an estimated 500,000 deaths could have been avoided in the US alone.
IVM – A behind the counter drug in Africa
IVM has been prescribed for humans since 1987 and HCQ has been used since the 1960s!
Why do you think so few living in Africa have died. Those living in regions where parasites are a common problem, take IVM regularly, hence Covid-19 deaths are very low. In Nigeria for instance, the death rate for Covid is just 15 per million. In the US it’s 2,724 per million!
The ‘horse paste’ myth
The myth that IVM is just a horse paste for parasites, is put about by ignorant and uninformed ‘fact checkers’ and bought journalists. In fact, the whole of mainstream media (MSM) seems to have been bought by the likes of Bill Gates who has ploughed $319 million into MSM since the pandemic started and up to November 2021.
A lack of integrity by MSM
This lack of knowledge and integrity shows everyone has their price, even if it means killing or damaging the health of innocent people. People only doing their utmost to do the right thing. We have all been lied to and now many have died or are suffering a living hell because of those lies. Lies given out by governments and their agencies, MSM, the WHO, unscrupulous medical professionals and the super rich, with the latter intent on taking from us all that we hold dear.
Paid to Deceive
The paid puppets controlled by the hierarchy, seem to be devoid of scruples and are happy to even lie about scientific facts. This virus which causes Covid-19, is actually a parasite! So what does IVM treat? It treats parasites. Viruses are parasites, that’s official, despite being of a nanometre size. SARS-CoV-2 is just 125 nanometres across including the spikes. See that full stop after the word ‘spikes’? You could get 16 million of these viruses on that one ½ millimetre square full stop, and that’s just one layer! By the way, this is the main reason why masks don’t work!
Being controlled by crimes against humanity
It is downright cruel to forbid relatives’ visitation rights in hospitals. It is tantamount to crimes against humanity when relatives cannot visit their sick or dying loved ones. To just hold their hand, to comfort and support them. We need to confront hospitals en masse and insist on being given our visitation rights back. The cruelty of these hospital protocols are so damaging to those left behind. Terrible feelings of guilt and anguish will stay with them for the rest of their lives. But the hierarchy don’t care. They have another agenda!
Atrocious policies of the UK Govt.
It would appear the UK government doesn’t care either with their innumerable partying whilst people were dying in isolation, without the company of their loved ones. Then the bereaved were not allowed to be consoled.
Forever in my memory is the video of a distraught widow sobbing on a single wooden chair. Her relative comes to comfort her and a ‘guard’ shouts at him to go and sit down. We will not forget these atrocities. They are unforgivable!
Another freedom taken
The hierarchy have taken these rights away from us under the guise of health and safety. If we don’t stand up to this tyranny, hospitals will forever be devoid of visitors and patients will be on their own with no advocates to protect them from drugs and treatments they don’t want or need! We already know that patients have been murdered for money in the US. Where else are these atrocities happening?
Eliminating the elders a little more quickly helps loosen and liquify the economy. There is a zinc and vitamin C lack of pandemic sitting pretty for a viral pandemic… no T cells to slow down invasion, no zinc in cells because no quercitin so viral replication and crises, no time to make the antigens…the alliopathic hegemony is in the ascendant…treat with vaccines but block the WMD vitamin D meanwhile in Nigeria and India…invermectin so the dark cards are played but they have not got a hand so the gloves are on lights are on for whatis truth for what is reality darkness is called light and truth is called fake
Hospitals need to be designed to allow access and hospital staff need the best: invermectin. We need to know who gets vaccine waivers with alternatives…is there an inner sanctum?
Hospitals are more like prisons with patients not allowed to have visitors or even an advocate. This allows hapless patients to be treated without interference from worried relatives and friends. Remdesivir protocol can then be given with impunity. No wonder nurses call this toxic drug ‘run, death is near’. Ivermectin and other useful drugs should be given to anyone who needs them. Covid ‘vaccines’ should be stopped immediately!