Tag Archives: covid 19
Questioning COVID deaths – are the numbers inflated?
I’m Skeptical!
I don’t know about you, but I am questioning COVID deaths and becoming very skeptical about the official COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) death rate for the UK. According to Statista, UK deaths, up to 24th June, reached 42,927. This equates to 645 per 1 million deaths, given that the UK population is 66.49 million. Continue reading Questioning COVID deaths – are the numbers inflated?
COVID-19 protocol that works!
“I believe we’ve cracked the COVID-19 code.” — Dr. Paul Marik
With the help of the now renowned Dr Paul Marik and other critical care specialists, a COVID-19 protocol that works, is being used NOW to treat patients at major hospitals across the US. These hospitals are getting an exceptionally high success rate. Continue reading COVID-19 protocol that works!