Before I start…

Before I start on part 2 of Side Effects Flu Vaccine, (See Part 1 here), I want to list those vaccines that DO HAVE Thimerosal in them:
Please note: this is specifically aimed at the US market. UK flu vaccines do not contain thimerosal (thiomersal).
Vaccines with Mercury
- Afluria by Seqirus – 5mL multi dose vial (MDV) 10 x 0.5mL doses. Each dose contains 24.5mcg of mercury in the form of Thimerosal (March 2017)
- Afluria Quadrivalent by Seqirus – 5mL MDV (10 x 0.5mL doses). Each dose contains 24.5mcg of mercury in the form of Thimerosal (July 2017)
- Flulaval Quadrivalent by GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) – 5mL MDV (10 x 0.5mL doses). Each dose contains ≤25mcg of mercury in the form of Thimerosal (April 2017)
- **Fluzone Quadrivalent by Sanofi Pasteur Inc. – packaged as a 5mL MDV each 0.5mL dose from the MDV contains 25mcg mercury and each 0.25mL dose from the MDV contains 12.5mcg mercury. (July 2017)
- *Fluvirin by Seqirus – 0.5ml single dose prefilled syringe – no preservatives but thimerosal is in trace amounts ≤1mcg mercury per 0.5mL dose. (March 2017)
- Flucelvax Quadrivalent by Seqirus – 5mL MDV each 0.5ml dose contains 25mcg of mercury in the form of Thimerosal (April 2017)
So if you do wish to have the flu shot, make sure you have a vaccine with no mercury or preservatives, such as those shown below:

- Afluria by Seqirus – 0.5mL prefilled syringe single dose (March 2017)
- Afluria Quadrivalent by Seqirus – 0.5mL prefilled syringe single dose (July 2017)
- Flulaval Quadrivalent by GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) – 0.5mL single dose prefilled syringes (April 2017)
- Fluzone Quadrivalent by Sanofi Pasteur Inc. – 0.5mL single dose syringe (supplied as packets of 10 (July 2017).
- Fluarix Quadrivalent by GSK – 0.5mL needleless prefilled syringe supplied as packets of 10 (April 2017)
- Fluzone High-Dose by Novartis – Suspension for 0.5 mL needleless prefilled syringe (gray plunger rod) supplied as packets of 10 (July 2017)
- Flucelvax Quadrivalent by Seqirus – 0.5mL single dose pre-filled syringe supplied as packets of 10 (April 2017)
- Flublok Quadrivalent by Protein Sciences – single dose 0.5mL syringe in 5 or 10 syringe carton (March 2017)
- Flublok by Protein Sciences – single dose 0.5mL vial in a 10 vial carton (March 2017)
- Fluad by Seqirus 0.5ml pre-filled needleless syringe in packets of 10 (March 2107)
What to look out for

Look out for those vaccines that are single doses, ie the syringes are prefilled and often come in cartons of 10. These usually have no mercury *The single dose vaccine Fluvirin by Seqirus, has no preservatives in it but it has trace amounts of mercury due to the manufacturing process. Best if you keep away from ANY mercury.
If your nurse or doctor takes your dose from another vial (MDV) ie. putting the needle in the silicon rubber top (known as a septum) and pulling off the dose, then there’s a good chance this will have the thimerasol in it. Refuse it! **The above image shows an example using the multi dose vial (MDV) flu vaccine ‘Fluzone’ which does have 0.25mcg of mercury per single dose (0.5mL)
Check which vaccine is being used
It may be better to ask the nurse or medic which flu vaccine they are using and whether it is from a multi dose vial (MDV) or a single dose. This may save you time and awkwardness if you have to refuse it when your shirt sleeve is already up and your arm ready!
If you do have the shot, insist on a copy of the vaccine information statement
Make sure you ask for the flu vaccine pamphlet that comes with the prefilled syringe. This will give you information on the vaccine and the possible side effects so you can be aware if you experience any problems.
Why have a vaccine for flu anyway?

Dr Mark Geier who has an MD and Ph.D in genetics has worked at the NIH (National Institute of Health) for 10 years, was a Professor at John Hopkins University and has been interested in vaccine safety and efficacy for over 30 years. He notes that the number of deaths from flu is in the hundreds, not the thousands as often erroneously cited, making it a low-risk disease. Also any flu vaccines should be rated as experimental as their constant changing nature makes it impossible to meet the legal efficacy and safety requirements for vaccines.
The number of deaths don’t warrant spending billions
If you have approximately 600 deaths per year from flu and the vaccine is only 9% effective, that equates to lives saved of 54. This is not deducting the side effects that some will suffer from the flu vaccine. Apart from that, it is also not including those people who contract the flu after being vaccinated! Although this is devastating for those 54 and their families, it doesn’t warrant spending billions of dollars on 300 million vaccines for the whole population of the US. This money could be spent more efficiently elsewhere on a disease/s that take many more lives than the few we speak of here.
Dr Geier interview
If you have time take a look at this interview of Dr Geier
Take 2010 for instance.
For example, the National Vital Statistics System in the U.S., stated flu deaths for 2010 amounted to just 500 and this figure could be too high. Going by analyses in journals such as the American Journal of Public Health and the British Medical Journal, just 15-20% of people who come down with flu-like symptoms have the influenza virus. The rest would have rhinovirus or other viruses indistinguishable from the flu without laboratory testing. In 2001, when death certificates listed 257 US citizens dying of flu, only 18 were positively identified as having true flu by laboratory testing. The rest, amounting to 239, were assumed to be flu but this was likely not to be the case.
I’ve had the flu…once
As a point of interest, I’ve had the flu; I was just thirteen and I still remember how ill I felt for a few days. I am in my golden years but I’ve never had it since. It may be I’m just lucky. But whatever the reason, it’s not because I’ve had a flu jab. I’ve never had one and never will because I don’t trust Pharma to have my best interests at heart. Their first concerns are with their profits. The massive profits that come from vaccines are unbelievable. Big pharma have no worries, they can’t be sued if anything goes wrong. A win, win situation for them! Not so for some of the unfortunates who have had these vaccines administered to their detriment.
So what about the UK?
Just look at this newspaper headline. How does it look to you? 28,800 death from the flu? No actually, 28,800 all cause mortality deaths. This means every cause of death including cancer, heart attack, diabetes etc., as well as respiratory deaths like asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia and COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) and all the rest. This type of headline is just scaremoungering, getting you in the mood for having your flu shot. Some statistics are massaged by lumping all respiratory type diseases together and calling them ILI (influenza like illnesses). Then using the resultant figure as flu deaths. How many people do you know that have died of the flu? Don’t believe this hype. Don’t forget these flu shots are financially driven. There is nothing on the net telling you the proven figures of people that have died in the UK. Deaths as a result of influenza, proven by laboratory testing. If you can find it, please let me know.
The trusting general public
The trusting general public are being duped into believing that all vaccines are safe and adverse reactions are a rarity. The pharmaceuticals take advantage of the fact that the public is generally ignorant of how a vaccine works and what is in it. It is proclaimed by the pharmaceutical industry and reiterated by the media, doctors, medics and other misinformed professionals that NO scientific studies exist showing that vaccines DO cause harm.

This is just propaganda originating from the pharmaceuticals who gain humongous profits from vaccines. Their profits are almost as powerful as their ability to influence every sector of the media. They control the medical profession and medical education, hospitals, universities and colleges, popular news channels and the unsuspecting public. We just don’t want to believe that they would deceive, hoodwink and betray us. This to the detriment of our health and the health of our beloved children. I suspect this mother feels betrayed. She could have lost her daughter if she hadn’t been on the ball and watching over her after her vaccinations
Incentives and Inducements

The influence of the large pharmaceutical companies spreads far and wide. They can easily get followers on board by given out various incentives and inducements. $400 is given to each doctor for every child who completes their vaccination program up to 2 years old.
Below I’ve chosen 5 studies out of the 400 vaccine studies found by Neil Z. Miller. He put them together in his review of ‘Critical Vaccine Studies’. No doubt there are more to be found. But they do need to be untouched and unsolicited by any pharmaceutical company for them to be safe from fraud.
Independent studies
To make my point, here are some independent studies I found regarding the influenza vaccine. This means these scientific papers have not been done by pharmaceuticals or those affiliated to any pharmaceutical companies. This information was taken from “Miller’s Review of Critical Vaccine Studies”. All these studies are peer-reviewed.
- Prior vaccination against seasonal influenza may increase the risk of contracting a severe case of pandemic influenza: Skowronski DM, De Serres G, et al. Association between the 2008-09 seasonal influenza vaccine and pandemic H1N1 illness during Spring-Summer 2009: four observational studies from Canada. PloS Med 2010 April 6; 7(4): e1000258.
- Mice that were infected with a seasonal influenza virus survived exposure to a lethal influenza strain; mice that were vaccinated died: Bodewes R, Kreijz JH, et al. Vaccination against human influenza A/H3N2 virus prevents the induction of heterosubtypic immunity against lethal infection with Avian influenza A/H5N1 virus. PloS One 2009; 4(5): e5538.
- Pregnant women vaccinated against seasonal influenza and A-H1N1 (swine flu)
had high rates of spontaneous abortions: Goldman GS, Comparison of VAERS fetal-loss reports during three consecutive influenza seasons: Was there a synergistic fetal toxicity associated with the two-vaccine 2009/2010 season? Hum Exp Toxicol 2013 May; 32(5): 464-75.
- CDC policy to vaccinate pregnant women with thimerosal (48% mercury) containing influenza vaccines is not supported by science: Ayoub DM, Yazbak FE, Influenza vaccination during pregnancy: a critical assessment of the recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons 2006 Summer; 11(2): 41-47
- Children vaccinated against seasonal influenza are not protected and are more likely than non-vaccinated children to develop respiratory virus infections: Cowling BJ, Fang VJ, et al. Increased risk of non influenza respiratory virus infections associated with receipt of inactivated influenza vaccine. Clin Infect Dis 2012 June 15; 54(12): 1778-83.
Whatever you do, make up your own mind but be aware and do your research. Weigh up everything that could possibly affect your life if something goes wrong. Work out the risks for you and your family. Take all you learn into consideration and make an informed choice. Don’t believe Big Pharma’s promises and question everything!
Spread the word!

I spent 20 years in the USAF, meaning 20 years of mandatory flu shots. Every one of those years I would get very sick with the flu or a flu-like illness. One year when I was stationed at Yokota AFB, Japan, the entire base was shut down with the exception of mission essential personnel due to the severity of an influenza outbreak after that year’s mandatory vaccinations.
Since my retirement from the military I have not had a single flu vaccination. In those 17 years I have had the flu only three times. Math is definitely not one of my strong suits, but for me the math has been simple. I am obviously more susceptible to the flu with the vaccine than without it, so why risk it? Since the US military uses the multidose bottles containing thimerosal, and as a retiree I get my healthcare through the VA, it’s a no-brainer.
Hi there Tim and thanks for sharing your story. This is a common occurance amongst the military and the problem with vaccines which have not been double blind tested as nearly all of them haven’t. I would suggest you steer clear of the flu vaccine and I would be very suspicious of the new covid vaccine which is being fast tracked.
Do some research Tim. Use sources that are not affiliated to the pharmaceutical industry. Check out some of your government officials and see who they may be affiliated to. Yes, the multidose bottles are more likely to have a good dose of mercury in them.
My two dogs both nearly died as puppies when they both, at the same time, had a leptospirosis vaccine. They both reacted very badly and I think of of my dogs is now brain damaged. It is not just humans who are being damaged! People need to wake up and look into this debacle themselves, especially before having the new jab. I just hope it isn’t mandated! Have a look at this video with Robert Kennedy debating the subject with an advocate of mandating vaccines and masks etc..
PS Robert Kennedy has a rare condition called ‘spasmodic dysphonia’. He is exceptionally knowledgeable on this and SARS-CoV-2 and very brave to do so many lectures and having this condition which makes it very difficult for him to talk.
I’ve had the flu vaccine the last two years as I’ve had appointments with the surgery, from other reasons, on both occasions. Here in the UK, the doctors and nurses basically jump on you to get it done – on both occasions I didn’t really have that much of a choice in the matter.
What I really didn’t know anything about was the possible side effects of this treatment, your article has really shocked me. I felt nothing after my vaccines, but I guess I’m pretty lucky looking at the big picture!
Hi Chris and thanks for your comments. I’m in the UK too and I’ve had a phone call already asking me to come to the surgery for my vaccine. It is worrying when you say you didn’t have much choice. It is an abuse of civil rights for someone to inject a substance into your body without your consent. Many have no side effects after their vaccination. Some have soreness at the site and feel under the weather for a day or two. The older generation seem to suffer the most side effects in my experience. But there are a few that have devastating side effects which ruin their lives. Do we sweep these poor unfortunates under the carpet, or do we face up to the fact that these vaccines can be harmful. In my mind collateral damage is not acceptable.
If you are a young adult, fit and healthy with no diseases, then you are more likely to be OK after your flu shot. Thing is, you have no idea what the vaccine is doing to your body, especially as some have a flu shot year in year out. The accumulation of foreign substances injected into the body over the years may be safe. But, we have no idea if it’s safe or not. This is the problem.
If you get sick in the future, how would you know what caused it. Disease is always caused by something. Rarely is it caused by genetics. For instance, 95% of cancers are now known to be caused by environmental and lifestyle issues. No safety trials are done with the flu vaccine, so we are all guinea pigs and the consortium who benefits the most from this nationwide experiment is the pharmaceutical industry.
Scary article. I have had my flue vaccine for over ten years now, as I have a job where I work with little children a lot and I was picking up all their bugs and was constantly sick. Since I have been going for the vaccine I haven’t been sick again. The one year I skipped about four years ago I was as sick as a dog with flue for about three weeks and I vowed and declared then not to miss it again.
I also take my daughter with me each year when I have mine done, and she has never been sick either touch wood.
Reading your article, I will make sure the next time that I go, I will check just what is in the vaccine, as I never really thought about that aspect before.
Hi Michel, I’m pleased you have not suffered any sickness after having the flu vaccine. Many people who are in good health, will avoid having serious diseases and I am presuming you are one of those. Looking after yourself and not eating junk food, sodas, sugar etc., is a good way of keeping disease at bay.
Asking to have the information leaflet that comes with the vaccine is always a good idea. Flu vaccine ingredients do differ between different pharmaceuticals. Here in the UK, for instance, the flu vaccine will NOT have mercury in it. In the US some flu vaccines do have mercury and it would be best if you chose one devoid of this toxin.
Thank you for this informative post about side effects flu vaccine. I didn’t know that people can take flu vaccine because where i live the flu is taken as a simple disease which can be healed by natural treatment like taking hot drinks,going to sauna,and if it persists we take medicine called cold caps.But i found that there is a shot to prevent the flu that is amazing.Many people including me don’t prefer shots but when life is involved we can do anything to get our health back.
Thank you for sharing this post.
Hello Julienne and thanks for your input. I think you have the right idea, treating yourself with natural remedies. If you have not had the flu vaccine before, I shouldn’t start now! You are obviously doing right by your health and your immune system should be strong because of it. Keep it up!
By the way, What are cold caps?
Great post. With all the negativity around flu vaccines this post and your recommendations and do’s and don’ts is timely. The process and the way the flu shot is administered would go unoticed when you have placed absolute trust in a professional administering it. Now with your findings and knowledge shared will help people take more responsibility about whats going into their bodies. This made me realise how much pharmaceutical companies always have another agenda when promoting new wonder ‘medications’. Thanks.
Thank you Sam for your comments. You are right, we must take more responsibility for our own health. After all, you know how your body feels much better than a doctor. Any symptoms you have can be researched by you. If you do need to consult a medical professional, you can speak with knowledge of your symptoms and even suggest possible treatments that YOU would prefer, rather than relying on the medic. Have a look at this article sick, sad world. It gives the history of how we got to this state of affairs with the medical industry and how the pharmaceuticals control everything.
Thanks for sharing a great article to read that will help many to know more about the side effects of flu vaccine,
I was looking to know more about the topic as the season is here and it’s good to be good informed, I didn’t know some vaccines could contain some amount of mercury, I will bookmark your article as I want to take note from the list of vaccines you list on your article with no mercury. It will be handy to have that list handy, just in case I need to get the vaccine.
This is the first time I visit your website and I see you have information about magnesium and health, will take a look at your articles.
Hi there Alejandra, I’m glad you found the post informative. You will find loads of information about magnesium (Mg) on this site as well as other subjects, closely related. Have a look at the summary of this 6 part article on vaccines. It may give you an insight of how the pharmaceuticals manipulate the medical industry to their own ends.
With this knowledge, you can make an informed decision of whether to vaccinate or note. If you are in the US you may be mandated to have a vaccine. This is an abuse of civil rights. Nobody should be able to inject a substance into your body without your consent. Be aware and do your own research. Knowledge is power!
The figures you are presenting about those who are actually affected by the flu are incredible. We hear so much about the flu and the vaccines are so heavily promoted. I had no idea that the actual numbers are so low. I personally have never had a flu shot. It’s interesting though, people swear by it. What I really found interesting is that vaccines should be considered experimental, due to the fact that the flu is constantly changing. Very interesting article you posted. I will take your advise, read, research and form my own opinion. Thank you, this post has been very informative.
Thank you for reading the post Steve and Kris. I am gratified you found it informative and please inform others that they should also be researching, for their own health’s sake and the health of their loved ones.
I love this website. It helps people understand what they should look for if they get the flu shot. Some people are hell bent on preventing the illness with a shot. I’m like you, I have never had the flu shot and never will. It wasn’t around during my childhood and I didn’t get the flu. Now, I don’t see any reason to subject myself to a needle. I trust my own immune system. It tends to do a great job at keeping away the colds.
Hi Melinda, Can I hazard a guess that the reason you don’t succumb to the flu is because you haven’t subjected your immune system to the toxic side effects of flu vaccines. I really believe that all these toxins we are subjected to from many of our unnecessary vaccines and prescription drugs is why we are so sick. The body needs nutrients not toxins for good health and until we understand that our diseases come from within our cells causing mitochondrial dysfunction, we will never attain the best of health we all desire.