Roll up, roll up, roll up your sleeves. You’ve been champing at the bit to be first in line for one of the new vaccines. Don’t worry, if you want it, you’ll get it no problem! You don’t have to be concerned with the safety issue either. The government has said on its webpage that the treatments are all completely safe.
Our trusted pharmaceutical industry?
Of course, the vaccine manufacturers will do exhaustive tests to make sure that you, the customer, will not be harmed by their wonderful life changing, obscenely profitable, vaccine. The vaccine that will get your life back to normal? Yes, I am being sarcastic, the lowest form of wit I know, but I am really exasperated by all the COVID hype and fear-mongering which is pushing people into considering a new fast tracked vaccine.
Coronavirus vaccine attempts all failed!

Vaccine manufacturers have been trying to successfully produce a coronavirus vaccine for decades. All attempts have failed with some disastrous results. Why risk vaccine damage. Why not instead, treat sufferers with one of the 3 safe and effective (unpatentable) treatments. Why not strive for natural herd immunity such as Sweden’s action plan which has brought them successfully through and out the other side, with minimum effects on their economy and their peoples’ sanity!
Those who don’t know me, will call me an anti-vaxxer! Thing is, I’m anti any treatment that has not been thoroughly safety tested, so if you want to call me an anti-vaxxer, that’s fine! But it’s not so much a problem with vaccines, it’s more to do with a problem with vaccine manufacturers, ie. the pharmaceutical industry and their consorts, most of which seem to be multi-millionaires or even billionaires. Why do you think they are so rich and powerful?
It went downhill after 1986
From the year 1986, things went seriously awry with vaccine production. Why? Well, the vaccine manufacturers were given complete immunity from being sued or brought to trial, if one of their vaccines caused death or damage to a recipient. This gave the pharmaceutical industry carte blanche to churn out vaccines without worrying about safety testing. By the late 1980s, the incidence of childhood illnesses started to rise at an alarming rate. Is this a coincidence?
National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986
Despite vaccines being touted as completely safe with no serious side effects, the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act was also brought into force in 1986. It does seem odd that such an act has to be brought in to compensate those children damaged or killed by these completely safe vaccines. It is a misnomer!
I do not trust the pharmaceutical industry
The reason I don’t trust the pharmaceutical industry is their modus operandi. The be all and end all of their business is to make huge profits. That’s OK in itself. Those in business need to make good profits. But for most of us, if something we produce causes harm or death to a customer, we would be devastated. Unfortunately, with the drug industry, the only thing that will devastate them is if their bottom line is in danger. Killing and maiming their customers is not a problem, especially if they can get away with it legally.
With vaccines, they do get away with it!
With a vaccine, if it causes damage or death, no blame is laid at the door of the company that produced that vaccine. They get off scot-free. On the other hand, if they produce a product, other than a vaccine, which causes death or damage, they could be taken to court. Even so, not one person from the pharmaceutical company breaking the law, will be given a prison sentence. They will just get a hefty fine, which is nothing to a company which makes billions each year.
What punishment is given to those who kill?
If we kill someone, we will get a much deserved prison sentence and in some countries, the death sentence. If a pharmaceutical company kills thousands of people, they will get a fine. Is that right and just? Out of interest, here are the top 10 Pharmaceutical Companies by Revenue: (Beckers Hospital Review)
- Pfizer — $51.75 billion
- Roche — $50 billion
- Novartis — $47.45 billion
- Merck — $46.84 billion
- GlaxoSmithKline — $43.54 billion
- Johnson & Johnson — $42.1 billion
- AbbVie — $33.27 billion
- Sanofi — $27.77 billion
- Bristol-Myers Squibb — $26.15 billion
- AstraZeneca — $23.57 billion
The progress of 6 of the COVID-19 vaccine front runners
Below, I have looked at 6 of the front runners for a possible COVID-19 vaccine. Also, there is some extra information on them which gives you an idea of their trustworthiness.
100% of Moderna participants suffered side effects
Bill Gates visibly struggled to manoeuver through the pointed questions posed by CBS about the safety of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine (currently known only as mRNA-1273). This was recently found to cause systemic side effects in 80% of Phase 1 participants receiving the 100 microgram (mcg) dose. Side effects ranged from fatigue (80%), chills (80%), headache (60%) and myalgia or muscle pain (53%). After the second dose, 100% of participants in the 100-mcg group experienced side effects.
The highest dosage group…
In the highest dosage group, who received 250 mcg, 100% of participants suffered side effects after both the first and second doses. Three of the 14 participants (21%) in the 250-mcg group suffered “one or more severe events.” A severe event is explained here by the FDA.
Bill Gates stated, “None of the vaccines at this point appear like they’ll work with a single dose,”
He continued to say that “unbelievably big numbers” of doses were needed and predicted that 80% of the global population needs to be vaccinated. So yes, we’re talking about tens of billions of doses. I wonder how much money these billions of vaccines will make the pharmaceuticals and the already obscenely rich billionaires, especially if you need two doses to start and then a dose every year? What a money spinner – the rich get richer…
Pfizer’s progress with new vaccine
Pfizer’s vaccine candidate – for now just called BNT162b1 was said to have – “elicited a robust immune response in participants, which increased with dose level and with a second dose”
This was according to a news release from the journal Nature, which published the trial data on Aug. 12. The new trial involved 45 healthy adults between the ages of 18 and 55. Half were randomly selected to get the vaccine at a low, medium or high dose, while the other half got a “dummy” placebo shot.
According to Nature, the shot was “generally well-tolerated,” although some recipients did have some transitory side effects such as soreness at the injection site, fatigue, headache, fever and sleep woes. Those tended to clear up within a week of vaccination, the researchers said. Do they know how the recipients will respond when given the wild virus I wonder?
How about Pfizer’s track record?
Should we worry that Pfizer has pled guilty to misbranding with intent to mislead and defraud and promoting a drug with dangerously high dosages. They were fined $2.3 billion.

Then there’s Glaxo Smith Kline.
GSK COVID-19 vaccine development collaboration with Sanofi and Clover Bio pharmaceuticals begins clinical trials. Can we be given a GSK vaccine and be totally confident of its safety? I can find no news as to how their trials are progressing.

Surely, there’s no way, GSK will fail to report any safety data? But what if the vaccine is mandated and we’re all forced to have it without the rigorous testing that needs to be done with a new unproven vaccine. Especially one that may be mandated and fast tracked. What if some of us become ill or die, from the effects of the new vaccine. If that happens, nobody could do anything about it. You can’t sue the vaccine makers. If you try the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP,) it is the government you’re suing. Those who are courageous enough to try have a really tough time.
We would have to just accept all deaths and damage because we gave up our human rights to refuse a possible harmful treatment for us, but more importantly for our precious babies and children.
The Astra Zeneca trial has got a problem…

The Oxford AstraZeneca trials has been paused after a participant in Britain showed symptoms consistent with transverse myelitis, a rare neurological disease caused by inflammation of the spinal cord. But never mind, it’s only one person with a serious reaction. I think she’ll be out of hospital soon. Meanwhile here are 3 of Astra Zeneca’s illigal acts.
Astra Zeneca has been fined $355 million for Medicare fraud!
In 2010 AstraZeneca agreed to pay £505 million to British revenue authorities to resolve a dispute related to the company’s use of transfer pricing techniques to reduce its tax liability.
J & J Announces a Lead Vaccine Candidate for COVID-19

If you were an elderly patient or had elderly relatives, would you trust this company to look after you and your family after it was guilty of giving drugs ‘for uses not approved as safe and effective by the FDA, targeting elderly dementia patients in nursing homes’.
Merck leaps into COVID-19 development fray with vaccine drug deals
Merck & Co. has now started testing its experimental Covid-19 vaccine candidate V591 in healthy volunteers. The Phase 1 / 2 trial, which will take place in Belgium with 260 enrolled subjects, was reported by Merck on a government database and confirmed by the company, says the Wall Street Journal.
Merck agreed to pay a fine of $950 million related to the illegal promotion of the painkiller Vioxx, which was withdrawn from the market in 2004 after studies found the drug increased the risk of heart attacks. The Vioxx scandal resulted in many thousands of deaths
Merck knew about the cardiac problems
It was proven that Merck knew about the problems of the drug causing heart attacks but chose to ignore it and license the drug anyway. Cardiologist Eric Topol of the Cleveland Clinic testified that drugmaker Merck had scientific evidence of Vioxx’s cardiac hazards as far back as 1999 — well before it pulled the drug from market in September 2004.
Part Two of Roll Up, Roll Up
In Part Two of this article I will reveal some of the problems that could occur with the production of a Coronavirus vaccine. You need to be extremely careful and sure that this vaccine will not damage you or your family. You can’t go back once it has been put into your body, so be informed and thoroughly aware. Know what questions to ask of those who administer this vaccine. Insist on a copy of the information leaflet, before you have the vaccination and read it thoroughly. I suspect it will not be offered to you unless you ask for it and even then, they may say there isn’t one!
Spread the word!

Good information and quite timely, too! With the upcoming flu season and the hopes others have for the covid vaccine, you provide some good points.
I am not totally against vaccines of any kind. Living on a farm, we do keep our tetanus vaccines up to date. But I have seen the problems with the flu vaccine and have done enough research to believe that it’s best if I avoid that and some others. As your data point out, vaccines and drugs have become quite big business for some companies. I’m not against them earning money, but don’t want to have my health compromised by it.
Thanks for the good information–and such detail! I’ll be sharing your article with all of it’s usefulness.
Thanks for your comment Diane and thanks for sharing the post to encourage others to be aware and become knowledgable about vaccines in general and the new covid vaccine in particular.
I was interested to learn from you that you keep up your tetanus booster shots. I have looked into tetanus in the past and found many studies that indicate that if you’ve had your initial shots as a child, boosters are not necessary with tetanus. I know only 11 people have died of tetanus over the past 20 years in the UK!
Another interesting article I found was this one. It does give you a taste of what the pharmaceutical industry will do and do it stealthily. We all need to be suspicious when pharma brings out a new vaccine, especially as they are immune from being prosecuted if their vaccines cause harm. You can bet your life their first thought is the profit it will make, not the damage it may do. We also know that thorough testing is very lax. Why test when you won’t be sued?
Thanks for sharing this article, it is very true that all vaccines efforts that have been made are not not good and for a very long time the vaccine for corona virus has yet been discovered. I love you suggestion about the usage of herbs, it is the best and only option that we have now. It’s a good one
Hi there Bruce and thanks for your input. Yes, natural nutrients is the best option. Drugs should only be used as a last resort because a drug in itself will stress the body, even if it supports healing. We were not born with drugs inside us. Our body needs vitamins, minerals and natural nutrients to stay healthy. Putting strange conconctions into the body is a risky business, especially if you’re unsure of the side effects and who is likely to suffer them. Our children have their lives in our hands. Those parents who thought they were doing the right thing and then had their child suffer damage or death, will endure the heartache for the rest of their lives, while the pharmaceutical industries carry on, only thinking of profits, not the lives they have damaged or killed. I am in absolute contempt of them!
Thank you for sharing this eye opener here. Honestly, I feel that this production of the vaccines is rather being rushed and not properly tested. The problem with things like this is that it does cause issues not worthy enough and can cause problems and I pray against, the second wave. So, I will share this with as many as possible people
Thank you for your comment Nath. Sharing information is the best thing to do. We all need to know the negatives against a possible mandated vaccine. Some will surely be damaged or even die. This is a fact! Trouble is, the risks are often hidden and/or denied. Once we have all the information we can make an informed decision and decide if we want to take the risk, especially when children are involved.
It is certainly against the constitution if a treatment can be dangerous. Because of this, mandatory vaccination should be out of the question and we must all fight to stop it!
High Natt, this is a good one on the vaccines and also about the virus that is a ravaging nemesis in our world today. I want to really believe that there is some hype to the virus but we are Abel to see the numbers of people dying. I really hope that the world can come to epace again whether there’s a vaccine that can work or there’s some other remedy.
Thanks for your comment Suz. Yes, the figures certainly depict many have died from Covid, but interestingly, the CDC have now confirmed that the figures of those that have died of Covid could be much lower with only 6% being positively attributed to Covid. The other 94% needs to be confirmed as many of them appear to have died ‘with’ Covid but not ‘of’ Covid. In some cases if the deceased has been tested positive in the weeks before their death, Covid would be put on the certificate as the cause of death! This, of course, will not always be true with some dying of accidents, cancers and other deadly diseases such as the biggest killer of heart disease. Many have also been found to have died from normal flu! This means the US figures need to be adjusted.
Hello there, its really not been easy dealing with the corona virus and I have to say I feel bad about the failed vaccines and all that we have been seeing so far. However, I still want to have faith about it all and I hope the best comes out of it. It’s best we have each others backs and give out love in all manner. Cheers
Thanks Justin for your positive attitude and I sincerely hope your optimism comes through. I am a little more sceptical but I honestly hope I’m wrong!
Even before reading the post, I was never in favor of the vaccine for the reason that the human body was created to make itself immune. Would you agree to a vaccination after reading this. I still believe that it is the job of doctors and scientists to create an excellent defense system in humans through research, and that this is not the job of a global internet magician like Bill Gates.Of course, it takes time to come up with such a great thing as a corona virus vaccine. any accelerated process can lead to a fatal outcome. If we have already managed to survive so far, I think that we do not need the vaccine at all, at least not in the way they want to place it on the market.
Thank you for your comment Oliveir. At least there’s no worry with you. You are obviously on the ball with this possible mandatory vaccine. If only our medical profession was taught about natural vitamins, minerals and other necessary natural nutrients to keep the body in tip top condition with a strong immune system.
The likes of Bill Gates are a menace to society. Their philanthropic antics are a cover for increasing their wealth by giving to companies they are already involved in. Conflicts of interest are now out the window with the main agencies of governments being infiltrated by big business; the pharmaceutical industry being the main contender.
there are just so many hypes about the covid19 vaccine. You are right, within the short amount of time it is too early to say if this vaccine will cure the virus and it can actually harm us. We are no strangers to all the side effects of drugs. Now we are practically a lab rat for the pharmaceutical company to develop the drugs for free because we are vulnerable. These pharmaceutical companies have so much money and just pay people off. I think prevention is the best cure of all. Just take care of your health and stop taking all these chemicals into your body. Anyways, enough rant on my part, cannot wait to read the part two.
Hi there Nuttanee and thank you for responding to the post. It is true what you say about the wealth of the pharmaceutical industry, aided and abetted by wealthy billionaires. All in question are obscenely wealthy and are able to circumvent all the conditions, commands and directives that all us ‘plebs’ have to adhere to for fear of being persecuted, prosecuted, vilified and fined. Of course, it is these elitists of society who have made all these rules in the first place!
I sincerely hope that this fast tracked vaccine is not made mandatory. Bill Gates says at least 80% of the worldwide population needs to be vaccinated, ie. 6.25 billion people. I suspect that means they will try and mandate it. Whether people will be brave enough to refuse the vaccine is another matter. Refusal could result in all kinds of fines and other communal, recreational and entertainments being denied to those who refuse to be vaccinated. I can see proof of vaccination being as important as your passport. I really hope I’m wrong but if I’m not, I suspect I will be in the minority who will hold their ground and refuse to comply.