Families are worried about their older relatives succumbing to the COVID 19 virus. I want to talk about Covid 19, Sepsis and the HAT Protocol. You need to read this and keep it as a reference, just in case
Those of us who are fit and healthy are not too concerned about being hit by this new virus, but we do worry about our older relatives and how they would cope if they contracted this disease.
Death Rate from COVID 19
I won’t go into the figures of how many people have caught this virus and the subsequent deaths. Suffice to say, in countries considered to have a good standard of living, the death rate is between 1-2% ie. 1-2 people in every 100. This now seems to be increasing but figures can be misleading, especially as we don’t know how many have had the disease already and got over it. We only know those that have been tested and out of those tested, the number of mortalities.
Italy an exception?
As for Italy, it would appear that many of those contracting the virus are of the older generation and this is why their death rate seems to be higher than most other countries. It has also been suggested, true or not I don’t know, that many of those who have died in Italy were males who were also smokers!
Other possible exceptions?
Exceptions to this 1-2% will be those countries with poor health, living in a war torn areas, displaced from their homes, losing loved ones to war. Vulnerable people because of how they are forced to live, stressed, poor health, poor diet, poor living conditions etc. They will succumb to this virus more readily.
Previous article
A few weeks back, I did write about Sepsis and how a possible amazing breakthrough was saving lives. Evidently, 1 in every 5 lives lost are due to Sepsis. This was a shocking revelation and most people were surprised that this seemingly not so common disease, was causing such havoc to our health.
Research into COVID 19 and Sepsis
I have been looking around for how COVID 19 actually progresses as a disease, especially in those that have been admitted to hospital and subsequently died. The majority of patients get over the illness, but those who don’t are often hit by sepsis which, as we know, can be a killer. In fact it is a common ‘end of life’ disease, hence the 1 in 5 figure.
Prof. Allen Cheng
I read with interest, an article by Allen Cheng of Monash University. He is a Professor of Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology. He has written about the severity of the Wuhan coronavirus and how is causes severe illness.
Prof. Cheng says:
“There’s much we’ve yet to learn about this new virus, but we know it often causes pneumonia, an infection of the lungs which produces pus and fluid and reduces the lungs’ ability to absorb oxygen.
Of the first 99 people with severe infection, three-quarters had pneumonia involving both lungs. Around 14% appeared to have lung damage caused by the immune system, while 11% suffered from multi-organ system failure, or sepsis.”
He goes on to say:
“Secondary bacterial pneumonia is more severe than influenza alone – in hospitalised patients, around 10% of those with influenza and pneumonia die, compared to around 2% of those who don’t have pneumonia.
Although it can be difficult to determine whether organ damage from the Wuhan coronavirus is a result of direct viral infection or indirect ‘collateral damage’ from the immune system, initial reports suggested around 11% of people severely ill with the Wuhan coronavirus experienced sepsis with multiorgan failure.”
But I take issue with this statement:
“So far no drugs or interventions have been able to dampen this immune response. Although several treatments have been proposed for Wuhan coronavirus, none have yet been shown to work.”
Enter the ‘HAT Protocol’
For those patients who do succumb to this new virus and go into septic shock, the HAT protocol is definitely worth trying. The problem is, the hospital will probably refuse to give the treatment because of ‘dogma’ and ‘protocol’. Patients with sepsis will be treated the same way as they always are. Even if the patient is dying, they will not try this new protocol, despite it being completely safe, very cheap and very effective!
This protocol has saved lives already
If you have a beloved relative in front of you dying from sepsis, don’t you think he or she would want you to try this new protocol? This protocol has been used in the US and saved many lives. Even patients expected to die within a few hours have recovered, with no injury to vital organs. But even if you don’t believe in it, your relative is dying, so what’s to lose?
So what’s the problem… Money!
So why does a medical professional, treating your beloved relative, watch your loved one die rather than try a new treatment?
The pharmaceutical industry cannot make any money out of this treatment because it uses ingredients that are natural and/or have already been on the market. So it can’t be patented. No patent, no profits. What’s more, if this treatment is affective, what will happen to the ‘gold standard’ treatment already being used, the drugs of which are supplied by the pharmaceuticals? Their ‘bottom line’ would definitely suffer!
Dr Paul Marik – Chief of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine
In January 2016 a critical care doctor working out of Sentara Norfolk General Hospital in East Virginia tried a new protocol on one of his patients. This lady was about to die. She was not expected to live through the night. Dr Marik had read a research paper about a new protocol for sepsis. Looking down on his dying patient, he thought he would try the new treatment. After all, there was nothing to lose!
Dr Paul Marik’s Interview
Below is an interview with Dr Marik. This doctor is genuine. He is obviously a dedicated medic and cares passionately for his patients. This man is not interested in profits or the bottom line. Unlike the pharmaceuticals, who are already at his throat for introducing this protocol. To them, it doesn’t matter that it works! What matters is it isn’t their protocol and is a threat to their profits. Since Dr Marik started using this protocol, he has been hauled over the coals and ridiculed by the pharmaceuticals and those in collaberation with them.
And the Nurses!
If you haven’t got time to watch the above video, just watch this short 2 minute interview with the nurses who look after Dr Marik’s patients .
So what do you think?
Do you think this doctor is a quack? Or is he doing what he knows will get his patients out of the front door and home, instead of out the back door in a box! The treatment is safe and will not affect the patient adversely, ie. it will not make the patient any worse than he or she already is. If you are in the US you’re luckier than us in the UK. The UK has not even attempted to use this protocol thus far. In the US, it is being used in Dr Marik’s hospital and a number of other hospitals throughout the US.
Pierre Kory MD Assoc Professor – UWisconsin, Madison
Dr Kory is the Principal Investigator for a Clinical Trial taking place now. Started in April 2019, it is due to complete in April 2020. The title of the trail is: Outcomes of Septic Shock Patients Treated With a Metabolic Resuscitation Bundle Consisting of Intravenous Hydrocortisone, Ascorbic Acid and Thiamine.
The trial notes explain how ascorbic acid deficiency leads to shock and multi-organ failure and that the HAT therapy appears to be of high utility in preventing death and multi-organ failure in septic shock. IV high doses of ascorbic acid rapidly achieves not only normal levels but even supranormal levels. Also history as far back as the 1950s appreciated the importance of this vitamin. In 2006, it reared its head again only to be shot down once more, even after trials in 2014 reported the high efficacy of IV ascorbic acid. How many have died of sepsis because of the dogma, bigotry and dragging of heels of the medical industry.
Dr Kory states
“I spent 15 years gaining expertise in deploying ICU therapeutics with the farcical goal of keeping ascorbic acid depleted patients alive and well – without giving them ascorbic acid?”
Dr EV Volda, Norway
“After introducing HAT therapy to the equation, sepsis is no longer a concern of mine. If they are not <<already dead>> at arrival, the patients survive. And they survive with their health intact!”
What if your relative gets sepsis?
You now have the information to give to your medic if you or your loved one becomes very ill with sepsis or progresses to sepsis after infection from COVID 19. Unfortunately, you will have a fight on your hands but hopefully your medic will use it wisely and not dismiss it out of hand. It depends on the medical professional you’re dealing with and the hospital’s protocol. I might add, this protocol works at its best if used as early as possible.
So what is the recipe?
Here we go, the recipe for the HAT protocol:
- IV 50mg of hydrocortisone Q6H
- IV 1.5g of ascorbic acid Q6H
- IV 200mg of Thiamine Q12H
Terms: IV = intravenous, mg = milligrams, g = grams, ascorbic acid = vitamin C
Q6H = every 6 hours, Q12H = every 12 hours, thiamine = vitamin B1
Should I wear a mask?
Dr Jenny Harries, England’s Deputy Chief Medical Officer says: “It was not a good idea for the public to wear face masks as the virus can get trapped in the material and infect the wearer when they breath in”. As always with experts, there is controversy over face masks. You must make up your own mind but do they give a false sense of security? IMHO, the only way for a mask to protect, is if it paired with a face shield which protects the whole face including the eyes.
Dr Paul Marik Interview = https://youtu.be/yfXVce34A78
Nurses response Interview = https://youtu.be/adYqbucF8M4
Hydrocortisone, Ascorbic Acid and Thiamine (HAT Therapy) for the Treatment of Sepsis. Focus on Ascorbic Acid: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6265973/
Dr Paul Marik et al – Hydrocortisone, Vitamin C and Thiamine for the treatment of severe sepsis and septic shock: A retrospective before-after study: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27940189
Alpha A Fowler safety trial of IV ascorbic acid: https://ccforum.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13054-018-2191-x
Jing Li meta-analysis of Vitamin C use in patients with sepsis: https://ccforum.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13054-018-2191-x
The Global Sepsis Alliance regarding COVID-19 states:
“While the majority of individuals affected by COVID-19 will not develop life-threatening sepsis, the global threat posed by COVID-19 does underpin the need for all citizens and healthcare workers to ensure they are familiar with the early signs of sepsis and appreciate that sepsis can be caused by a multitude of infections, such as this novel coronavirus, other viral infections, seasonal influenza viruses, or common bacterial infections such as pneumonia, urinary tract, abdominal, or wound infections.”
Sepsis kills 1 in every 5 people. It is often the last stage of a serious infection such as COVID 19. Sepsis is caused by numerous infections, whether bacterial or viral. This includes pneumonia, urinary tract, abdominal or wound infections. We all need to be aware of this serious condition and take quick action if it is suspected, especially now as we are up against this new virus COVID 19.
Just wondering…
Just a piece of information for you. The Wuhan Institute of Virology is a research institute administered by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) on virology, and is located in Jiangxia District, Wuhan, Hubei, China. In 2015, the Institute opened a biosafety level 4 laboratory in Wuhan, the first in mainland China…
Spread the word!

Protocols will always be greatly unwelcome in mainstream medical practice, especially where it is more advanced and highly organised. However, to say that I’ve been refreshed by this article is an understatement Ches. I’ve not only been thoroughly educated by the sources you quoted but also appreciated the simplicity with which you weaved together the information. Thank you for this as well as a host of other articles I’ve only had the chance to read titles of for now. I’ll surely share this link with some medics I know.
We are Blessed.
Hi there Mark and I would be very appreciative if you would indeed share this post with medics you know. As far as protocols that are also of a natural origin, these will invariably be put down to ‘quackery’! There’s many a good doctor that has fallen foul of this derogatory label. With Dr Paul Marik, he actually remarked in his video interview that the pharmaceuticals would be ‘displeased’ with him. That was in 2016.
Now in 2020, the pharmaceutical industry is doing its best to discredit Dr Marik. Unfortunately for them, there are a great number of patients, their friends and their families who have had the benefit of the HAT protocol. Apart from that, the number of hospitals around the world using this protocol are growing. Hopefully, it won’t take long for these numbers to increase until the tipping point changes the balance!
Ches, I would like to comment on the idea of doctors being afraid to suggest alternative cures. I’ve had arthritis in my feet for years and it’s gotten worse. My doctor seemed to be at a loss to suggest any long term fix. His suggestions were cortisone and physical therapy. Of course, cortisone is a temporary fix and you can’t take it forever.
About 3 months ago, I had a friend suggest vinegar water. A tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in 8 ounces of water. I would drink this 3 or 4 times a day. The result has been remarkable. The pain is still there, but reduced so much, I hardly even notice it. I’m able to go on walks with my wife now.
When I told this to my doctor, he didn’t seem surprised. Said he was glad it worked for me. I didn’t push him on it, but I believe he already knew this would have helped me. Why he didn’t suggest it to me, I don’t really know. I guess if a doctor works in a hospital, as mine does, his allegiance is to the hospital more than his patient. But, I still don’t see the harm it would have done to him or the hospital to suggest this remedy to me.
Hi Michael and what an interesting story about the benefits of apple cider vinegar. This natural treatment is well known by naturopaths but not so medical doctors. Well, they may know but certainly will not prescribe it! Doctors are very fearful of being called a ‘quack’. This term is the slippery slope to being struck off and is often used by the powers that be, when a doctor doesn’t ‘toe the line’.
By the way, a good quality Magnesium supplement will certainly help your arthritis too. Don’t forget to watch your Calcium intake. Mg and Ca should be ingested in equal quantities. Too much Ca and you will be Mg deficient by default!
Very interesting. I will have to screenshot this recipe. You never know when it could come in handy.
Some crazy times right now. I am going to make sure I have these ingredients in the house from now on. Hopefully we won’t need them but just in case. I hope the best for everyone, but who knows when the quarantines and shut downs will truly be lifted. Thanks for the informative post, keep it up!
Hi there Travis and thanks for your comments. Do keep evidence of Dr Paul Marik’s research and usage of the HAT protocol to give to your medic. The problem is, most hospitals and doctors will not use this protocol. But, the New York hospital system is now using IV vit C with good results. This is the latest on Dr Marik’s protocol to be used for COVID19 patients: https://www.evms.edu/media/evm…
You will now see many articles disputing the effect of vitamin C and some even saying that this vital vitamin is “dangerous”! Look into the background of these anti vitamin C articles and there will be a pharmaceutical at its root!
Interestingly, President Trump has tweeted that this unproven combination therapy has “a real chance to be one of the biggest game changers in the history of medicine”.
I want to thank you for this informative article about the corona virus. I found it interesting and alarming that doctors would rather see you die before using the HAT protocol which could save someones life all in the name of money. We have never seen anything that compares to this pandemic and the damage it has caused to the world over.
Thank you Marc for your comments on the HAT therapy post. I feel sorry for doctors, purely because they cannot go against protocol. If they stray too far, their license could be pulled. If a doctor wants to use a treatment outside of protocol, he could be vilified and have ‘quack’ put against his name. They are between a rock and a hard place!
It’s the pharmaceuticals that are at the root of all this. They do not want any treatments to be of a natural source. They cannot patent a natural remedy, so if a natural remedy is widely used, their profits go down. God forbid!
First, let’s talk about Italy, check the statistics, last year, for the first 3 months, there are more deaths than this years’ first 3 months.
Secondly, world overal death rate, how did you figure out that it’s 1-2%? How many of the death cases, that those empty statistics show, are actually PROVED that they are from the coronavirus (I’m not using COVID-19 on purpose, the first evidence of coronavirus is from 2002, but that doesnt mean that it’s not several hundreds of years old-so how did this prof. Cheng assumed that it’s new?).
Third, when the ebola and H1N1 DISEASES (I mean DISEASES not VIRUSES), which death ratio was 20 times more than this virus, how come there was no such thing as media BOMBS everywhere, no crisis, no nothing. Don’t you think that someone is trying to throw our attention to this virus on purpose, while something else is coming from the horizon?
Hi there Victor, of course you’re right. You cannot depend on any figures and I just conveyed the figure of 1-2%, don’t shoot the messenger! That’s why I wasn’t specific and I did say the mortality percentage was just from those tested.
Not until most of the population has been tested and/or titer tested will we know a more accurate figure. One thing you can be sure of, the mortality percentage rate is going to be lower than suggested, but by how much is impossible to say at this time.
I sincerely hope you’re not right about something coming in from the wings which we have been sidetracked from by this virus. Trouble is, it is difficult not to be labelled as a ‘conspiracy theorist’
I generally agree with what you say and I’m not sure this so called pandemic is being controlled sensibly, but who am I to say…
In these times when covid-19 is a disease that is affecting us all in one way or another, it is very good to have information that is well founded and that comes from professional people, the most important thing is to follow the protocols that we Those who are already proven and who work are in charge, and we must not panic and we must take care of the most vulnerable. I think that by following the recommendations we can get ahead of this.
Hello Hector and thanks for your input. I agree our most vulnerable should be first priority and that’s why such drastic measures have been implemented. Hopefully, we will all come through this and be the stronger for it.
It is incredible that even now, with everything that is going on, the pharmaceutical industry is still focused on making money instead of allowing a possible cure to be accepted and applied, simply because the HAT protocol is based on natural ingredients and can’t get them any profits. It is sad … but not surprising.
So, this recipe for the HAT protocol, where could someone get those ingredients if he or she were to use it? Or is the only way to get this by letting your doctor know that you want this treatment, so that he can apply it? This certainly gives hope.
Hi there Christine, yes it is incredible that some will put profits before lives. As for the HAT protocol, it generally needs to be administered in a hospital environment although some naturopaths have the skills and credentials to do IV infusions. Dr Paul Marik of the Sentara Norfolk General Hospital in East Virginia is said to be very approachable. Perhaps an email, he has an email address I know of you could try marikpe@evms.edu
Problem is, most doctors will not touch it for fear of reprisals from the powers that be. Those in charge of the medical fraternity of so powerful, they will pull a doctor’s license for not following standard procedures.
I tried several times to access your site to be able to comment on the Sepsis and HAT protocol, but unfortnately there appears to be an issue with the link. I also copied the website name and put it into my browser, hoping to access the post that way, but alas, no success. So you might want to check the link and make sure that your website is working properly. Thank you and all the best.
Hi LineCowley and thanks for the info. I have been in touch with help center and they say all is OK now. Hopefully you can submit your comment if you wish.
Very interesting , I hope this, used in hospitals worldwide soon,
Thanks for sharing with us
Hi there Davine and thanks for reading the somewhat lengthy article about COVID 19 and sepsis. I hope having this information to hand will give some reassurance to those vulnerable to this virus. Most people do survive it and some don’t even know they’ve had it! Many think they’ve just had a cold or touch of flu. Of those with underlying conditions, most will be OK, especially if they have been looking after themselves.
Hey there Ches,
Really informative post here.
I had not heard of the HAT protocol before but it seems like it’s worth trying if someone is experiencing sepsis. God forbid someone I know have sepsis, but I will definitely keep the HAT protocol in mind.
That is an interesting point about needing TEM to see the virus! I wonder…
Thanks for the info!
Hi Anna and thanks for reading the rather long article. It’s not surprising you haven’t heard of this particular protocol. This is despite it being around, in Norfolk Virginia anyway, since at least 2016. Why it didn’t make headline news, I don’t know! Well, I do actually, the media is much under control as to what it can publish and broadcast. I’m afraid journalism has degraded into something short of the whole truth. It’s not their fault. They are ‘lobbied’ into line by by those most powerful!
As I sit here after reading your article and watching the two video’s I am in a state of bafflement. We know that the global drug industry works in the billions of dollars. Yet when evidence like yours is disregarded, it does make you wonder how this situation has not only arisen but been perpetuated for so long.
Something is systemically wrong. I, all to often, hear of new breakthroughs, in research into drugs, and yet the product is not going to be available for five, maybe ten years. If a drug is found to work then every patient should have the option to try it, even more so for those who are in life threatening states. Why not sign a waiver ?
Large industries like the pharmaceutical one, wield too much power. If those in the medical profession are unable to utilise breakthrough medicines, how are the patients or their families meant to force the issue ? Governments need to take action, even if that means they lose some of their indirect revenue.
Hi there TR and thanks for your input and comments. I am pleased this article has got to you. We need the general public to realise that all is not well with the medical industry, particularly the pharmaceuticals, who seem to have lost their way, putting profits before patients’ welfare. Vitamin C and its benefits has been simmering since the 1950s. It is now 2020 and still there is much dragging of feet.
I’m afraid it’s all to do with money! Non pharmaceutical treatments are not welcome in the medical industry. It has to be a drug and woe betide any medic who strays from the ‘gold standard’ protocols set down by the pharmaceuticals. We were born with all the natural minerals and vitamins needed for a healthy body. Why would it want to run on drugs! It already knows how to mend itself if it has the right mix of necessary nutrients!
This is a fascinating read on Covid 19 and its effect of the possibility of causing sepsis. I think with any serious condition that there is a possibility of developing a complication, where pneumonia and sepsis being very life threatening. I do hope that the research into HAT protocol does prove to be successful in the treatment of sepsis but we cannot guarantee that it will work for all individuals in all circumstances in all conditions. As long as it does not cause the patient any discomfort then I cannot see why it should not be used. In medicine it is better to process with caution, as we do not what a false hope.
Are they planning to do further studies once the present study has finished?
Hi Antonio, yes those developing pneumonia seem to be particularly at risk with this virus. HAT protocol is working already, it just needs backing up with further research. It may need adjusting to make it optimally efficient but until then, it will do harm to start this protocol as soon as a patient shows signs of deterioration. There is no other treatment available that produces the HAT positive response. While we are proceeding with caution and not trying the protocol, people are dying!
Thanks a lot for this article, it came at a perfect time. COVID 19 is the biggest scary disease for whole human nation. I think it’s not only about old age people but also child teenage. The death rate really so sad news for us. And I thought face mask is essential to protect from this disease but after reading this article I just realized it’s really not good for us all time and overall the issues you covered is very useful for us nowadays! I’ll share this article with my family and friends. Thanks again!
Hi there Hmilmee, yes it is certainly scary but once the population starts to become immune, it will be added to the list of flu virus which we have to contend with every year. It is those people who are vulnerable, with underlying conditions already, we really have to take care of. Even so, we mustn’t make those vulnerable fearful, just do all we can to keep them safe.
Hello Ches, I must say that this article is very helpful and informative. It is great I stumbled upon your article because you shared some very powerful insights on these dangerous things. I only hope that this corona will be stopped somehow as there are so many people who lost their lives because of this. So sad..
Hi there Danijel and thanks for your input. Like you, I sincerely hope this novel virus will be under control soon. Meanwhile, all we can do is protect ourselves with the advice given ie. hand washing etc., and try and keep our vulverable loved ones safe.