Category Archives: Vaccines

Side Effects Flu Vaccine – Part 2

Before I start…
GSK flulaval
multi vial box of flu vaccine (Flulaval)

Before I start on part 2 of Side Effects Flu Vaccine, (See Part 1 here),  I want to list those vaccines that DO HAVE Thimerosal in them:

Please note: this is specifically aimed at the US market.  UK flu vaccines do not contain thimerosal (thiomersal). Continue reading Side Effects Flu Vaccine – Part 2

Side Effects Flu Vaccine


santa's jabs
Can’t see Santa until you’ve had your flu shot kids!

It’s that time of year when the flu vaccination will be touted by your local care provider, doctor, or even the local chemist or supermarket!  Will you have another flu jab this year? Did it help last year? Have you had any effects from the vaccination? Have you had the flu despite being vaccinated? Did your health provider inform you of the risks and possible side effects? You should have been given an information leaflet with your flu shot which gives you possible side effects. Did you get one? Continue reading Side Effects Flu Vaccine

CDC Immunization Schedule

I read that New York State has a law which prohibits a child going to school without being up to date with all his/her vaccinations. In effect vaccines are mandatory if you have a child living in NYS.  Upon looking further, it appears the whole of the US has these mandatory laws, which I find horrendous and a breach of civil rights.  California, Mississippi and West

Continue reading CDC Immunization Schedule

Leptospirosis Vaccine Side Effects

Jazz BanditPuppies first vaccination

I’m writing this post as a warning about your puppy and leptospirosis vaccine side effects. I’m off topic somewhat here but we had such a harrowing experience when we took our two little puppies to have their first vaccination, I wanted to warn you about this vaccine.

They were just 8 weeks old and weighed in at just 1.37kg and 1.49kg.  We were to see our usual vet who we really trust and find very gentle with all her patients.  We knew she would make our puppies’ first visit to the vet a positive one. Continue reading Leptospirosis Vaccine Side Effects