Fraud is afoot
Cancer Research UK has a good reputation, as far as the public is concerned. But we hear rumours of the fraudulent activities of the pharmaceutical companies and their champions. This includes the US government agencies such as the FDA. In Part 2 of Cancer Research UK – working for Big Pharma, we’ll take a look at this fraud. See Part 1 here.
Fraud is rife in the pharmaceutical industry
Have a look at this excerpt from an earlier post. A more in depth look at the extent of pharmaceutical fraud and illegal practices, can be found in this report done by Public Citizen. All the facts are documented and can be verified.
Conclusions of that report
Pharmaceutical Industry Criminal and Civil Penalties: 1991 Through 2015
“Financial penalties continued to pale in comparison to company profits, with the $35.7 billion in penalties from 1991 through 2015 amounting to only 5% of the $711 billion in net profits made by the 11 largest global drug companies during just 10 of those 25 years (2003-2012). To our knowledge, a parent company has never been excluded from participation in Medicare and Medicaid for illegal activities, which endanger the public health and deplete taxpayer-funded programs. Nor has almost any senior executive been given a jail sentence for leading companies engaged in these illegal activities. Much larger penalties and successful prosecutions of company executives that oversee systemic fraud, including jail sentences if appropriate, are necessary to deter future unlawful behavior. Otherwise, these illegal but profitable activities will continue to be part of companies’ business model.”
Pharmaceutical fraud propagates
The problem with the pharmaceutical industry is that they are distributed worldwide. Any fraudulent, underhanded or illegal activity instigated by a company in the US, will have repercussions in other countries. That includes the UK, Australia, New Zealand and Europe.
Do you trust them?
Do we trust the health of ourselves and our family and friends to these criminals. How many of them have actually been prosecuted and jailed for their crimes. How is it they are still allowed to function in their field. Afterall they have been found guilty of crimes against the public’s health and the taxpayer funded programs. Why is it they can kill millions of people and get away with just a fine.
How do you feel now?
How do you feel as a donor. You who has been supporting cancer research and hoping for a cure for yourself or a loved one. Do you feel deceived, robbed, betrayed. I did. I have lost many friends and family to cancer. But I will never donate to this two headed charity again. The problem is, one head is bigger than the other and is definitely in charge!
Cancer Research UK works with Big Pharma
A very famous actress said “If you lay down with dogs you get up with fleas”. Cancer Research UK are certainly doing exactly that. Unfortunately they have been embraced by the pharmaceuticals. They are being sucked into the realms of their pharmaceutical business models.
Dr Marcia Angell
Dr Marcia Angell was the editor-in-chief of the New England Journal of Medicine for 20 years and says “It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of The New England Journal of Medicine.”
Dr Linus Pauling
Dr. Linus Pauling (1901-1994), was the only person ever to win two unshared Nobel prizes. He received these awards for chemistry in 1954 and for peace in 1962 and was awarded 47 honorary doctorates. He contributed greatly to the development of chemical theories and according to him:
“Everyone should know that most cancer research is largely a fraud and that the major cancer research organisations are derelict in their duties to the people who support them.”
Many people called this eminent nobel prize winner a quack. How dare they! This is a man who had brilliant ideas about possible disease cures. One of them has now been proven to cure terminal swine flu and there is much evidence that cancer can be thwarted with high doses of IV (Intravenous) vitamin C.
“Passing Bus” therapy?
David Gallaher, Principal Advisor to the Health Ministry and Senior Intensive Care Specialist in Auckland, described Allan Smith’s recovery from terminal swine flu, could have been just as likely from a “bus driving by” as the high dose intravenous vitamin C he received. Dr Thomas Levy, a board certified cardiologist and an advocate of vitamin C therapy replied… “perhaps Auckland should build a new hospital directly across from the main bus terminal??”
LET (liposomal encapsulated technology)
There is now also the much more convenient LET (liposomal encapsulated technology). Dr Thomas Levy says it is even more efficent than IV vitamin C. He also had this to say about the medical establishment: “Modern medicine, through the popular press, through the scientific literature, THEY JUST LIE! They lie and they misrepresent and they withhold the truth… I’ll give you the truth”
Vitamin C according to Cancer Research UK
Cancer Research UK says that nothing has happened with vitamin C for 10 years. This is an erroneous statement. Vitamin C has been studied and researched over the past 75 years. In New Zealand, IV vitamin C is a treatment that is registered and approved. Many cancer patients in New Zealand are being treated with IV vitamin C. It is also being used to treat diseases other than cancer.
Professor Anne Thomas
Professor Anne Thomas who is a Cancer Research UK funded scientist at the University of Leicester states with regards to Vitamin C: “If you inject a drug, you generally get the active bit more quickly into the system, but if you’re eating food, or a food supplement, we don’t know how much of that active compound someone is having.” This statment proves she knows nothing about how high dose IV vitamin C treatment is administered. She thinks it is given as a food supplement. She compounds her error with “By injecting a drug, you make the delivery of the active substance more reliable, and bypass the factors that can affect that.” Well let’s put her straight. This is exactly how IV vitamin C is administered. The only difference is, it’s not a drug, there’s no side effects and it’s a natural molecule.
Cancer treated with a carcinogenic!
Professor Thomas obviously knows very little about vitamins, minerals and nutrition and she’s not alone in the medical profession. She also does not know that vitamin C has no known toxic dosage, in patients without preexisting kidney disease. Can you say that about a prescription drug? Chemotherapy side effects make most people feel rotten and includes hair loss, nausea and vomiting, infections, fatigue, mouth ulcers and sores. Not to mention the damage it does to the body and it’s organs. This is apart from the fact that chemotherapy is a carcinogenic. So cancer is being treated with a drug that causes cancer, doesn’t make sense to me. Then CRUK has the gall to insinuate that vitamin C is unsafe saying: “The key thing is we just don’t know if it is safe…” They should know already! Research is supposed to be their field of expertise!
May be beneficial one day?
“This doesn’t mean to say vitamin C won’t be of benefit to some patients one day.” What a vacuous statement. Vitamin C will not change with the passage of time, it is what it is now, a natural nutrient that we all need. So why say it could be of benefit one day. What’s wrong with today!! This vitamin has been researched over a period of 75 years. Isn’t it about time the likes of CRUK recognised it as a valuable treatment? If it’s good enough for New Zealand patients, why not UK patients?
Patients are deterred from any other treatments
Those cancer patients reading the misinformation put out by Cancer Research UK, will be deterred from even looking into alternative treatments. The trusting public believe all the rubbish CRUK is writing. This charity does a really good job of putting off any prospective user of vitamin C and infers they should not even bother trying it.
Vitamin C treatment is just one example

This is a typical response to any prospective natural cancer treatment out there and there are many. Vitamin C is just one. Would it not be better to hit the disease with more than one treatment. Even if you wanted to go down the chemo route, what’s wrong with attacking the disease from all sides. After all, cancer is a disease of the whole body not just one part of it. It makes sense to hit it from all angles.
And if you don’t comply?
If a patient dares to suggest that they want to try alternative treatments, they will likely be met with derision and ridicule. Patients are often bullied into accepting standard treatment and most patients give in. Their families too will try and persuade them to keep the status quo. In some states of the US a child with cancer will be taken from you if you suggest alternative treatments!
Bad advice
Without alternatives, most can look forward to horrible side effects throughout the whole of their treatment. This to hopefully attain a disconsolate lifespan of 5 years if they’re lucky. Advice such as ‘eat as much as you can of cream cakes, chocolate and fattening foods to keep your weight up!’ abounds. It is about the worst advice you can give a patient suffering from any disease, let alone cancer. Why encourage eating sugar, sodas, vegetable oils, chips, sweets, cakes, biscuits and processed foods? What are they thinking!!
Cancer Research UK – their vision
Cancer Research UK’s vision is to “bring forward the day when all cancers are cured.” But wait! There have been many documented cases of cancers that have been cured. This even includes pancreatic cancer which is supposedly the most difficult to treat. Why doesn’t Cancer Research UK acknowledge these cures… Oh yes, I forgot, all these cures are put down to spontaneous remission. This despite cancer sufferers being on a specific alternative treatment instead of the so called ‘gold’ standard protocols.
What to expect if you cure a patient
What can medical practitioners who treat cancers successfully with non standard protocols expect? Accolades, applause, congratulations? No, they can expect an onslaught of abuse, defamation, lambasting and vilification. The pharmaceuticals have powerful lobbying groups. They work tirelessly at manipulating the general public, the government and the media with propaganda and disinformation. Take a look at this video. This optician was struck off for improving the eyesight of brain damaged and autistic patients!!
Stand up for your rights, it’s your body
We the people have to stand up to the government, pharmaceutical, chemical and food industries. Otherwise we will stay in poor mental and physical health due to what we are given to eat, forced to breath in and prescribed to be put into our bodies. All in good faith and with optimism of a cure. What lambs to the slaughter we are!
Forgive me if I have upset you!
I don’t want to upset those who have loyally supported Cancer Research UK but I do think they need to know the truth and in this case the truth hurts, in all senses of the word.
Spread the word!

I appreciate your website so much because of the truth it reveals about the whole cancer thing in terms of treatment, being a farce, lies, and deceit, perputrated on the general public. Pharmaciudical Companies and Medical professionals are solely responsible for this!! I am in agreement with you 100%. But, it’s really no different then the Pharmaciedical companies promotion of opiate drugs and the opiod epidemic the US now faces.
Thank you
Hi there Terry and I quite agree about the serious epidemic of opioid deaths in the US. Again, there has been much misinformation and dubious activities from the pharmaceuticals with regards to these dangerous and addictive drugs. It goes to show that in the realms that they gain their profits from, pharmaceuticals are immoral, unscrupulous, dishonourable, dishonest, fraudulent, corrupt and underhanded in their business practices. Those that choose to be affiliated with them, will likely be tainted with their brush. In the medical and pharmaceutical world, it is unfortunate but true that you can trust none of these institutions and agencies.