Effects of Alzheimer’s Disease
More than 10% of the population over 65 years and 50% over the age of 85 years suffer from Alzheimer’s, but is it Alzheimer’s? It has been estimated that nearly half of people are mis-diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, this information being gained at autopsy.
It could be something else!
Those assumed to have the disease may actually have other forms of dementias caused by simple treatable conditions like dehydration, intoxication from prescription drugs, food allergies, nutrient deficiencies and depression.
What about toxins?
Mercury and aluminium excess in the brain is associated strongly with Alzheimers. Magnesium (Mg) will help detoxify the effects of heavy metals, even ones as poisonous as mercury.
Aluminium can mimic Mg!
If Mg is deficient in the brain, aluminium is able to replace it, mimicking its function and causing harm. This leaves calcium channels open in the brain nerve cells, allowing it to flood in causing cell death.
Mg can help, whatever it is!
From my personal experience, my late Mum was thought to have some type of dementia. After losing Dad, she went downhill fast and started exhibiting all kinds of worrying traits. She was always very astute, intelligent and sharp. She would finish the Daily Telegraph in no time and was quick with mental arithmetic and puzzles.
Mensa member

Mum was a member of Mensa being one of only 3% who had the highest IQs. But now her forgetfulness, confusion and strange behaviour worried the whole family and we came to the conclusion Mum was suffering from some kind of dementia or even Alzheimer’s disease. What we didn’t realise was that she had stopped taking her medication of thyroxin whilst Dad was ill. She was so determined to do the best for him that all her own welfare went out the window and thinking back we realised that she had started having memory problems before Dad actually died.
Stopping thyroid medication can be harmful
If you are on thyroid medication, it is one of those meds. you have to keep taking. If you stop, you are likely to feel OK for a while, then slowly start getting tired and wanting to sleep all the time, losing mental facalties and eventually you could fall into a coma. Once on this drug, you are probably on it for life. You may be able to reduce the dose but you must consult your medical practitioner before changing thyroid medication.
I’ve put this little story in about Mum because there must be many worried relatives who are stressing over a loved one showing signs of dementia, which could instead be what’s known as ‘Pseudodementia’ or even just dehydration and nutrient deficiency.
Losing a life partner
Pseudodementia is where a person gets depressed like my Mum obviously was after losing Dad. After all, she had been with him for over 70 years! Her cognitive impairment was mistaken for dementia. Symptoms include, loss of interest in everything, including hobbies and pastimes, suicidal feelings, withdrawal socially, loss or change of appetite and sleep disorders. Also there will be a difficulty making decisions and thinking clearly, confusion and trouble concentrating.
If only I’d known!
This condition is not permanent if treated for the depression that it is and Mum brightened up when she was lightly medicated for the condition. I do regret, though, not knowing about the benefits of Mg at the time. This would have helped her greatly if we had supplemented her diet.
Mum had typical Mg deficiency symptoms
She always complained of aching legs and back ache, typical Mg deficiency symptoms. She often had head-aches and was always lacking in energy, typical again. The anti-depressant she was prescribed helped her become a happier person but still she suffered with these aches and pains which could have been alleviated with Mg making her later years more comfortable and enjoyable. Mg deficiency often causes depression, another symptom.
Calcium excess?
In the end, she fell and broke her hip; the beginning of the end. Mum died in hospital 2 weeks later. Many older people fall and it is little known that a Mg deficiency can cause dizziness and vertigo apart from muscle loss and weakness and most importantly cardiovascular problems and brittle bones. These problems are often brought about by elderly people having an EXCESS of Ca in their body and too little Mg.
Mg is king!
Mg is the king of minerals, be depleted of this vital mineral at your peril! Mum’s favourite foods were yoghurt, cheese, milk and boxed food. It was all easy to eat and despite being a great cook, she had lost her interest in cooking. The foods she ate were high in Ca but low in Mg. This, I am sure contributed to her many problems and made her later life, especially after Dad died, uncomfortable and miserable.
We should be advised!
We are continually advise to up our Ca intake but this can be bad advice. Many medics know next to nothing about the importance of Mg and its relationship with Ca and they should be checking for Mg deficiency symptoms first.
The obsolete serum Mg test
Even if your doctor does check for Mg levels, it will nearly always be the obsolete serum Mg test which is completely useless and invariably gives out false positives. Because our medical fraternities are stuck in the past and won’t use the more accurate rbc test or even better, the ionized magnesium test, our medics do not get an accurate Mg reading. Consequently most of them think that a Mg deficiency is rare, how wrong they are!
Check the symptoms
As there is decent test available, the next best thing is to check your symptoms which can be many. The most common are muscle spasms, twitches especially around the eyes and on the face, headaches, depression, anxiety, sleep disorders, constipation or digestive problems, dizziness, neck pain and cramps, restless leg syndrome, arrhythmias, high blood pressure… the list is endless.
As we age…
As we age our Mg will decline unless addressed and our Ca will increase. This is fundamental and the elderly, in fact all of us, should be advised to equalize our Ca and Mg intake. Ca without Mg causes untold damage and this simple mineral imbalance can actually be the underlying cause of so many life threatening diseases and inevitably a shortened lifespan. My Dad lived until he was 91. You may think that is a long life but Dad’s father lived to 99 and his Grandfather was 100 and did not succumb to disease but was run over by a tram! Dad also had a miserable existance the last few years of his life. Again, a Mg deficiency was obvious when looking back on his illnesses. Ca : Mg ratio should be 1 : 1.
Mg Chloride
If you have an elderly parent showing symptoms of dementia, please consider helping them with a supplementation of Mg. Using Mg Chloride solution is IMHO the most efficient way of getting Mg into the body because it is immediately bio-available. Mg Chloride can be taken orally or applied topically. If your loved one would prefer, a foot bath with Mg Chloride can be suggested (1 cup of Mg Chloride flakes to approx 5 litres of water, enough to cover the feet and soak for 20 minutes). This should be done as often as possible, once a day would be great but at least 3 times a week would help.
Oral Mg Chloride
By far the most convenient method of supplementation is taking Mg Chloride solution orally. Start by taking ½ teaspoon of Mg Chloride such as ReMag in the US or Ionic Magnesium in the UK, in a glass of 250ml (1 cup) of water and sip it throughout the day. Add a dash of cordial; blackcurrant, lime or strawberry works well but don’t use ‘light’ cordials, no aspartame please! Up the dose slowly. I take 4 doses (2 teaspoons), putting all the doses into a 1 litre jug and taking some regularly throughout the day. The first positive will be a better night’s sleep. Mg deficiency often comes with insomnia, yet another symptom.
If you want to make up your own Mg Chloride you can read how to do it in this article, What Is Magnesium Chloride
Why cordial?
Why the cordial? Mg Chloride has a salty bitter taste and cordial takes it away nicely. I myself don’t mind the taste but it depends on your palate. The older generation are often more stalwart than the youngsters and will not baulk at the taste. Also, taste buds are less sentitive as we age which is a bonus if you have to take something that isn’t the best tasting.
A vital element ignored
Some eminent doctors recognise the importance of this element, but the majority of the medical profession ignore its existance, will never recommend supplementing with it and would prefer to prescribe a drug instead of using it to treat the above serious and sometimes life threatening conditions. What’s more, the majority of medical professionals do not recommend this nutrient to their patients, despite its proven protective capabilities, to avoid the onset of dangerous diseases in later life.
The ignored silver bullet
This is a silver bullet that is being ignored by many, but thankfully not by all of the medical community. Some of our medical doctors who are or have been practicing allopathic medicine have turned to naturopathic treatments. They advocate treating with natural vitamins and minerals in preference to pharmaceutical drugs if they know that the natural treatment is more remedial. They use drugs as a last resort and not in preference to a natural solution.
What doctors are saying:
“It is shocking, frankly, how little people know, how little doctors know, about this vital mineral (magnesium)” – Dr Jay S. Cohen author of “The Magnesium Solution for High Blood Pressure”.
“The link between diabetes mellitus and magnesium deficiency is well known….. diabetes is a magnesium deficiency state”. – Dr Jerry Nadler of the Eastern Virginia Medical School
“Without enough magnesium, cells simply don’t work” – Dr Lawrence Resnick MD, Cornell University.
“If magnesium is deficient, bones are more fragile.” – Bones researcher Katherine Tucker, PhD
“Magnesium has solved more ‘incurable’ and ‘mysterious symptoms’ than any other mineral I have observed in 31 years.” -Dr Sherry Rogers, MD, author of “Depression: Cured at Last”
“Magnesium deficiency can produce symptoms of anxiety or depression, including muscle weakness, fatigue, eye twitches insomnia, anorexia, apathy, apprehension, poor memory, confusion, anger, nervousness and rapid pulse.” – Dr Carolyn Dean MD
Spread the word!

Hi Ches, thank you very much for all the Magnesium Chloride solution information. Learn a lot how to take MgCl and not to take MgOxide. But where to get reliable MgCl solution ?. Rose
Hi Rose, If you’re in the US, your best bet is Dr Carolyn Dean’s ReMag. It is expensive but so is keeping yourself in good health. In the UK though, this supplement is the same in sterling as it is dollars, which makes it very very expensive. That’s why we make our own, which is simpler than you think. As long as you get food grade magnesium chloride powder. Have a look at this article
Great post, and sorry to hear about your mom and know way too many people who have gone through such a horrible debilitating disease that don’t have to. I agree about the lack of magnesium we have in our foods and bodies. It is imperative to take a supplement as I do every evening. My question to you is how many milligrams do you advise is sufficient. I take 500mg but am also healthy, eat clean and stay away from aluminum. Thank you!
Well done Elizabeth for looking after yourself and taking a Mg supplement. Your supplement will serve you better if you split your doses into two or more, otherwise 500mg sounds good to me as long as it’s not Mg oxide which has very low bioavailability and is a serious laxative which will be counter productive. I myself take 600mg of Mg by way of a Mg Chloride solution which I make up myself. (I make up the same strength as ReMag). I put 2 teaspoons of Mg Chloride solution into a l litre jug of water and take it throughout the day. As I used to suffer with insomnia and I don’t want it to return, I take quite a lot of my daily dose in the evening.
Everyone is different and it is a case of knowing your symptoms. If the symptoms you had before taking Mg return, then you know you need to up your dose. If you know you will have a taxing day or will be stressed out, up your dose a little because stress depleats Mg in no time. If you are taking too much at one sitting, then that will likely give the laxative effect. Some Mg supplements are laxative anyway. Mg Chloride is the least laxative of the supplements I have taken and it is 100% bio available. Topical use is a good way of topping up your levels.
I have an aging Mum and I really appreciate this article. I am having my Mum take many vitamins and supplements to include Fish Oil but I never knew the real benefits of Magnesium. I will have to add that to your supplement regimen.
I love the beautiful picture of your Mum by the way. She was gorgeous. I never heard of the term ‘Pseudodementia’ – my Mum recently lost my Dad too – they were married for 46 years. I moved in with my Mum after Dad passed away because it was the right thing to do. And now I am working online so I can be home to help her with everyday things. She does not sleep, even minor things are impossible for her to do, so here I am. Happily taking care of her.
Do you recommend a certain dose of Magnesium for certain age ranges or emotional ups and downs – like if someone is depressed over the loss of a loved one, should they be taking more Mg?
Hi Steph, I’m so sad to hear your Mum’s not very well. It does seem she could be suffering from depression, she has a lot of the symptoms. If that’s the case, her well-being can definately be improved with Mg Chloride. I really feel for you Steph and know what you’re going through. As we get older, we tend to not absorb vitamins and minerals as we did in our younger days. Consequently, it’s nigh on a certainty your Mum has not got enough Mg in her body. The first thing it will do is help her sleep. Mg is the relaxation mineral, it counteracts Ca which is a the contracting mineral. Has your Mum got any back-ache, leg-ache or sciatica symptoms. She may not tell you unless you ask. Trouble is, the older generation are so stalwart, they don’t tend to tell us everything! I would suggest you start off slow with a 1/2 teaspoon dose in a bottle of say 500ml mineral water laced with some cordial and get Mum to drink it during a day. Do that for a couple of days then up the dose to twice a day. She may not notice the salty taste, some older people lose their sense of taste, my Mum had none at all. By the way, one of the best Mg supplements is ReMag. It is expensive, about $30 last time I looked, but well worth it. Best of luck Steph, Ches
Hey there Ches, great info here. I have never heard this explained like that. The picture of the neurons itself is worth a thousand words. It is always good to hear the facts from people who themselves or close family were touched by these circumstances
Thanks for reading the post Elliedan, I’m so please you gained some information from it. All the best, Ches
This was a very interesting read. I was unaware that dementia symptoms could be caused by dehydration or too many prescription pills. A friend’s mother had dementia and they always thought it was brought on by too much medication, because she went into the hospital and when she was released she was never the same. I’m sorry you and your family went through this with your mother. I know it can be a devastating disease. I really enjoyed reading your article.
Hi Brittany and thanks so much for reading the post. It is very traumatic when a loved-one comes down with a serious disease but dementia of any sort can take your relative’s personality and this is the most upsetting symptom of all. The trouble is with prescription drugs, most of them actually bind to Mg and strip it from the body, for want of a better term. If you are under any stress, have to take medication and/or are suffering from an illness, then your Mg levels will suffer and once depleted have trouble repleting. The majority of the population is thought to be deficient to some degree and it’s insidious how it creeps up, most people thinking it’s just old age! It doesn’t have to be the case. All the best to you, Ches